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SALESMAN.- An energetle man wítited U push our manufactures on i liis gronnd Ono of our agenls ciiiinl (5,200 In 'S). Ad dress, T. O. Hox 1371, New York. 1 rpo ÜKN'T.-Two ilwelling housos on the I biuik of l'ortnge Lake, Ode receiilly occu pied by Plnckney partles as a olub house Kor partlcolara address THÜJIAS BIKKKTT Btrkett, Uloh. ia J71ÜRSALK OHEAP- a lotgrooery Hxtures 1 Refrigrator, Bagar, Crauker umi Brea lioxes Show Oasen, (,'oiloe Mili, 5 Pair Wcales etc. 4ü. Suite Slieet. HELEN E. BÜELL, Dress and Cloak making ll', N. Bill st. nuar Aun st. 11 fOR RENT- House od West Liberty .St Jt? Huqulre at the Eber White pluce. WANTKD- By n most rellable man and hls wlfe a situntlou in a private or pub ]c, place, liotli thorongb good servants. Al Williams, Miilen house, Ann Arbor. FOR SALK OR RENT.- Brlck house, barn out houses, fruit of all kinds. Enqulrr of G. H. EHODÈ3, V2 Washington st. 10 FOK SALK- Two flrstclass city lots, on North Pontlacst., lrontingon iwostiwts. 4 x 10 rods. A íluc-bred Jersey Heifer, new milch, three years old, about 850 lls. welgbt, an extra milker, gentle and kind, and In ivcry way a good on. A good lamlly pony, ji(od travelor, witliout a blemUh or luult and capableof maklnga long day's drive; also covered carriagf, open buggy, clipper Ircd cutter.a good outter, single harneis, a good cultivator, wliiílle-trees, tugs, etc., and other barn implcraents too nnniormis to mention. Kiuiulre of J. I!. SAUNDKliS, at his resident-e or at the Couuikk offlce.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier