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Epitome Of The Week

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Tuk Si'iKito on tbc l.'Hh non concurred in the House mb.stitute for the Senate dependent pension bill. and u eonfcrenoê m iisked. The silver biü was taken tip anü Mr. Jones (Nev.) concludcd his speech in favor of freo coinage In the House the l'ill authorizlng a company to bepin work of constructing the tunnel iiuder tho Detroit rivor tor the use of railroads was iavbrabljr reported. Tho tariff mcasure was further discussed. O.v the 14th a blU was reported favorably In the Senate to subject importeil liquors to the provisionsof the laws of the several States. A bilí was Introduced to establish a Unlverslty of the United Stiltes at Washington. The nonv ination of GcorRe W. Steéle, of Indiana, to bo Governor of Oklahoma. was conflrmed . . . .In the House the turiff bill was discusscd, sixtcen of the 158 pagos havius thus fr been conslde red. In the Senate on the l.'th the bill for the sale of tlmber on the Menomonpe Indian reservatlon was passed and the silver bill was further dis cussed In the House the tarift bill was again considered, and a resolution to take avote on the measuie on tho Sist was adopted. A bill was introduced to oniend the contract labor law so that violations shall be punlshable by a flne of not less than $500 and by impri.sonment for not less than six months. At the evening session 139 pension bilis were passed. The silver bill was further discussed in the Senate on the KHh.ahd the House amendment to theanti-trust bill was reported In the House the Senate bill was passod authortzing the reglstration of census mal] matter. The tariff bill was discussed. At the cvening session eightyone private pension bilis were passed. . DOMESTIC. WSSto Fi.ameí on the lSth burned out a number of business places at Hot Springs, Ark. EvKitY Stato in tho Union was ropresented on the 18th at the National convention of the Knights of Honor which mot in Dotroitfora ton days' session. On the morning of the 13th Swayzee (Ind.) people found the gröund covered with shiners and sunfish which had been left thers by tho storm of the ürovious night. Thero is no creek or other body of water nithln fotir miles of the place. A fiiík on the ISfch at Ashley, Pa., destroyed five business buildings and a half dozen lionses. The water in tho lirazosriver at Richmond and Columbia, Tex., was on the llJth highcr tban ovor knownbefore, and railway tracks wcro fivo feot under water. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Xational Temporáneo Society and Publication House was held in Now York on tho 13th, and T. L. Cuyler., D. D., was chosen president. General Bes Butler on the I3th wroto to Attoinoy Jloses Salomón, of counsel for the Chicago Anarchists, stating that he was of tho opinión that Fielden, Schwab and Necbe, who ara now in the peni ten tiary, can bo releasod on writs of habeas corpus, because the forms of law were not complied with in their cases. THE Plattsburg Bank of Plattsburjr, Mo., closed its doorson the 18th. Liabilities, $50,003. The Hotolmen"s Mutual Benefit Association held its animal meeting at Boston on tho i;;th and electod James H. Breslin, of New York, president Two Momios elders who had been preaching at Vcrnon, Fla., inducodeight young women to join them as converts. On the way to tho Mormon camp on the 13th the party was overtukon by friends and relativos of tho deluded wOmen, and the two elders were seized, stripped, lied to trees and soundly whipped. An almost total suspension of business was reportod at Warren, Ind., on the 18th, on account of the boycott brouglit against tlie inerchañts of that place by tlie Kar uiers' Allianco. The thirty-seventh National convention of tho Ancient Ordor of llibernians convened a Hartford, Conn., on the 13th. Myrt Os oi woiiii-i, rusemblin the armj worm, were on tho 13th devastatuig tho grass fields in Lancaster County; Pa. A SCUOOL-liOOK trust of four bi(f firms that control the publication of more than ri5 per cent. of tho school puhlications of tho Unito.d States was formed at Boston on the 14th. The National Conforence of Charities and Corroctions comtnenced its annual session at Baltimore on the I4th. The Nobraska Ministerial Association, in session at Lincoln on the 14th, adopted a memorial to Congress asking for the passage of an act to overeóme the effect of the original package decisión. The suspension of J. E. Reynolds, a New York broker, was announced on the 14th, with liabüities of $300,000. Tiie general convention of the Order of Railway Conductors in session on the 14th at Rochester, N. Y., decidod to elimínate from their constitution the clause prohi'jiting1 strikes. Fiue on tho 18tb at Auburn, Neb., destroyed almost all of the business portion of tho town. The loss was $100,000, with little insurance.


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