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ffdïicetoEverybody trho has a dïseased Lïror Is to at once tak propei tneans to euro it, Tho function tho Liver i do vlgned to perform, and on tho rogvilar exeoutlon cfwhich dependa not only the general health of th txKÏy, but tho powers of the atomach, Botcelt jSrain, and tho wholo nfrrvous syatem. showt iU ast and vital iinportance to humau hcalth, NOBEING rhould mn tho risk for a Rindo day of neglectlng this Important organ,but should promptlyget a box of Dr. C. McUno'd Cclebrated JAver PUI, mado by FLEMIKG BHOS,, Pittsbureh, Pa.( and so according to directions thoy will cure Toa promptly nnd pcrmanently. Around each box u a Wrappcr giving full description of thosymptonu of D diseascu Liver. Thcy ca.ii be had of dr uggiata. 4ÖBcwarc of Coutsrfexts mado in SU Loui3.Et FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. IVORY POLISH %reTíLb PERFUME8 THE BREATH. ASK FOR IT. CARnERSUsa CURE Fiick ITcadacho and roliovo all the troubles incldent to a bilioua Btatoof tho systom.such a9 izzfnoss. Nausea, DrowsinoBü, pisti-ena after oating, Paiuiu tho Ode, w. Whilo thciruioat rüiiiarúiiblo aucec-ss Latí boon ehowu in curiiig SICK ncadacho, yot Cnrtcrfs Llttlo Livor Pilla aro Cíjually vnluablo in Constípation, ouringand prevititiug tüisannoyingcoMplaiiit, whilo they alao corroctalldl8ordoisofth08toniach,8tiniulatotho livor and regúlate tho bowols. Eveu ít tliey only HËAD Acho they would bo almostpricolofls to th oso who eufforfromthisilistresslngcomplaint; brflfortujiatoly thcirgooduossdnos notondhoro.andthoso ■whoóncotry them will ílnd thoso Jittlo pilla valunbloiiiBomany wayathatthey will not bo williiig tü do without them. But aftor allsick hoad ACHE la tho baño of so many livos that horo la whera 57e makO our great boast. Our pills curo it while otuers do not. Cartor's Littlo Liver Pilla aro vory small and yory easy to tako. Oue or two pilla makoa dosa. They aró strictly vegetable aud do not gripe or pnrge, but by thcir gentío aotion pienso all who us.' them. Invialaat 25 cents; ílvefor$l. Sold by drujgists everjvhoro, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIGE WHAT P.nTT'S CONSUMPTION ""■ SCROFULA EMULSIÓN ?gS2SS1TI8 CÜRES Wasüng Diseasea Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión ia not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating propertiea of the Hypophosphites and pure Norwegian Cod Iiver Oil, the potency of both bcing largely increased. It is used by Physiciana all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT &. BOWNE. Chemlsts, N.Y. SCVEN fiEVEWTEr SCVCH To cure Kiliousncss, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Wver Complaints, tako the eaio and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILJË JEANS Use tlie SNAI.L Size (4O)ittlc Beans to the bottle). TllEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Suitablo ca.ll Vse. Prloe f eitlicr Hize, 35c. per Bottle. KlSSflf7-170'! ■ ■ IWIIHl!:ii.'lrrll (ojiifjcriontampal. J.F.SMITH&CO.MakcriOt'BILEBEANS.'ST. LOUIS MO. HHE Grain-Saving, Time-Saying, Money-Saving Thresher of this day and age. 3 AS More Points of Exclusive Superiority than all others combined. a VER Y Threshcrman and Farmer is delightcj rith its marvelous work. aOT only Superior for all kinds of Qrain, but the only 3uccessful handler of all Seeds. 3NTIRE Expenses (often 3 to 5 times that amount) made by extra Grain Saved. HORKMANSHIP, Material, and Finish beyond all comparison. QI B R A T O R owners get the best jobs and make the most DNCOMPARABLE for Simplicity, Efficiency, and Durability. aEYOND all rivalry for Rapid Work, Perfect Cleaning, and for Saving Grain. QEQUIRES no attachments or rebuilding to change from Grain to Seeds. 0BROAD and ampie Warranty given on all our machinery. ÜRACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Power and Durability. 0UR Pamphlet giving full information, sent Free. It tells about this great QEVOLUTION in Threshing Machinery. Send for pamphlet. Address HMWtll I IOCHO this paper, or obtain estimatei on advertising Epacc whon In Chicago, wül find it on file at 45 10 49 Handolph Sr., ■ Aftn O TUAUEC IhoAdvcitiángAgencyot LUtlU V I HUmAOl


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