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HASONIC l!it!. Tolt . A.KS Arbor ('omm andkkv, No. 1! meetR flrst l'uesiluy Of eaob niontb. O. E. Hlaonek, B. 0.! John K. .Miiicr, Recorder. Vashtbnaw Ohaptkb, No. B, R. a. m.- i Mets tirst Bfonday eaou. moutb. J. L. sidih', 11. 1'.: Z. Roatb, Secrelary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. i THE EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THBOAT. OrriCE AND RESIDENCE, 26 SOÖTH DïVISIOH STREET HOUB8! I tO 1, and 6:S0tO7:80P. M. VOGEL & KER1T ""■" IN AI,I. KINDS OF FRESH AUD SALT MEATS PouUry, Lani, etc. EVERYTHING NE AT and CLEAN No. O K. Ann Hl., Ann Ar hor. V. W. XICIIOL.S, DENTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Sayln&s Bauk, Opp. Conrt House Square. VITALIZES ATB. Adininistcrcd. It Ik agreeable and cay tn Ukc, and uo progtrallng eilccts follow, wUile tuuth are uitractutl wilhout pain. U'ILIJAn IIERZ, House, Siffn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'iiluM-ing, Qlazing, Gilding, and Calclmlnlne, and work of cvery descrlption douc in the best atyle, and warrantcd to give aatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. CLOTH GASKETS, METALIC Aad Cominon Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Night. Embalralng a speclalty. Storeroom on Bi. WiisliiPixton streel. KeHidenoe Oor. Liberty and Klftb. ALMQNDSKINNER8038 The onljr WII-KES in Ann Arbor. By Ira Wilk.-s f .-.- 1 :-.). -l:S-'i. Blre ol Jud Wilkt-s (5yra.) : tn-: ,' :_')'.;. the oldeet eol tralned üwn broifier toldKeVllkes,2:16?í, aml Wllkès of Kox Wilkes, ■i:i:'( :mcl l.llian, 2:1 1' ;. Kirst dam by Ham. bleioniMii Qeorge, J'.ir, sir t Bd, Mark, - ■!■,' ato seoond dam by Gen. Taylor, inumee 2:37 in L864. Son of Black Ha wk 5; Thlrddam by Black Lion. Kourtli dam Canndlao. Black borse. foaled 1886, Ui hands. sironii all ftround aml well finlshad. Has lini' trotlinK actlon. but prefers and Is rapid ai the pace and will be iralned ai. tliat gut ;i!i,f.hilv ist.. Trotting brod Pac ts are now leadln tbeyonng, Blroa Sldney. T yrs. wltb : iiiJ::;n. 1 1 i-riiiit, r. yrs. ui l'::::1 ',. Happy Russell, 6 yrg., bas one In 29%, yonngeal gire kiiiiwn; and otben oan be named i" Bbow iilhi the pace la oeoessary to produce last Irollers. Maud B., ü:üs-,'. .lay-Kye-See, 2:10, and tiuuol, 210J4, are all natural pHOers. 'i't'ïins: Insurct f'l due Keb. lst, 1891, or ?l down and SIS wben live soumi cn is roaled. Ilii foala of IWJ are trolturs and. every broeder should eee thein. UK J. A. IU.I.I,, Velertnary Intlrinary, 24 W. llurou st.. Ann Arbor. Ia THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ 1B TRUTHS FORTHESICK-I Kor tiniM' Sèatnly $1,000 wlll lu paid BlllonsSpcllsdepend for n case III onSULPHOBBlOTSBS PHUB BlïTïM willl It wlll cure yon. notasstst orcure. ltJ H :.v.-.-..,nov.-r falla. „ Ithattirodandallgone Cleantethe viiiateOlíl teellng; lf bo, oee i,]OOil wben ron "' l sii.riirit BrrrsBS; ta tmpnrlttea ïmrst III it uil euro ymi. iiifr tlirough tho hkinlll TTTTTTTTHTTí ñ Pimples, Iïlotclics, II _LBF23ffi'S ■ Sl □ ui milis and -1'" 'l, "','.! %'01'E3 H shops; clerke.who do ;"1(l Leillttl "lU I0't llnot procure nfflclent „i III I lexercisc, and all who S,.,.I1LK m itkiisI I in&reconfiBedlndoon, win cure i.iVcrt:om-ll ■ llslK.ui.i nse sii.niiii piaint. i),)n't be .lis 1 1 HBittkk. 1 kv wlll ..„„ragcd; UwiUcurtUI IMslckly. " sri.iiiiH Bittbbs; "p'ul" III It oever rails to rare. S0LFHUB l'.u tkusIJ n Don't bewltliouta ill mato yoarUoodB IWlmltlc. Trv it ; you piire.rlcliiindstrong.M ill DOt ni'ivt It. __ ■"' yiirncMihard. 111 l.ailius i ili-licatc "TryÜLPiKK BIT II health, who are all rEBS to-nlgfat, andl rnn down, aboulduM fou ill eluep wullll -■ 1 1 !■ , 1 : ■ ■ ' 11 m Do you want the belt Medical Work pnbÏÏshedr Bend 8 ü-ii-nt ilwnpa to a. P. Obdwat & Co, liobton, Sla., and recuive a copy, frec. HENRY M. STANLEY "IN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete etory of Btanlcy's recent thrilling ad ventures and the disclosurc of nis important dia coveriea will appear for the first time In the worli written by kimself, cntitled "In, fíarütsl África," Do not lio deceived by any of the po-culled ' Stanley books " now belnj oflercd as " genuine " and " u. thentlc." To no oue of tbeee Lm Stuley con. trlbuted a line. iprUTP -Wc aro now ready to appolnt can. nULIllu vassers. Applicants ehould tate experience, if any, and first, flecond and third cholee of terrltory. Rcmember that Stanley' atea look, theonly onein wbich he has a personal Uttentti will bear on the title page the imprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency. addresa N. G. HAMILTON & CO., f' twfLiNI). OHia Scaly Skin Diseases PftoriaHiH 5 ur. Cïoverinff face, linul, and entlre body wllh white graba. ütkin red, llchy, and lili-i-dinu. Huir all [Lodc. Knent liiuiilrtMl ol' OoIlarH. I'roitounced Incunable. Cured I iitliurn l(. inrili. . My disease i pvoriavii') flrat broke out on my lelt cbeek, preading acrost my noe, aad almcst coverlnp my face. It ran into myeyee.and the 1 1 1 :y-iciHiL was afrald I would tone my eyeslght alti 'r -ther. It spread all over my head, and my hair all teil out, until I was entirely bald-headed ; It then broke ont on my anus and i-houlder, until my arm wire just one sore. Itcovered my entlre body, my fuce, tiend, and shouldern betn? the worst, 'l'he white scaha feil constantly from my head. hoaldere, and ai m ; the nkin would thlcken and be red and very itchy, and wonld crack and blecd if scratched. Alter spendln many handreds of dollar, 1 was prououuced incurable. I huard of the CtTicuuA KKMumica, and after nslng two boMlenCUTicURt Kesolvent, Icouldeeeichange iiud aftcr 1 bnd taken four bottlca, I waa ahnost cured; and when l had ueed ix bottlca of Curicuha Hksoi.vent and one boi of Cuiicuba and onecaie of Cuticitha Soap, I was enred of the dreadful dUeaac fruni which I had viillered for flye years. I Ihouht the difieane would leave a very deep xcir, but the C'uTionRA Kbmkuies cured ft without any cara, i caunot expresa with a pen what I suflen-d before uelng the CuticdbA KimeDIB8. l"hey 8aved my life. and I feel it my duty to recommend them. My hair Is restored a good as ever, and so ie my eyesight. I know of others who have recetred great benuflt from their use U lis. ROSA KELI-Y, Kockwell City, I'.wa. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin PuriScr and purest and bctofHu'rorKemediei,lnternally,andCüTicuKi, the Breat Skin Cure, and Cuticuba Soaf, an exnuliite Skin Beautlfler, externally. have cured thounands of cases where the sheddintt of cale meaxu red a (mart dally, the skin cracked , bleedinu, burnnii.',and l'chlng almoet beyond hnman, ha r llfeleis or all gone. aoffüriiiE terrible. What other lemediee have made euch cure J Sold everywhere Price Cuticuba, 60c.; Soap, Kc.: Kesolvent, $1. Prepared by he Pottkr DKUn AND CHÜMIfALCoHl-oliATIOli, Bü,tOn. Z m 'I uw ' Cure skln Dleaes," 84 pa;e, 5U Illustratlons, and 100 testimoníala. PI M 1L,KS'.h,l"cli ""Is, red, rongh.chapped, and I I IVI oily -kin prevented by Ccticlba Soap. M "STÖPS THE PAIN. KáW ackachc, kidney pains, weakness, ■ Jl'iumatiímaiid muscular palns re■ MX Í'm.Y '" """ ne by the killing pla.teT ' "' "nd nly 1tnou.


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Ann Arbor Courier