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IliJjEI through m7 wort to-day? I feel miserable, head chy. lired, pain in my back, mj food won't digest, my whole body sccms out of order. We answer that it la no wonder you are in such a broken down condition, and you win keep setting worse unica roncan cure your LIVEK. This important organ la out of order and you must cure it by promptly using those never iaUinBHBlMBHBBBHB Dr. C, McLane'sCelebrated Liver Pilis. Ihey rlll restore you and give vigor and health to rour Tfhole Bystem, making you strong and wolL Dnly25 cents a box, and theymaysayo your liie. tak your druggist fortho genuino 3Dr. G. r.ToLARrE'8 ÜELEBRA TEDLIVËR PULS .f-MADE BY - FLEMING BROS., Piffsburgh, Pa. SJ-Loot out for Coükterfeits made in St Louij. w " IVOBYPmSH FToERETa.B' 1 PERFUMES THE BREATH. ICARTER'SI CURE Bick neadafthe and rolfovoall thotronbles Incident Xo a bilious stutü of tho systomeuch aa li.7.incss, Nausea, Drowsinoss, Dist res u nitor eatiug. Paic iu tbo Shlo, A:c. Whilo tliuirmoet reniarkablo euccoes has boen showu in curiiig SICK Tloaclaclio, yct Cartor'a Liítlo LIver Pilla ara ctjually valuabloinCoiistipution, curingdiidpro vinitiug thisannoyinfiCoEjplaint,whilEi they alao correct all disorders ofthostoinacii.stiraulate tho liver and reguüto tho bowols. Even if tUey only HEAD Acho they wonld bo almos tpriceloss to thoao who auffor f rum this dinirasing complaint; brft t ortunatoly Iheirgooduesedocs notend ht-ro.and those whooncotry thora will flnd theso üttlo pillsvalulible In soraany waya that they will not bo willing todo without thi-iu. But afteralleick head ACHE Is tho bano of eo many livca that hero ia whero we mako out great boost. Our pilla curo it whilo others do not. Cartera Little Livor Pilis aro very Binall and vcry caay to t&ke. Ono or two pilla mako a doso. They are stricíly vogotable and do uot gripe or purge, butby their gentío action ploaaoall who osethezn. Invialaat25cenia; fivofor$l. Sold by druggista everywhore, or sent by raaiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICE If You Have G0N8UMPTI0N COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting of Flash. Of any Dtseirse tvliere the Thre&t and I.ung are Inflatncd, Lacle of Strength or Kerv Towcr, fou can be rclicved and Curcd by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE COD L1VER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATASLE AS MILK. AtTc for Scotl't EmuUlon, and let no exptanation or tollcitation induce you to accept a tubstitute, Sold by al ■--tjglsts. 8COTT öOWNE.ChomlaiB, ..-". SCVEH SEVEM7CEM CVCNTV To euro Biliousnoss, Sick Headacho, Constipalion, Malaria, Livcr Complaints, tako tho safe and certain remcdy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Vae the SJIAM, Size (401ittlcBeansto tho bOttlC). ÏHEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Suitablo lor %1X Ages. Price of citlicr size, 25c. per Bottle. LINI iïAT'"ll"U PANEL BIZE. Bm IVUIiiy;i::.l for I cU. oppora or stamp. J.F.SMITH&Ca.Mkcrsof"BILEBEAN3,'ST.lOUIS MO. Knbber Shoee nnloun wom nncomfortably ttebt. generalij illp off tho foet THE "COLCHESTEE" BUBBER CO. make all theb shoes wlth imido or hooi Hned wlth rubber Thu cUnira to ttae ttaoo and prevenu tbe robber trom lipping off. CaU for the "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOU SAL.E BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A, D.SEYLER &SON. kTXVt ARBOR. Mortgagc Sale. DEí'AULT 11AVINC1 BEKN MADE IN THE condilioDP of a certain mort;age executcd hy Uhancey W. Rlt-gs to RowBa Kiggs, dated the 9th day of Fcbruary, A. D. 188U} and recorded in the ofllce of the Register of Decds for the (Joui.ty "I Wasbtenaw mid State of Michigan, on tbe 8th day of üctober, 1880, in Liber 53 of MorigaEcs on page 052, and w hich aald mnrtgage wah duly aeBtgned by deed of aesinment, bv tbe aaid Rowana RigííH, mortgagee, to Clara II. Kiggs, jn the 18th day of April, ]8S5, whlch eald ascigoment of mid mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deed in pald County of Wasbtenaw, and State of Michigan In Liber S of Asiignmcnt of Mortgagep, on page 472. by which aaid defauU tbe power of sale contained in eaid mortgage bas becomc operatlveand nosuit or proccedingi, in law orequity, having been iDKtituted to recover tbe debt fiecured by said mortgagc, or auy part thereof, ar.d the eum of $275.00, at tbe date of tlil noticfl, beinir clulmcd to be due on eaid mortgnge, notice ia tberefore hereby given that said mortgage will be forcclosed, by a eale of the raortgased premiaes therein deecrlbed, or eotne part tbercof, and that the premieea are degcribed in aaid mortgage aa fullows, to-wit: AH tha. ctTtain icce or parcel of land situatcd tn tbc Townehlp of Sylvan in the County of Wasbtenaw and State of Ai iehigan, and descrlbed aa followa, to-wlt: 'lln: wniuteast quarler (i) of the south-cast quarter of eection thirty-one in township number two gouth in range three east, at public vendne on the 15th day of May, 1890, at noon oí said day, nt the north front door of the Court Houpc in tbe City of Ann Arbor, in nald County; That belng the place of holding the C'ircnit Court In saín County. Dated Feb. Ilth, 1895. CLARA II. RIGCiS, A. .T. Sawteb, for the Mortgagee, Att'j for Asslgnoe. Ruwana Riges. The above snle was adjourned from May 10lh to May 31at, at the smnc place and time of day. CllAHL DïWEK, Sheriff. Datcd , Ann Arbor, May 18, 1880. Pear's SoAPsecuresa benutlful complexión. SfUSH 'UB BsSéI H E e same firHl Whicll NEW i31 ycars ago comUIQDSTnD Plctdy revolntionViUKAIUH. iAil the Tlll,,sljing - Machine tni(k by ihvènlitog a ncAv tui: c NEW lTll;(lshi"íí Macl.ine, _so mu(.i, betto VIBRATOR, thanany machine beforo known, that all ILchuildei-softhe old THE stylo Thi-eshing MaNEW cliincs stopped m-ikVIBRATOR inS tll0m and copied the new machine as - closoly asthcy dared _j,_ - have iiow made anNEW !Cr advance, and . _ in Ihcir New VibraVluKAiun. tor present fi Thresh_. ingMachino containing enlirely new feaTHE tures in soparation NEW and cleaning, which VIBRATOR. Placeifcafl frailead of any other as the - old Vibrator was THE aliead of the "EndNE w less APrcu" mai chinos. Every FaranVIBRATOR. w and Tlirreliernian should af once get full informaüon reTH E garding the NEW me ia, VIBRATOR, which u will be sent Freo on VIdRATOK. application to


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Ann Arbor Courier