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Epitome Of The Week

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A nn.i. was introduced tn the Senate on the ïttth to próvido for the purohase Ol silvcr for use as Uiwful money, and the naval appropriation bill was passed. John G. Carlisle took the oath of ofllce as Senator from Kentucky Ia the House the greater part of the day was given to the consideration of District of Colurabia bilis. Tuk time was occupied principally In tho Senate on the ?7th in a discussion on Senator Wilson's bill subject ing imported luiuors tothe provisiotis of the laws of the several States In the House the conference report upoa the customs-adminiMrutivc lill was adoptad, and the river and harbor bill was discussed at length. A joint resolution was introduced appropriatiiiK íi'iO.OÜO to complete the Urant monument at New Vork. Tuk bill subjectins imported liquors to the laws of the several States was further considcred in the Srnute on the 28th and the conference reiort ou the army appropriation bill was presented. A bill was reported, favorably ior the appointment by the President of a conimission of flve persons for au honest, Impartía) and thorough investiation of the liquor trame In the House the rlver and harbor bill was passed and a conference was ordered on the naval appropriation bill. Most of the time in the Senate on the 29th uit. was spent in consideration of the bill subjeeting imported liquors to the provisions of the laws of the several States, and after a discussion partieipatod in by neurly all the Senators present the measnre passed bv a vote of 34 to 10. Adjourned to June 2 In the House tho entire day was occupied in the consideration of bilis making appropriations for publio buildiugs. and thirty-flve were passed at a total cost of Ú,4!X,(XX. Adjourned to June Í. DOMESTIC. Tii.s Mi:yi:i:s, catober of the Colorado base-ball toam, was killed on the 26th at Montgomery, Ala., by a pitched ball, which struck him in the mouth. Tuk flfty-elgttb annual meoting of the American liaptist Mission Society was bold at Imtnanuol Baptist Church in Chicago on tho Ütfth. Tho roceipts of the ycar were 8449,444 and the expendltures 9S93, 169. Tuk eight counnissioners-at-large for the world's fair wero appointed on the 26th by I'rosident Harrison as follows: August E. Bullook, Massachusetts; altérnate, Ilonry Ingalls, Maine. Thomas W. Palmer, Michigan; altérnate, James Olivor, Indiana. K. C. Kcrens, Missouri; alternato. R. W. l'urness, Nobraska. Kdward II. Amidon, New York; altérnate, Gorton W. Allen, New York. Peter A. 1?. Wldener, Pennsylvania; altérnate, John V. Chalfant, Pennsylvania. Samuel W. Inman, Georgia; altérnate, William Lindsay, Kentucky. Ilonry Exall, Texas; altérnate, Henry L. King, Texas. Mark L. McDonald, California; altérnate, Thomas liurke, State of Washington. Hkavv rains had on the 2flth caused groat loss in the vicinity of Vanee, Tex. Tho Nueces river had earried off whole settlements and several lives had been lost. It was discovered on the 26tb that a laborer named John Williamson had murdered his employer, Jeff Moore, and son, at Sedalia. Mo. The twenty-fourth annual convention of the Universal l'eace Union began its business session in Washington on the 26th. Tuk Wcbor Brothers' piano factory in New York was mosily destroyed by flre on the 2ith. Loss. $125,000. John' 1'. Siaki.i.mí was taken from his home near Selma, X. C, on the 'JOtb, and lynched for killiner his mother-inlaw and an 8-year-old boy. Michael Shickiiax, emulating Steve Brodie, jumped headfirst from a bridge in Amstrdam, N. Y., on tho 20th, tho distance to the river bciug tliirty feet, and was killed. L. D. HoPéON and Frank Mooro, of the geological Burveying party, wero drowned on the 2(th at Eagle Rock, Idaho. IIaiïiïison" Saii.oi: and wifo, an inoffcnsivo negro oouple living near Riversido, Ark., woro murdered by unknown persons on the 2Cth. It was stated on tho 2lith that thecarpenters' strike for an eight-hour day had boen succossful in 117 cities and had benefitod 40.197 workmen in that trade. At present thero were twonty-four strikes pending. In the Presbyterian General Assembly at Saratoga, N. Y., on the 26th a report reeommending that womon be allowed to serve as deaeonesses was adopted. Detroit was selected as the next place of meeting. Tirrc principal business portion of Cambridge, Wis., a town of OUD inhabitants, was totally destroyed bjr fire on the 20th. Tuk Presbyterian General Assombly at Saratoga, N. Y., adjourned on the 27th to meot at Detroit next year. John P. Kdhze, tho littlo Germán who was on trial in Chicago as one of the conspirators in the Cronin case, was married on tlie 27th' to Julia Hoyer, the young woman who visited him so trequently during his imprisonmenk ATtheannual meeting in Boston on the 27th of the American Peace Society E. S. Tobey, of Boston, was re-elected president. Owino to a rise in the neighboring streams over a thousand acres cf wheai within three miles of Goshen, Cal., were overflowed on tho 27th and would be a total loss. A. N. Kimbai.l, an old and highly respected resident of Jackson, Miss., was murdeted on the 27th while on his way home by footpads. The Congregational Sunday-school and Publication Society held its annual meeting on the 27th at Boston. It was reported that 531 now Sunday-schools had been organized during the year. A firk on the'27th at Rathdrum, I. T., destroyed the entire business portion of the town. The sixty-fifth annual meeting of the American Unitarian Association was opened in Boston on tho 27th. At the convention of Germán Catho1Í08 in Milwaukee on the 27th Bishop Katzer charged tho Masonic fi-aternity with seeking to destroy religión. Resolutions calling for the repeal of the Bennett law were adotjtt'd.


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