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; üí UTERATURE FOR ALL ThC A :K Hl: AN'lïOTFniVr.TAlflFP'LEAGUK is publishing a most vtúuubla seriee of Tarlff documentas, TUesc are prepred wltb a view tosíate tue faetsand añrumonts for Frotoctlon, whether in thc interest of farmers, laborera merchante or professional raen. Ëaufa issue of t t.i si-i-h-s uppeals to those enorflged in separate Industrieland preBenteinaisputabte raets- comparteons oí wage&oost of iiviiifí, and otber argumenta ahowlng tbo beneflts í" Proteotloru Any Bínele one will bo rent on reoeipt of 2 eenta io sumus exoept " Wages, Liviug umi ToriflV' wbicn will ho sent for 4 cents. Tbewhole libt wüi U yont for 31) cents or any twelve for '■' cents, or any ttvo furlü cents, [xa .;: o i ■■ . 1 Ottfci'bJ uuiubcr. N. Pao ss. 1- "WaftOi", I ' "a'itT." E. A. EÍAKT3ll :■■ . 104 2- "TLo Au; . " .i Protectlve Tariff to (hu . .- ■ luatrtesottfaftUutted . "... i..i, löS7. C'ltAWFi 'i:i' 1'. HJ ■-!-'' 32 8- " Iluiiiu Pruil iu-ijt)u ludispeasablo to a LOW PrlcMJS, of tlu1 MauufactunJ Conunodltiefl requird f or the Peopjfl f the United States, and Adequate Roma l'roilucikni at ilicse CoiOinodltiefl Iinixtusllilt witliout a PmtPiïiivoTorlff' First Prize Ktm&y, 1ÖS. C. D. ToD 32 4-" WlKitareKuw Aiaterlals? W'tmlil Pree Huw material bc Advantageom to the Labor and imluslrWs of the Vnitcii Sfait-s." First Prlze Essay, 18fl HobceuB. Dibell 32 6- "Follaclea of Kreeorade." E. P. Miller... a 0-"Sonie Views ou the '1'ariiT by an OUi buatin -ss .Man." GBO. DRAPEB 32 7- "Tli' l'n.ii'ctivc iaritl1: lt.s Ailvuutiijieri for thOtíOUth." CL. KDWABDS 33 8- "TheWbol Euterést." JïldgeWM, Laví:i:nce 24 'j- "PrOteoilOD M. I'1roi1-'l'rade."- A Hlstoricul Kerlew. D. ti. Hahkiman' 20 10-" The Farmer aud the TariiT" Col. Thomas H. Duulky 16 11- rrotftrtiou asa l'ublic PoUoy." ÜtouuaS. boofviu 16 12- "Kcply to the lresIdent'H Fi-ee-'frado IesBago." it. p. Portes 8 i ' " Worklngmen and tüe TaiiSt." 8 ü- VHai tj:Ui-.--i Ion : BballAmerloaa ludunii's íhí Aboudooed and Ajmerloun MurIrets Snrreodered ? 8 ir ín tierman, wUh Addittom 8 iü- "'Uil' Progreas nf imu tiundrud Years." Koüeet . Pobtui 8 ïT- " Protection for American Shlpplng." 8 H -'iheTaritt Nota'l'ax." IIoukkH. WBKU... 8 3 "Why iiisiinnn sinmi't Pe Protcctlonlsts. 8 .ij-" Proteotlou " i . H. &jqiuowh .... i -i- ' Wbat i? a Tariff?" Auswi-rstoa 'orkiuiiiun's Qoesfetop 4 : : "The Aii h-i kan w ooi InduBtry." E. h. auMIDOWN 8 1 ' " '. ;i_'c; :iinl (st ;jf Living." ,1. I). WEEKS. 4 ■ om bern Farniiiuc tndustries." 4 A bhort Talk to W orkiugmeü." 2 pfutecilon and tbelfaxmer.11 Senator s. M. Ci uuom 13 ■ ;i' tLw ricaü Kon ijii-;t, weelrly.deTOted to the if lliC Turlir guestloi). f2 ifUi :■ !.■.■; :ri-. Addresa Atnencan Proi. ■ ■ . ■ ! . -■■ V'. üütl st., New Vork. ICE. ICE. ICE. Keep cool during the coming simmer by con tra et ing with E. V. litar ice at the following rates: 25 Ibs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4 times a week, $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " " " 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O s. jsaijTisr st. To Restaurants, JTotels, etc,, in 500 II). lots, 40c per hundred. Less quantity, 50c. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Four Trips per Wook Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Ifrnace, Choboycan, Alpena, Harriaviile, Onooda, Sana lit-tvch. Port Kuron, St. Cl.-iir, Oakland llouao, Marino City. Evory Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips durlng July and Aueust. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS liatoB and Exoursion Tickets will bo f uruiahed by your Ticket Agent, or addrea E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pui. Agent, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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