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The Liver AVhen out of order, involvea eyery organ of the body. Remedies for gome other tlerangement are frequently taken without the least effect, beeauae it s the IWer whlch is the real soiirce of the trouble, and imtil that is set right there oan be no bealtb, strength, or comfort in any part of the system. Mercury, In some (arm, is a common speclftc forasluggisli Uver ; luit a (ar s;iier and more effective medlolBe Is Ayer's Piils. For loss of appetlte, bilious troubles, constlpatlon, Indigestión, anti sick headache, these i'iils are unsnrpassed. " For a long time I was a sufferer from stomaeli, livor, and kidney tronbles, experienclng mnch dlfflcolty in digestión, with gevere ]ains in the lumbar región and other paria ui the body. jSaviiig tried a variety of remedies, Includlng warm liatlis, with ouiy temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer's l'ills, and my liealth is so much iniproved that I gladly testify to the superior meiits of this medicine." - Manoel Jorge rereira, Porto, Portugal. For the ure of headache, Ayer's Cathartie l'ills are the most effective medicine I ever used."- B. K. Jamea, Dorehester, Mass. "When I feel theneedof aeathartie, 1 take vr's l'ills, and find them to be more effeetlve tlian any other pill I ever took."- Mrs. B. C Grubb, Burwellvllle, Va. ' I have foiinil in Ayer's l'ills. au invahiable remedy (oroonstlpaUon, bllioosness, and klndred disorders, peculiar to miasmatlc localltles, Taken in small and frequent . these Pilla Act Well on the liver, restoring ite natura) powers, and alding it In throwing iï malaria] polsons." - ('. F. Alston, Qultinan, Texas. "Whenever i &m troubled with eonstipation, or suffer from 1 sof appetlte, Ayer's l'ills set me rlght llgaín."- A. J. Kiser, Jr., Bock House, a. ' In 1858, by the advlce of a friend, I began tlie use of Ayer's ï'iiis as a remedy for billousness, oonstipaüon, high fevers, and colds. They served me better than anything 1 had previously tiied, and I have used tliem inattacks of that sort ever since." - II. W. Hersfi, Judsoula, Ark, ♦ Ayer's Pilis, ■ . i i-.v DR. J. G. AYER & CO., Loweii, Mass. Bold and Dtalcrs io Medicino. J. J. GOODYEAR NO. :,H. MAIN S. 4 9 ajj 5 '■ DRUGGIST lt wlll bo to your advantnge to cali upon liln bcfore purchaslng D(RÜGS, CHEMICALS, MEQICIUES. PRESCRIPTIONS ! aecurately and carefully prepared by the most competent Pharinaclsts. TIte flnent line of good in all depart inrnt m, to be found in a Ama store. TOILET SOAP GIVEN AWAY FOB THE NEXT 90 DAYS Tothose uslns OUR SOAP and bring Insr '25 Gold or Silrcr Block Wrappers to the factory, Corner Main and Madisou strects, wlll be given 25 ets. Worth OF OUR ELEGANT TOILET SOUP Witli 13 varietlcs to select from. Don't mlstake us for otlicr soap factorles. Olí: (JOODS are plainly stampcd. PENINSULAR SOAP CO., April 9, '90. Ann Arbor, Micli. HmmTEBM! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any. stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this u,seful invention. HTJTZBL &c CO, Humbers and Ste, m. liters. ANN AltBOIt, - - MICH W. F, LODHQLZ IS OFFEREiG BARGAINS mm AOT JWISIS LOOK AT THEM 5 lb. Ki)OD JAPAN TEA Sl.OO 7 Bars LWNDBY SOAP 5 tusl' MK'll.TESTOIL, pergal. 07 ItEST WATEK WHITE, O8 -t :uii noici: Tun.iTUES M 3 Cana CHOICE K)lt 25 ÏKLLOW I'i:AIIKS, tvurtli . per Can, lor 1H PIK FUACHE8, per Can 15 MK, IIIXIÍI IIIIASIIII COKVEE, per lb 23 OCR BEAUTY" SHOKIMi TOBACCO, per lb ZO Itr.ST BAKIIVG POWDEB, in 1 Ib. Can, per lb 25 9IIXED CANDY, per lb 10 ALL Q00D5 FRESB AKS WA&&AKTED ! - IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -ör W. F. LODHOLZ, I.UI BROAUWAT, A AKBOR. 15%


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