Real Estate Transfers
Rebecca Henrlques to C. H. Benedlct, Aun Arbor {1,500 G. A. Roelim to Qeo. A. Waldellch, Ann Arbor 4,700 Rowlatid J. Bell toGeo. Bel), Dexter 1 Catberine Heycr to Olive Y. .lust, Aun Arbor 1 S. 13. Morse by ex'r to Jolm K. H. White, Y pallan II 400 Z. Roath to E. Ii. & J. L. Norria, Aon Arlur 350 Geo. W. Best to Z. Hoath, Ann Albor.... 4U0 C'arrleJ. Hall to Z. Roath, Ann Arbor... 850 Bannab Starks hy att'y to W. D. Haniman, Aun Arbor 200 Mary Ann Smilh to D. Sti liigliain, Munclic-Kter 1,200 Saman] H. Smith el ni. to Mary Aun íSmilh, Maucuester 1.S0U I'. I. M.-rrithew to Nathanlel SchmUl, Manchester 125 Germán Kvuntcf-Hrni ciiurcii to J. Sel ii ii ld. Manchester 400 IjOlm Oonrad to Nathanlel Schinid, ti.OOO Barata B. Sat;er to Cyntbla A. Sager, Anu Arbor 1 HenryVsn Tuyle lo ('lian. KlDg, Ypsllantl 43j E. W. Morgan by shcriH to (leo. Liititcr, Ana Arbor 3,00U i;. W Morgan by sherlirto üeo. I.auter, Aun Arbor 100 E. W. Morgan by aberiff to Oeo. Lauter, Aun Arbor 6W E. V. Nrorgau by sheriff to Cieo. Lauter, Ann Arbor lio A. A A. H. Miller toSImy & Mlnzey, Augusta I Mary A. Bmllli to Sliuy Mlozey, AugUBha 300 Jas. V. Shay to Mcllssa ilill, AugiiNla .. 050 Joseph Klscher to G. Gockenbacb, Aun Albor 1,000 Alt'xuiuler Kerr by helrs to I. H. Meyer, Auu Arbor "... 3i:u
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rebecca Henriques
C. H. Benedict
G. A. Roehm
George A. Waidlech
Rowland J. Bell
George Bell
Catherine Reyer
Olive Y. Just
S. B. Morse
John R. H. White
Z. Roath
E. B. Norris
J. L. Norris
George W. Best
Carrie J. Hall
Hannah Starks
W. D. Harriman
Mary Ann Smith
D. Stringham
Samuel H. Smith
F. D. Merrithew
Nathaniel Schmid
J. Schmid
Conrad Lelm
Sarah E. Sager
Cynthia A. Sager
Henry Van Tuyle
Charles King
E. W. Morgan
George Lauter
A. Miller
A. H. Miller
Mary A. Smith
James W. Shay
Melissa Hill
Joseph Fischer
G. Gockenbach
Alexander Kerr
L. H. Meyer