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The Milán blgb school h is two base ball nines. Hereafter Dexter butchers wil! run delivery wagons. The Manchester boys are shooting sparrows at a lively rate. Ira Backus of Webster s to build the iargest baru in that township. Clifford Bassett has returned to Saline frora a trip west, satisfied witli Michigau. Are the people of Dexter going to celébrate July 4th ?- Dexter Leader. Give it up. Albert Palmer, of Kansas, has been visIting Iiis old home at Bridgewater for a few days. The M. E. churoh at South Lyon haa ;horourhly renovated and cleaned by the lady members. The Dexter Leader finds faulljwith the city marshal. How would the Leader acribe like the position? Supervisor Brockaw : "13 that your dog?" Tax payer: "Nop," haven't got any dog. - Pinckney Dispatch. The beautiful little city of Ann Arbor will have street cars running before September Ist. - Pinckney Dispatch. A telegraph and switch statiou is now ocated west of the crossing on the Dexter rond. West Dexter, eb? - Leader. Elidía Loomis, of Ypsilanti, will furnUh the necessary statistici for the goveminent census from the county house. New seats have been put in at the Sntlierland district school house to aecomodate the locreased nunber of chlldrtn. Bishop Ppley ofliei:ited at St. Patrlck'a church in this place Sunday and Si) canlidates receivcd the holy rite. - Brighton CMtizen. Oats and barley are lookinij well, Krass s growing finely and whent looks be.ter han wc expected to see lt. - Manchester Enterprise. The Germán WorkinjTinen of Manchester have been üxing up thelr jrove and will hold n celebration tbere on July 4th. "The Turn of the Tlde," will not be urned at Milan. The tied may take a turn though, you can't most always somctimcs teil. J. VV. Patcliin hns left Manchester, and will practice hls profession hereafter in tlie thrifty and growing reigon of the upper península. Rev. Pope has preached two years and eijilit months at the Irwin school house, nul lias but once preacbed to a congregation numberinK less than G5 persons. An order for fancy esrgs was this weck receivcd from New York City and auotlierfrom California. From tlie Atlantic to the Pacific Is Michipran poultry farm becoming knowu. - Saline Observcr. A correspondent wrltes: "What sliall we tiike for luncheon to the Patron's picnic? is the question before the American citizens of Milán at present:" Take pomething to ent, by all nieiins. - Milán Leader. Our vilhige is outof debt and hassoine raoney in the treasury, notwithstandlng a $3,000 engine house and an $800 vault havlng been built and paid for within tüe past two years. A good sbowlng.- Saline Observer. A Lodi sportsman (?) killed a lot of turne lucks belonging to a widow lady of that township recently under the inipression that he was banging awny at canvas backs. He is evidently lame on bis knowledge of ducks. Cut this out and paste it op: Two quarts of wood ashcs enclosed in a cotton bag and suspended in your cistern will deodorize and keep the water sweet durnjt the hot weather. This is suffiuient tor a forty barrel cUtern. Try lt. Robert Enstlick has a queer hen; nt least she lays queer eggs. 81ie !aid one the other day that was s!ia[ed like a gourd and Robert brought it to Hilan yesterday moraing to show to the nat i ves; it is ïiow on exhibitiou at this office. - Leader. A new and sure cure for stammerni; is saiil to be this: Let the stauiinerer not speak a word for ten days. Tlien ltt hini resume speech, but only in a wliisper, for ten days more, at the end of whic'i time he will be cured - If the remedy works. - i'lymouth Mail. Sanilac county has a school district witli only one lainily in it. The homesteader built a school homp, titxed the non-resident land holders for 9 montus school eacli year, elected his wife teacher, himself and son director, and proceeded to business - Ex. Every bieyclist in Ypsilanti is very coi dially invited to join tlie club run on Friday, Mav 80. It is to be a unión affaii-, the Ypsilanti and Ann Albor clubs joining. Probably about l"0 lady and gentlemen bicyclists will particípate.- Ypsilanti Commercial. Tlie Young Men's Christian Assoclation meeting lust Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by over 100 young men, and still there is room for more. A cordial iuvitation is extended to all men to come and see what is beiug done. You are always welcome.- Ypsilanti Commercial. Parents, how many visits have you made to the school room this spring? By all means dou't fail to atlend to this important matter. Your visits are of incalculable benefit to both teachers and pupils, as it niukes them feel you have an Interest in their work. - Brighton Citizen. Frank Howard was so overeóme witli grief at the shocking death of his lHtk1 son, Jakie, that he has since beeu in a condition verging on insanity, refusing food and seemlnjfly not even reallzing that the boy was dead. At his writing he is reported somewhat better.- Sa int Observer. Qirls read this, learn to swim and proflt thereby: "Charles Lañe, a Ithode Island man took his girl out for a walk and whlle golng over a bridge he askei.! her to marr.v him. SUe refused, and he threw her off tlie bridge and rui away, but she swam to shore and had the fun of 8eeing him go to tUe state priton for n year. Mr. J. S. Wood, of Lodi, was list week the recipiënt of a flne ten-pound carp, sent him by a HUIsdale friend. Mr Wood was one of the many who laughec' at the IIlHsilale man when he "planted" them four years years ago, and he took this agreeable way of conviciug Mr. V tliat the laugh was now on liis eide.- Saline Observer. Dogs made sad havock in a flock of sheep on the Bates farm, manaffed liy Geo. Kelley, Saturday night, killins? six and badly injuring a number of others. Geo. has been camping on the trail of canlnes known tohave predatory habits this week and it is safe to say that some dog owners in this locality will be poorer sy a number of $$ before afluirá are settled. - Dexter Leader. The joint meeting of the Noryell and Southern Washtenaw farmers' clubs with L. D. WatkiiiB will be held at Fairview on Saturday May 31st at 10 a. m. Reciations will be glvon by Misses Mand Lapham and Sadie Fay, and essays by Misses Annetta Engliih and Anule Palner. Robert Gibbons of the Michigan Farmer will read a paper on "The future of Agriculture, " whiclï will be open for discussion. Mrs. Johnson, "Beatrix1' of ;he Household, will furnisli a paper on 'Wiiat a mother can do for her sons." - Enterprise. Besldes Michigan there are only two )ther states that have y et declared open ïostllity agalnst the EDglish sparrow. Already the benefit of our law is seen iu be partlal return of tb songsters of other daj'S. The three cent bounty is thining them out soinewhat, but from au inability to distinguish thein, many )ther birds that we would protect are )eing killed for the sparrow. It Is Baid, jy 4iigh authority, that, if uninolested the ro;;ei)y of one pair of English spnrrows, n ten years would number 275,710,983,(98, or more than löO times as many as there are human beings on the earth. -


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Ann Arbor Courier