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Ment WIns. AVe deiirfl to sa y to our clUwns, tlmt for years wo Imve been felllnir Dr. Klng's New Dlscovery tor Conoumptlob, Ir. Klng's iv'cw Lite l'ills, Bucklen'a Árnica Salve a ml Eleclru: Bitter?, nnd üave liever handled remedies tlmt Bell as well, or tliat haye iiiven sueli universal satltfuction. W ilo iiot lit'sitate to jnitr;mie' ihetn evety time, and wc stand ready lo nfund llie pu rebase prici-, if Batlsfuetory resulta do not follow tlieir use. 'J'licse remedie-i havo won tlieir great popularlty pnrely on tlieir merits. Eberbacli & Sou I):uugists. "When Ilie etlilor of the Weekly Bquelcher flred two bulléis Into the form of ti man who called to cbastise bim, ík; (the editor) said lie thouglit tlie matter oi ijnportance enongh to be doublé leaded, nnd be was sorry to seo it fnll so i!e;'.l. Delicate Ladies! Who have tbnt tlred :md all-irone feellng, and dont like to be dlsturbed, wlll continue to be tninhlcd witli tliis eomplaltit linfll tlioy renew tlieir imnure blood. Stilphur Bitters wlll cause new and rich bluod to couree tbrougb every aiHiy aiul vein In the human system. Sce auoilier column. Yoii wil! never jet lo heaven un'c ss y, u invul in the rond tbat leada tbcie. Palpitatlon of the hcart, oerrousneís, tretublinjíP, ervous headacbe, eold hands nnd i'eei. patn In the back, mul other loi me n( weakness are relleved hy c.uier's Irón Piils made epecially for tlie bloud, nervee and complexión. ÍÜRY M. STANLEY IN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete 6tory of Stanlcy's recent thrilling adventures and the disclosurc of hia important d8coveries wlll appear for the Crst time in the work wrlUen by Limself, cntitlcd "In fiarfost África." Do not be deccivcd by any of the po-callcd 'SUnley books " now bciDi; oifereil a " genuine " and " authentic." To no one cf these ha3 Stanley contribnted a line. iprUTQ - Wc aro now rcady to appoint cannÜEÏl I Op vassers. Applicants chonld etate expei ience, if any, and first, eecond and third choice of terriiory. Remcmber that Stantey' own look, the only one in which he has a personal interest, wlll benr on the title page tho jnprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency, address N. G HAMILTON & CO., CKfVSLtHD. OHIO Is the oldost and mnsr. popular scientifle nrd mechanlcal paper publlabed mj haa tlie lartrest .;■ "i noy pnper of Ha clnss tn thevorld Fnlly llluptrntcd. Iscst. elaaa of VnoU PublUhed weefclr. Bend for ipeelmai copv. Prloe fs a ynr. ronr months' trial. fl. MÜKN & 0O„ Pdblisdiub, 3.U Broadwaj-, N.r. ARGHITEGTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scicntific American. O A Rreat snecess. Bach Ismo oontalna colored ItthoKrat hio platea ol oountryauü ciif resides ce o Numcrotifl (nrnvmffs anti full plans and Ppootflcatiuns for i! o use oi buildlnfc. r i i: :. a pot. 25cLs.acupy. MUNN A CO., Pi iu hkiís. (■■ i" 4i ■kHiW Méh W9r liJtff' 1é' e '-v.'i . pplh ai lona for A mei i'n umi l'"i-■ ci'Ti patenta. Send for ïlaiidbouk. Corrtwpondeo TRADE MARKS. In c,is yc'iiï mark tl nol !"_ .-i ■■!■!. i in the Piltpni Office, oppty tn MüNN a , hihI p: n ure immedlatQ prutectlon. Bond I r Ltuin hhjK. CiUM'KiCli'rs f.,r banks, charta, coki eic, qoickly proenrefiL UUNN Jt CO., l'tacul Öolk-ilor, GïN'XUAl, Ml [IKUAI'U IV, V fiSF I 11 ViACKtNAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips por Weck Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND St. I?naco, Cheboypan, Alpena Harrlevillefc Oncoda, H:ind Uonoti, Poit Hurou, St. Clair, Oakland Houae, Marine City, Evory Weok. Day Botweon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special 8unday Trips during July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS itatfH and Excursión TioketB will b furilishcd by your Ticket Agent, or .ddretss E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pais. gent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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