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Epitome Of The Week

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Thi: annual naval appropriatlou lill was rrported In the Senate on the r.Mh and OM silver bilí was (urUter fliaeussed. A letter wns rocelved from the Secretary of State submlttinpr the plan lor a preliminar; Burvej for a raüwaj line to conoect the principal citieí of the American hrmisphere in aocovdanoe wilh the recommendations of tlio p:n-Amcrican conference. In tbc House tho time was oecupied in considering the tariff bilL A bii.i. was intrortuced in the Seríate on tho 'Oth for the establishment of a land 'loan bureau in the Trcasiiry Department. The bill subjecting iinportcd liquors to the provisions of the laws of the several States was dlsoussed. A joint rcsolulinn was introdueed proposing u new artiole for coostltutlon providing that neither the United States nor any State shall pass any law uulhoriztng tho establishment or maintenance of any lottery or distribution of privcs by ohance....Xn the House the bill to forbid the bringlng lnto a State of liquor in original pacteages where tho State law prohibits such importation was considered and the dobate on the tarifi bill was ended. The silver bill was considered in the Senate on the ?lst, an 1 the "original package" bill, lntendeil to nulliry the effect of the recent dceision of the Uniteil Slat es Bupreme Court, was dlsoussed In the House the P.UKinliy tarin" bill was pusscd by n vote of lftí to M8, all tho Republicana presont exi'cpt Mr. Coleman, of Louisiana, mmI Mr. l'eaiherstone. of Arkansas, voting furit, and all the Damoorats agalnst it. Iiii.i.s w cíe reported favörably in the Senate on the Md makins it a felony for any person offlcially eonnected with an elcction to chango the returns of elections, and to prohibit tho printing of udvertisements on the flag of tho United States. The eredentials of Calvin S. Brice as Senator from Ohio for six ycars. eommencing March 4, 1891, were prosented. The silver bill was discussed In the House a bill was introduced reducing to one cent an ounco or fraction tnereof the postage on drop letters In clties of 1OO.0OÜ inhabitants or over. A bill to pnnlsh census enumeratorg who shall accept fees otlirr than thelr recular pay was passed. The river and barbor bill (}20,93i,000) was discussed. and a bill was favörably reported proposing a constitutional amendment grantinfi the rlht of suffrage to women. Tuk naval approprlation bill was discussed in the Sonate on the TM and the tariff bill was receivoil from the EIouso In the House bilis were introtluced subjecting oleomargarine to the proviskms ot toe Uws of the several States, and to provlde for tin.' survey of an interoontlnental raüway to eonneet Xorth and South An. erica. Toe river and harbor bill was further considonul. At the evenlng session forty-two private pension i:iis vore passed. DOME3TIC. Thi' Bupromo C'oiit-t of tho United States rendered an opinión on the 19th sustaining1 the Kdtncnds anii-Polyjfamy law. This law, amongother things, dissolved the Moi'mon church Corporation. l.t:i. Soquet, convicted at Oshkosh, Wis., on the lötb of wife nnirder, was chargcd with havin); eomniitted six ruurdei's dui'in liis Ufe timo. AnvM t.s of the l'.tth say thatduring1 a thundcr and lightnin storm at Cedar Bapidsi Ia., thoasanda of migrating birds foll dead on the streets, and somo raro specimens of birds belonging to other climes wore captured alivo. Ai.r. the saloons in Hoston, Mass., were notifiod on the 2üth that they must not sell liquor over tho har, but that all drinks must be drank from tables. A. epidemio of bydrophohia existed on tho 'ütli araon the dogs in llitchie County. W. Va., and severa] persona had been bitten. A STORM on the 20th at Susquohanna, Pa., washed out Btreets and railroads, floodcd buildings and destroyed much property. In the noighborhood of Wilkesbarro the storm was even more destructive, and all tlie railroads wero blocked and bridges were down. Edward Flodubt, of San Francisco, killed bis wite on the 20th and then killed himself. TbeASÜREK PeAKK, of Kansas City, Mo. , was suspended from oftiee on the 20th, a shortage of 938,000 having been disoverod in his account i. IIkavy rains had on the 20th floodcd the mines in the vicinity of Ashland, Pa., and practically suspended operations. 'rwo-Tini!i)s of the villago ot Canistota, X. V., as eovered with water from one to five f t deep on the 20th by an ovnrilow of tlie river. At NaShville, Tenn., the American Medical Assoclation convenod on the 2üth willi delegates present representing every State and Tcrritory in tho Union. A NEW law whloh went into effect In New York on tho 20th declares that every officer in a pólice departmontmust make oath that be is not in any way interested in the m&kinjf or salo of spirit or malt liquors. In a hotel ;it Jessup, (la., on the 21st J. N. McCall and a Mra. Littlefield wero shot and killed by tlie woman's hu.sband. The American Uaptist Publication Society held its sixty-sixth anniversary meoting on the 21 8 1 at the Iinmanuel Baptist Church in Chicago. The report of the boai'd of managers showed receipts during the past year of C65,239.16, being 838,878.93 more than the receipts of the prevloua year. Wiiii.k drunk on tho 21st James Hendrickson, of Chicago, fatally shot his wife and then killed liimself. Xinc childron were left orphans. Poi.i.y ('mui. ('aki.isi.e, who was bom ín New Vork in 17'.):.'. died on the 20th at Detroit, Mloh She remerqberod having been kissed l.y :-:ir---;Ll Washington. Tbs California Demócrata wlll moot at San José on August 19 to nomínate st:itc of&cers. Oino Republicana wil] meet in Stato Bonvention at Cleveland on July 1". The Novada Eepublícan .Stato conventton was on the 21st called to meet at Virginia ('it.v September i. At Helena, .Munt, on tbo 21st the Nupreme Court decided the Sllver Bow Countj sherilT's oontest in favor of Jolül IS. Lloyd, the Bepublioan oandidate. Mi:--. Lydia I'.iiown Smitii, of Adrián, Mlch., diod at tbat placo on the aged lü'i v Da W. II. Bïford, one of tho afolest and most popular of Chicago's physicians, dicd suddenly on the 21st, aged 73 years. lx New York City on the 22d Mr.s. Charlotto Sniith celobratod her lOOth birthday. There wero present tho centenarian's son, thirty-four grandchlldren, thirty-one great-grandchildren, sixtcen great-great-grandohildron and thirty nephews and nieecs. Mes. Sa ha ii RoTHsemtD, of Chicago, was 102 years old on tho 22d. She was in excellent health. Geokoia Demócrata will hold thelr State convention upon August 7 at A!r lanta. lx tho Soventoenth Illinois district Edward Lano (Dein.) was renominated for Congross on the :2:M. Mik. Anxe Maïs ik Tickki;, the last of the famous trlbe of Indiana that once ownod and inhabited Staten Island, died on the 2:'.d at South Beach, N. Y., aged 102 yoars. FOREIGN. Tnrc Prince of Wales offleiating on tho I9th at the uiivailing of tho statue of General Gordon at Chatbara culo;ized him as tho dashing "Chrlstlan soldier." Advjcks of the 19th gay that In a battle between tho Frenen torces and natives at Onosebongon, A frica, tho latter wero completely routed, with a loss of 1.500, all killed, whilo but fifteen Frenchmen wero killed and seventy-two wounded. Sir Ai-füki) Kuiiiv, of tho Deptford (Ensf.) distillery works, failod on the 19th for 81, 1(50,000. At Pilsen, a town of Bohemia, troops fired on riotous strikers on the 20th, killiníí five and wounding seven of them. Tmc wedding of Miss Clara Ward, of Detroit, Slich., to Prince Joseph Ciiimay Caraman, son of tho Bolgian Prime Minister, took placo in Paris on the ÍJOth. Advicks of the 21st from Buenos Ayres say that twenty-aix people wero killed and forty-one wounded in the recent uprising at Puerto Alnirre. Tur; Tlst anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria was celebratod throughout England on the 21s'„. Wiiii.k services were in prosrrss in a church at St Mahlen, Germán y, on iho 22d a tbunder-storm camo up and tho building was struck by lightning. Six persons were killed and twenty were injured. Tuk celebration of the (iyotli anniversary of tho fonnding of the l'niversity of Montpelier, in Franco, took place on the 22d. The party in Nova ScoUa which favors closor commercial relations with the United States electod thirty out of thirty-eight members of the Provincial Parliameiit on the 2:2d. It was proypd ai the inquost on Ih 22d tbat lx persons lost their lives in tbe recent Montroal insano asylura Bre. The lumber Brm of Smith, Wade & Ca, of Quc-bec, Can., Failed on thu 23d for 82,000,0 I i. LATEST NEWX Tuk naval appropriation bill was further oonsidered in the United States Senate on the 24th, and it was decided liiiit. the liill subjecting imported liquors to the provisiona of thetanvsof the several States should be taken up on the 27th and its consideratfou continaed until disposed of. Tho crodentials of .lolin ;. Carlisle as Senator from Kentucky for Mr. Beck's unexpired term, whlch cominenced Marcb i, 1SS!), were placed on file. In the House a bilí was Introduced toincreaso the pay of letter-carriers aftcr throe years' sorvice. Tuk railroad bridsre over tho Ohio river at Martin's Ferry, ()., was wrecked on the 25th. I, iss, 810 .()00. EuLlS N:.nd, in New York harbor, was on the 24th turned over to tho United States Government as a landing place for immigrante. At Watuppa lake, near Fall Kiver, Kan., Samuel Wlttles and wifo, Henry Wittles. Samuel Wittles, Jr., Levina Bnckley, Willio Buckley, Fredorick Buckley and Willio Turner were drowned on the 25th by tho upsetting of a boat. A fiüe set by tramps destroyed every house in the city of Coolidgo, N. M., on the 24th. Joirx Bkowx, a Memphis (Tenn.) ljutcher, liis wifo and a .Vyear-old daugbter were drowned in Wolf river, near Mi mphis. on the 2+th. Flamf.s on the 35th destroycd thirtyseven buildings al Port. Leyden, N. Y. Geobge Fuaxcis Train completad hls trip around the world on the 24th, arrfving at Tacoma, Wash., at 7. p. m. The;e trom start to finish was 07 days, 13 hours. :', minutos and 8 seeonds. Nellie Bly's time wéá 78 days, 6 liours, 11 minutes and m geconds. Ovkb S00 illegal liquorsellors in Pitteburgh, l'a , were ariested during the week ended on the 24th. A BOKiíifANK swept over X'w London, la., on the 34tb, and a nutnber of dwelHnrs ivere blown down and several people injured. A building at Morristown, N. J., owne.l by Patrick Farrelly, was burned on the 2ftth. Loss, 9100,000. Thk percentages of the base-ball clubs in the Players' League tor tho week ended on tho 24tb were: Boston, .616; Brooklyn, .502; New York, .565; Chicaffo, .BS1; Pblladelphia, .520; Cleveland, .-!■;; Pitlburgh, .:;:■.::; Buffalo, .::.(). The clubs in the National League stood: Pbilad'-lpbia, .C00; Brooklyn, .5(55; New Vork, .560; Chicago, .645; Cincinnati, ..Mi: Boston, .428; Cleveland, .40U: Plttslmrgb. .847


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