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Dyspepsia Makes the Uves oí many people miserable, and often leads to self-dcstruction. Distruss after eating, sour stomach, sick hcadaclie, heartburn, loss of appetite, a falnt, " all gone " ieeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu_. larity of the bowcls, are DlStreSS some of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does - .. not get well of itself. It ballng requlres careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, whlch acts gently, yet surely and efllclently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates tho digestión, creates good appetite, and by thus fi!ft overcoming tho local symp' . toms removes tho ""OadaCnO thetlc efEects of tho disease, banishes the headaclie, and refreshes the tired mimi. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but littlo appetite, and what I dld eat Mnsar+a distressed me, or did me jiule g00(1_ In an hour DUrn after eating I would experlenee a íalntncss, or tircd, all-gono ieeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I thlnk, was aggravated by my business, whlch is that of a painter, and from bcing more or less shut up In a Sour room with f resh palnt. Last . spring I took Hood's StOmaCR rilla- took three bottles. It dld me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food rclished and satisfled the craving I had previously experienced." Geoege A. Pack, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggiats. $1 ; sii f or $5. Prepared onl j bjr C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar o o_ o o o o o REOPENED CATERERS For parties, weddings, recfptions, etc, The finest Ice Cream and Ices, Fancy cakes, fine Confecttonery O O o" Q Q o TI IliTII WÊ To a Glgantlc Monopoly. ONEWEEK PNTIL JURE M, 'í)0. TUK OUKUNAL WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionary 99 CJ5NTS. I 'uil sizo, 1,300 pagcs, 12,000 ilclln itions. Also one case FAST COLOREO LAWNS 3 1-2 CENTS. WALLPAP1 We have received for the spring trade, the largest stock of WALL PAPER ever exhibited in the city. We can show SPLENDID PAPER at 4, 6 and 8c per roll. Best quality at io, 12 and 15c Gold papers at 10, 12 and 15c. SoliJ Gold Embossed paper at 25, 18, 20 and 25c. We carry the largest stock of Ingrains, Satin Mica, Brilliantines, Damask, Lincrusta Walton. We offer the besi Curtain Pole with brass trimming complete at 28c. We make to order Window Shades of all sizes. Remember that we have in our employ the most experienced paper hangers. Get OUR PRICES before leaving your orders. urn 11 uw, Books, Stationery and Wall Paper, lie Farmers' ï Mochamos' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLUS $7,000. Aflflitional liiaüiliües of Stocfcholflers $50,000. Report ol the coiidltion of the FARMERS' ANü MECIiANICS' li.VNIi at Aun Arbor, Michigan, al Ihe close of Im-Uicss May 17, 1880. KKSOfKCKS. Loans and ilisroiinls $ 226,190 02 Stocks, bonds, morlguges, etc 67.IÍ51 .01 OverdrafUs 1,217 8!i I mi.' from banks tu reserve cttles.... 59,840 31 Kurniture and Qxtures _ S,0 O 00 Hills In tniiiüll 2,855 20 Curreut expense and luxes pald.... 1,119 11 Interest pald 2,052 42 Cliecks aud casti items „ Iiil 2t Nlckelgund penules 145 39 Gold 5,452 50 811 ver 2,107 55 U. S. and National Hal, k Notes 8.224 IK) Total $ S70,9i0 19 LIAUIL1TIKS. Capital stock pald in S 50.000 00 Surplus fund 7 500 00 Undlvlded proflts 8,459 90 Commercial dcposll 265,083 (W Savlngs deposita 8ti,877 2ti Total f370,U20 19 STATE OK MICHIGAN, 1 County of Washwjnaw, Í I, FRUDEKICK H. BEIKR, Casliler, of ihe above named I'.ank, do soleiunly swear hul the above .stulemeul Is truu, to the best of ui v knowledge and belief. K. H. BELSER, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me, tlils 271U day of May, 1890. C. H. MANLY. Notary Public. Correct- Attest: Chas. E. Greene, Amrose Kearney, D. F. Schairer, Directors. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank nivmii flleü thflr certlflcate with tbe mate jauking Departmeut are now authorlzed to do busluess as a Savings Hiink, aud in purHUftuce thereof bave opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs department on all deposlts of SI and upwards. Interest aid June lst and Dec. lst, of eacb y ar. The savlngs department is open Saturday nlglits from 7 umi! 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan In suinsof $25 to $5,000 seured by unencumbered real eatate or upproved securltlea. liilUíí kiks Reuben Kempf, 'hs. K. Oreeue, R Ituily, Kor■ ■) , Wm. V. SI'v-iih, W. V. Uniikii. J. K., John Bars, D. F. Schairer. lt. KOPf, l-rnB. 12. mr KK V , VIce-Prea. F. H. BKl.sKlt Caanler


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Ann Arbor Courier