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0:i Montlay nexr, June 2d, the various enumeratora aiuointed to takethc census will commeni'e tlieir work. Tliey will each llave 30 davs in which to complete theirlabors, aml the quwtions to be aakid in ciicli case are uut a few. In order tliüt. OOI readers raay know the questlous necessary to be answered we ptibiish them in f uil as follows : 1. ('luist!. ui name In ful i, and inltlal of middle name. Surtíame. 2. Whether a soldier, saüor or marine during the clvtl war (U. 8. or Couf.), or wlduw of such person. 3. Ki'lul (iiiHlilp to head of famlly. 4. Whether white, black, mnlatto, quadr i. octoroon, Chinese, Japanese, or ludlun. 5. Sex. 6. Age at nearest blrthday. If under one year, glve age In months. 7. Whether single, marrled, wlddowed, or dlvorced. 8. Whether marrled during tlie census year (June 1, 1889, to May 31, 1890.) 9. Menner of howinany chlldren, and numof these chlldren now living. 10. Place of blrth. 11. Place of blrlh of father. VI. Place of hlrth of mother. 18. NiiiiiImt of years lu the United States. 11. VVhether naturalized. 15. Wheiher naturallzallon papers are taken out. Ui. Professlon, trade or occupatlon. 17. Monlln unemployed during the census year (Jane 1. 1889 to Muy 31, 1890.) 18. Attetidauce at kcIiooL (In months) durliiK the census year (June 1, ÏKSU to M iy 31 ÏS'.U.) 19. Able to red. 21). Abletowrlte. 21. Able tospeiik English. Ifnot, tbelan guage or dialect snoken. 22. Whether sortering from acute or chronic disease, wlth name of disease ani leiiKtli of time affllcted. 23. Wbether defectivo In mimi, sight hearing, or speech, or whether crlppled, malmed or deformed, wlth name of defect. 24. Whether a prlsoner, convlct, homeless chlld, or pauper. 2. Supplemental schedule and page. 26. Is the home you live In hl red', or Is It owned by the houd or by a member of the fumilj? 27. If owned by head or member of famlly Is the home free from mortgage lucum brance? 23. If the head of famlly Is a farmer, Is the farm whlch he cultlvates hlred, or Is it owned by hl in or by a member of the famllyr 2si. If owned by head or member of famlly Is the farm free from mortgage lncumbrance 3). If the home or farm Ts owned by In-m or member of famlly, and mortgaged, give the postofflee address of owner. The Inquirios uumbered 26 to 30, Inclusive must be made coucernlng each famlly aiu each farm vlsited. It will be 8een t.hat the job ia no sinecure. It will refluiré considerable liust ling, espccially in the large wards ant townships. You can aid the enuinerators very much by takinjr the list above and have the answers ready wheu called upon. 'ris best to answer. The following very important order has been issned hy the supervisor of census at Washington, D. C. Accordlng to this you had better auswer all questions or the census inau' 11 jf't ye if you don' wntch out: To Supervisors of Censust- You will please lnstrucc enuraerators in ca?es where persons refuse toanswer questions on the populatlon schedule, relatin to physlcal and mental disablllties (2i aud 23),or to the questlona re latlng to farms, nomes and raortgages (26 to .■)i)lricluive), to enter In the proper column the words "Refused to answer." No furlher steps will bp ne ;essary on the part of the sa pervlsor or enumerator, and all legal proceed ines will be lustltuted by the Washington office through the department of Justice.


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Ann Arbor Courier