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Shoes -remtfly .Tï FARGO'S Y5 $ f "Box Tip" School Shoes %%U for Boys and Girls, ft v-eV Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ë SAi&& Sizes-8tol054 1.35 IL "OJrtST Htol3!4 1.50 ÉÖfei !Ls lto3 1-ï5 BiPmm1 sy, to r.'-j soo iflT FARCO'S )1I V $2.50 Oalf Shoe Eavv for Gentlemen, LUAi TS-y 7. L'nequaled by any shoo YÊ& F CBiTStT' ' " n Ameiica at the fuiuio H?ïtftaMUt ,'pi re. In i'otmri'Hs, Hul WfcX-J üyí ton and Luce. Mcu'bwkI Boy' sizes. CtH FARGO'S fl $2.50 LADIES' BOOT o? v "ongola or Goat, Button, i 9v?O v Opera, or Common Sensof fkt[(%&9 . Tackles.s and Flexible. t"'tiiiSaïi Wirranted the most OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. t,3;01"" d'cr f(jr ï'iireo' Shoc. If be dota not K) tli.'in si-nd to us and w8 wlU f urnioh vou a liir uu roeet ot pn,-c. snri postal for descriptivo It. O. H. FAEGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOR. Insurance, Real Estáte and Loan Agency OF HAMILT0N_& GREEN. OPPICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK 1'ütST II, OOK. Partlps deslrlng to buy or solí Heal Estáte A'illflndll to thelr advantage to culi on us. We represent the following ilrst-clnss Flre [tiHtirauce CorapriniOH. havlng uiui aggregate capital of over tS.ÜOO.UOO : The Grand Kapida Vlrei In. Co., liie l'iio liuiiuTs" )iih, '"., (IiiHurcs onïy il vl 1 i njis), The (irrnm lim. Co.t Pcople'H l'irc lus. ii , The ('ltlzcn'H Vire lim. 'o., Pile Ins. '., The 'Iil wiinlii r Tli-i'liuiiirs1 l'iii' In-. Co., Plie New II ampsliii'o B'iri' Ihm. Co., The Xorilm . -l in Flre Ins. Co. . Kates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and ' jiiiil promptly. We also i.ssui1 Life nnd tnvest ment Polic'ep n the Conn. Mutual I.lfe Insurance Coraniny. ABKi-ts $r5,0O0,0OD. Persons deslrlng Vccldent Insurance, can have yearly Pollcles vrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon . nee Tickets Issued at low rules In tlieSianard Accident Insurance Company of Derolt, Mlh. Minu'V to loan at current ratos. Xïice hours from 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 .m. HAMILTON & CREEN. Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 1S90. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.M. A.K.ÍP.M P.M. P. M. P.M. A.M. P. M ClToLt 7 05 9 0012 2) 3 10 9 00 10 10 4 50 Kaln'no 11 4! 2 17 3 05 7 00 1 18 3 3 7 10 Jacks' n 3 00 4 20 5 30 S 47 3 35 6 05 5 00 ti 40 Chelsca 4 02 7 07 543 Dexter.. 4 18 723 556 P. M.P. M. P.M. P. M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.H. AnnA'r 4 451 5 3 6 2l 945 45) 7 45 614 110) Yptli' tf 5 02 5 47 9 50 5 lí 8 05 6 28 11 13 V't;Jc. 527 833 l 49 Dc'l At 0 15 6 45 7 30 10 45 2 9 20 7 30 12 10 I DETHOIT TO CniCAGO. A.M. A.M P. M.IP.M. , M. P.M. P.M. Detroit.. ..Lv 'IO'i 7 50 120 4 45 9 25 15 555 I WayneJaDC. 1000 9 54 38 YpaUaDtt.... W22 8 4-i 2 05 5 47. ... 1015 7 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.IP.M. ! AnnArbor... 10 37 8 55 217 558 10 19 10 S0 7 1G Dexter 110 7 S5 Cheluea 1113 7 48 Jackson 1155 1000 3 17 855 1115 1145 8 30 Kalamazoo.. 2 33 12 12 5 02 9 30 1255 2 17 6 00 Cb)eago...Ar 7 5ó i 15 9 0iJ 4 5'J 8 05 1180 O. W. RÜOGLBS, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Aüent, Cblcazo. Aitt.. Aon Atbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor L Korth Michigan Kallway. TIME SCHBDULB. 'l'nkiiisefl'eot November SSth, 1889. Trains rnn by Standard Time. Ooing NñHh. f I ? STATIONS. 11 & T. M. A. M. f . M. F. H. 3 25 6 00 Lv Tolodo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 6 47 üuodee J0 18 12 20 4 35 7 Oí Milán 9 5ti 12 04 4 46 7 16 Urania 9 45 1162 ■I M 7 22 Pittefielll 9 34 1142 5 07 7 31 Aun Arbor 9 22IU30 5 3i 7 50 Lelani 9 07ll 15 5 47 8(15 Whitraore Lako 8 55 11 02 6 2-t 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 7)5 9 35 Durand 7 10 9 35 T55 IÖ5al Kat Snginaw...77!7 5 55 TÏS "ffüöïo 10I owosso . .7777 t as os 9 07111 4."l Ithai-a 5 32 7 50 10 15 12 45 Mt. Pleasant 4 35 8 45 .... 30 Cadillac 0 80 .... 4 41 Copmlsh 9 05 .... 5 40 Ar Ffáukfart Lv 7 50 r. m. r. M.l a. m. k. v. Ooing South. Soutli Lyon Brancii. NOBTIl BOUN1). STATIONS. eOl'Tll BODND. Tralu 18 Traln 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 B 40 Wordens 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASnLEY, General MuiaffPr. A. J. I'AISLEY, (iKO. 11. HAZI.BWOOI), 3n'L Pai. & Ticket Atruut. Local Autnt I THIS PAPER MSr. 1 niv ■ til IbII kowell Coa Kcwspaper Advcrtlslng Barcaa (10 Spruce tUlngcontractsmay Mfc W YIIkK ' MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Tour Trip por Wooi Botweon DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Isrnace, Chboytrn, Alpena, Harrlivllle. Oseoda, sncl Bcich, Port Hurou. 8t. Clair, Oaki t:iu Houao, Marino Cily, Every West Day BMwèra DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July Bad August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Rfttofl and Exourtiou Tickets will bo furuishei by your Ticket Ajjent , or addreso E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pat!. gnt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. Chanocry Jioticc. STATE OF MIOHIGAK, the Circuit Courl for the ('onniy of Waahtenaw. lu Chano rv. In Ihc matter ol the npplication of Ihe Toleilo.Ann Arbor & North Michiuan Katlway Company, to abandon a portion of lts llue iu Countica of W'ashtenaw mul Oakland. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & N'orth Michigan Kuil. way Company. on Ihe lstb day of April, 1890, tl' il ] 'ts petltion in the Circuit Coiirt fcr the Connty of Wnshtonnw in thancery. eeekin' to lake up.abaui don and ccaae to operftt f" murta of its said ruil' wav as exteuds trom Leland's Biatlon in the ('onniy of Watermw. to the rUlflffCOfSODtb Lyoti ; in the County ot Osklcnd; Ihe aald petitlon ron. tain? Uk; folfowlDg prnyer for relier, viz.: "Yoar petltloner therefore iira? thnt a dectie of ihis 1 conrt may he entired, iinthortzinï it to abandon , the said line of raiiway, and takt: up, abandon and ccawe the operatiou 'ir its sald irack tlierein, and I take up the rails, tien, eta'ion houeef1, abandon stations, and close up the station tioueen therein, and withdruw the aeents Iherefrotn, and rt move al] ; the property appertiiniui; to the said branch line as provWed by tbe statutt applicable to snch cafe; and in further accordance with the gtiiil Btatate, your petitioner priiys tb!.t the cltation of the Commigaioner of Railroada as a party to this Droceeditii; may be bad ; and notice 01 tlit; p ti dency of theae proceedinss be glven by publlcai tlon as requircd by law: and y: ur pctttlont-r Turthiir prays lor such other relief 8s may jitst anrl equltable in tlie premWs.1' Therefore notice fs henby given that aaid petition ia pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtciiaw, in Chancery, and that aty citi.en intereted, elther in person or by attorney, i entitled to appear aDd be heard u oppotition to i the Krantlnjrot aid peiition. I Datcd April 18t!i,lMKI. HUNTSBERGKR & ASIIJ.KY, Solicitors lor pelitiouer. A. J.SAWYER, of Counael. GET THE BEST F1RE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secarity held for the protection of the policy holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followlng first-classcompanlep.of whlch one, the iEtna, has alone paid iöö.ütfO.OOü lire losses in slxty-flve yeara : iEtna, of Hartford $ y,192,ül4 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,118,71:1 Germania, N. Y 2,700. 738 Germán American, N. Y 4,065, %8 London Assurance, London.. . 1,410,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 2sS7,OS N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,676 National, Hartford 1,774,508 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759, 03(i I.osses liberally adjusted and promptly paM. Policies ssued at tlie lowest rates of premium. UWtf Jerome Fresman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOP BATÍ ROOMS. GDQD IWM ui E BATES ! Estale or David Eaton. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Washtenaw es. At a flcsslon of the Probate Conrt for thc Cou.'.y ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlcc, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the twi'iity eighth day of Apri], in the year one thousaud eiuht hnndred and mncty. Present, J. Wlllard Bubbitt, Judge of Probnte. In the matter of thc cítate of David Falon deceased. Peter Cook. adininlstrator with Hie will anuexed of said deceased, ceníes luto couit and reprei-ents, that he is now prepare i to runder hit nmil acconntas such administraior. Ttiereupon lt is ordered, tuut Fridr-y, the twenty-third day of May next, ut 10 o'clock in the t'orenoon, beassigncd lor examininir and alk.wing: euch account and that the deviees, legatoea a i. d at lawof said deceaaed, and all other persona interested in said estáte, are requircd tu appear at a seesion of paid Court, then to l)i holden at the Probate Ofllce, ín the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account shonld not be allowed:Andit is fnrther ordered, that naid admiiietrator give notice to the persons interested in i-aid estóte.ol thependencyof aaidaccount.and the boaiing thereel, by cauwiug a copy of ibis order to be publixhed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a aewspapar printed and circulaïed in said connty, three enccessive weeks previous to uld day or hearing. (Atruecopy.) J. WILLAKD BABBITI', Judíre oí l'robate. WM, Q. DOTY, Probate Register. Estáte of Tln.oth K. Ainsden. STATK OF MICU1GAN, Coanty of Washtenaw ss. At a seesion oi the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the flrst day of May, in tiie year one thousand eiht hundred and ninety. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judxe of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Timothy H. Anuden deccased. Gcorge S. Wheeler, execuïor of the laet will and testament of said deceaued, comes into court and representa that bc is now Drepared to render liis linal account as such executur. Therenpon it is ordered, that Tncsday, the thiid day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assined for examfnin and allowing such account and that thc devieees, legatecs and hfíirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons intereated in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said Court,then tobe holden at the bate Office id tbecity of AnnArbor, in said couuty, aud ihow canse, if any there be, why the eaid account should not be allowed. And it la fnrthcr ordered that said ciecutor give notice to the persons interested in uald eetatt', OÍ the pendency of euid account and the hearing thereof, by causin? a copy of Ihls order to be pubIfehed ín the Ann Aruor Courierta newgpapcr printed and circu latina in eaid county, three u(■ceusive weeks prvious to eafd diiy of heariufir. (A trae copy.) J. VVILLAKD BABBITT, Judtfc oí Probatt'. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Résister. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main Sí., Ann Arbor. The oUlest agency lu the city. Kstabllshed over a quarter of a ceutury ago. Rprexeutlng tbe foflowiug tirst-class cumpauies, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Asscts. HOME IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New Yovk. NIÁGARA INS. 00.. of New York. OIRARD INS. CO., of PhHadelphla ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Loudon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON aud GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIKE am! MARINE, of Boston. Ratea Lo w as tlie Lowest, Los-cs Liber nlly Atljustcil and promptlj l'aid. C. H. MILLEN.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier