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Had tlils old world been made to sult the klckers every where 'l'would be a freaky, buiging, crooked, sudly mixed fluir. WeM haveourwiuters In July ir we bat had our way, And In December's phice wo'd put the tender ïuouth of Muy . We'd transpose nearly everythliiK and change lt all about. And turn ït upxide down, and very llkely inside out. And when we'd regúlate things the bestthat we knew how. 'Tls certain we'd have cause to kick lots worse than we do uow. -Krom the Judge. Tlic census enumcrators are buy enumerating now. Aun Arbor C.ty bas nat vet purchased n stone crushcr. Already sorae of the students are leavIng for tbeir homes. The thrce weeks more of school will soon be completed. The new team of ihe firi! department is raj)iüly learnlng (s lesson. Cliildien's Dy at the Presbyterian churcii lu-xt Banday mornlng. Ann Arbor will iiot celébrate the coming anniversary of the natloo'i birth. A tiuiely v:iri)Ing : Ice cream is quite apt to be ülled with tyrotoxicon these days. The Ladle's Cliaritnble Union s to lueet at Hobart Hll Thursday p. m., at 3 o'clock. The block nortli of this ofliee is being beautifully nurove(i by the extensión of the lawns. Tlie E. Uuiversity ave. people are voiy indlgnant over the selectlon of thell strcet tor the electric railway. Public opinión will back the couiicil in widening the DOrtheod of División strect from North to Detroit street. Thomas W. Keene, the eminent tragediiin, ia to ippear at the opera house on Saturday cvening, June 1-lth. There hae been one more Memorial day without a ruin. This makes two in the liistory ot' the day in this city. There will be work in Ihe 3il detjree at the regular eommanlcatlon of Fraternlty lodge F. & A. M. ihis eTenlng. The council cannot act too qulckly in taking ineasures to vacale the old cemetery. It shorld be done at once. There is to be a meeting this cvening at ihe Ano Arbor Savings Iíunk, of all parties interested in the Iiefrigerator facto iy. Tura otit ana belp the ruce truck on the iiew fair grouuiU along ncxt Frldny. An awful gooi) cummenceuient lias been made. Mayor Manly 3 after law breakers In all directlons. Ilis last efforta are ilirecled at tbe blll boards on the court house square. "What a beautiful site for a grammar school," sald one of our prominent business men in looking over the oíd comete ry Bunday. Company A decided at its meeting Monday evening, to accept the invitation to go to llonroe on July 4th next, and aesist iu the celebration there. Children's Day will be observed next Sunday roornlng at the Methodist churcli. There will be an attractive programme. In the evening, Dr. Studley will give a running sketch of John Bunyan's wonderful dream. Rev. J. Mills Gelston lnst Sunday evening comiuenced a scriss of discourses on "the Origin of Man, and its Connection witli the Evoliition Theory." He will discourse on tile saine subject next Sunday evening. The cause of sweet clmrity was aided oyer $200 wortli by the " deestrict skule 'i entertainment at the high school building last Friday evening. It was a yery comlcal affair, though it could have been condensed some to advantage. A State Bar Association lias been formed with Charles H. AVhltman as vice president of tuis district, and John F. Lawrence as member of the general council. A. J. Sawyer was placed at the head of the local council for this district. The old Dr. Sager homestead on State street, one of the pioneer landmarks of the city, has had the south half of its anatomy aniputated, and on the site two stores will be erected at once. State strcet is getting to be a gre;it business center. Sheriff Chas. Dffyer lost a pocket account book Monday niglit, out of his pocket. As the book is of no valué to anyone else, and Is of value to him the linder will be liberally rcwarded btsides oonfering a graat fuvor by retiirning the ■ame, About 25 or 30 team?, al! that could be handled were working on the race track at the fair grounds yesterday. Today is also belug put iu by a considerable number of volunteers. Tliose who could not come either day will be given an opportunity next Friday, A liorse and cart belonging to Plielps & Ball, of Dexter, were stolen Saturday. C.irds were sent out by Sherltl" Dwyer yesterday, and this a. m. a disnatcli was receiyed from the sheriff of Kalamazoo county giving Information about the stolen property. The way vegctation is pushlrg forvard is a caution. Will Caspary is the new collèction clerk In the F. & M. banfc. This sort of wca,lhcr U what malies fatty degeneratlon of the marrow In our boíles. ffn. H. Royce and Misa Lizie Olds, both of Milan, were raarried Saturdaybj Justice Pond. The handsome spring dreM of living ifreen that Miss Aun Arbor has put on becoines her very much. Mis3 Kate Jacobs will sing at a concerl in Detroit Frlday evening wlilcb will bc given by Prof. F. L. York. Samuel T. Dnuglass, formerly of this city, now of Detroit, is to be marrled to Miss Dwlght of that city June 12. Tho8. Hood once wrote: "If one coukl only take oll'thuir llush and sit in tluii bones." Thafs the way we fcel to day. J. J. Goodyear has commcnced putting in the uew front of his store, No. 4, E. Hurón st. An improvenicnt that will add to the looks of the street very much. The Lidies' Aid Society of tho If. E. cliurch, and the youngladics of the congregatlon aunounce a "rose social" for Triday even Ing, June 13lh. It will be rose colored. On Saturday, June 7, Charlea Parehall will be pleaseil toexchan;e coin for woodcliuck scalps, at the court house bnsemcnt. Aun Arbor town stands back of Charlie 11 tl) 3 schrille. Wlll Price, at the lst National Bank, of this city, h:is a .."0 gold piece, fT "California slug" as it is cal led. Also iivn $20 pold piceos of the California mint of 1S54. Kclics lliat. are valuable. Ou Saturday last Barclay Mount, oue of the old anti liighly respected resident! of our cily, dietl at liis home in the Cth ward, aged nearly 80 years. Ha cnme to this place In 1S31. He was a masón by trade, and had built many of the early briek buildings of the city. In the civil service examination lists just publlslied we find the following names credited to Washtenaw County: G. L. Gorrton 77 per cont., Win. Emmert 88, G. S. Suyder 70, V. C. Whceler 79, A. N. Morton (soldier) 74, E. E. Spencer 76, H. Wilson 74, L. H. Hagan T2, T. J. Thorne 85. Gllmore's band of the N. Y, '2Zi vegiment gives lour festival concerts in Detroit next Monday and Tuesday at the rink under the auspices of the Detroit Musical society assisted by a chorus of 500 children at both matinees. lie has besides bis famous band a nunibcr of celebrated soloists, as well as the large chorus of the Musical society who assist. Eugene F. Lohr, lit, '82, has been chocen principal of the South Bend high school. The Tribune of that city speaks in high praisc of hls work tliere the past six years as of Lntin and modern lauguages, saying that " bis selection by the boardwill meet witb the hearly approyal of all who have the nest Interests of the high school at heart." Census enumerators, eepeclally those in the country ,want to know how many g;illons of milk each cow gives in a year, also how many esrgs thcir hens lay, givitig each one separately. In fact cverytliing a fermer raises shoukl be reported, and also the numbcr of help employé] and amount paid. In fnct tlie govermnent wants to know all about yon. Tiuth f rom the IIowcll Republlcan; "The local papers may cost t few cents more ut the close of the year tban the city paper?, bilt it is the local paper tliat advertises your business, your schools and your chinches. It Is your local paper that mentlona the thousand and ono items dar. Ing the flfty-two weeks in which you are In teres ted, and that yon don't Bnd In the city papers." A dog story from tlie Adrián Press: "Capt. O. B. Miller was, last weck, in Ann Arbor ilefendlng a dog n a case brought to recover damagea of the dog tor scaring a team. Oap. had the dog brought into the court room and introiluced to the jury by a chlld, who dlrected the movements of the canine. It is aald the dog pleaded hls case with each juror, going from one to anotkerand with Bome assiïtanep on the part of the Adrián lawyer, won liis c.ise getting a verdict of no cause of action." He7. Wm. Galpin, wlio lias heen the curator of Hobait Qulld Hall siuee its erectlon, and also rector of St. James chuich, Dexter, but who has resigned both positions to accept a cali from Ishpeming, in the upper pcniiiMila, preached a most excellent farewcll sermón at St. Andrcw's chuich last SunJay evening. Rev. Galpin has made many warm and sincere friends In this city and vicinity, by liis warm-hearted z -al, and earnest ChrUtian endeavor, and he goes to his new field of labor with the entire confidenee ol hls frlends that he will not only succeed, but grow in the love and confidence of bli congregntlon daily. The fourth annuul joint stock sale of Darham cattle, of W. E. Boyden of Webster and Hon. Win. Ball, of Hamburg, occur3 to-niorrow, on the farm of Mr. Boyden, sale to commence it 10 o'clock sharp, with Col. Manu of Iinsing, as saleaman. Diuner will beserveil at 13 o'clock. Tiains going eust stop at Delhi for tliis sale as follows: 5.35, 7:37 and 10:33 a. na., returnlng at 4:40, p. m. Going wet the train stops at 10:33 a. ra., returning at 0:.3 p. m. L:ist year theie were 400 people fiom al] sectlons of the country presont. Tliis year upwards of 500 ure expected. The different families of short horns represented in the sale are U )se of Sharon, Young Maiys, Young PhjHUeB, Ciuikshank, Strawbcrry and other.-. Over 50 head of cuttle beüidea n r of Calve8 will be sold. In the Free Press of last Frlday there was a charco of Deglovt :ij;HÍi)t the pO8tal service of the Ann Arbor office, alicging tbat a special delivery letter put In the office at ubout 8 o'elock the evening previou?, wiis not sent to Detroit on the train going au hour or go later. As good fortune woulU have it the Detroit mail was just being losed as the special letter the P. 1'. refera to carne In, the assi.!:mt mailing clerk at once stamped t, the mailing cleik placed it on the top of the Detroit packajie and put it in the pouch, in the presence of the messenger and he immediateiy took said pouch to the depot and dellvered it to the baggage man. All tliree employés reinember the circumstances and make affiduvit to thal effect. We would advlse the Presa bereafter when maktng oomplainta t avoid, in the absence of any proof, mr justly attempting to locale delays upon any speciflc localit}', as iu tliis cuse the delay dld not occur at this office.


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