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Eargtfs Shoes Family _T FARCO'S 9% f "Box Tip" School Shoes 1 3)t.vv for Boys and Girls, II ?í%e Heeled or Wedge Heel. f? Sa&ÍLv SlzeS-StolO1 1.2S jjfaT Tlr ito3 1.75 M FARCO'S Kk $2-50 Galf Shoe lav&v for Gentlemen, I . w A lgr-- Unequaled by any Bboe ■ül P LlT?""7 Mn America ftfc tbo ftamo BYftopMUt ,1-rÍL-e. Ill innrC, Iïlltfej-- "SI ton and Luie. Men'saml Boy 's sizes. Tfl FARCO'S W ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT 'S? . Dongoa or Goal. Button, Xft? Opera, or Common Sense. lOCfPSiX Tackles and Flexible. tt"lAÏSSii Vnrranted the mwt ttérdU itS ROOI 5SF""'; .!,! at S.50 B JiiBi8i!'?Hl' 'u ""eaaiid tont? OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTONI 0? EVERY SHOE. Ask your doaJerfor Furso'ii Slioc If hu doaa iiot koop {hem sond to us aiid o wlll furiush yon a HÜr uu raoelptof prlo& 9nd potal for deecrlptl lint. C. H. FAItOO & CO., Chicago, IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANST ARBOR. Insurance, Real Sstats and Loan Agency HAMILT0N_& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK] FIKST FLOOK. Part.les deslrlng to buy or sell Itenl Rstate wlll llnd It to Iheir ailvniilaüo (o culi on ui. We represent the following Í1 i-si -fhiss Pira I ('ompanies. havlng iiul it'Ente capital of over 8.0UO,000: Tlif Oraild ICfipillH l'ir' Ins. ('., The Ohio Farmer' Fiim, ., (insarea Ollt)" (I 'I I M-), The ■ mimi l'irt' Iiih. 4' , The imii'' Fire in-. : , The (ïtlzen'M Flr ln. fío., Thr WentelieHier Fire Iiih. Co., TIib niilwaukue medíanles' Fire Iiim. tío., The i lfaiii)Hhlre Fire Iiim. .. The Kortbwèa n Fire lus. :o. ltates IiOW. I.osscs llbt-Tiilly adjusted and pald promptly. We also l8sue Life nod Investment Tolicloe In the Conn. Mutual flfe InsuniuiT Oompany. Assets $w,ÜOÜ,OOD. Persons deslrlag Accident Insurauce, can have yearly Pollolei wrltteu (or t ni or Traveler's Con pon [nsar-l anee Tickets isNucil ;it low ratel In theBtaodard Accident Insurance (Jompany of Detroit, Mlch. Moncy to loan at. eurrent rates Ufllce hourH from ü a. m. lo 1 ia. and 2 to 5 p. in. HAMILTON & CREEN. Michigan (Tentr al " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 18H0. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. ""'' i JÜ fe jj fjjffi A.M. A.W. 1.M P.H. P. M P.M. A.M. P.M Ch'o Lv 7 05 il 0O 12 2.1 8 10 9 0 10 10 4 50 Kalu'oo 11 4.r 2 17 853 7 01)1118 33' 7 10 Jacks' n 3 00 4 25 5 30 8 471 3 35 6 05 5 00 40 Cheto 4 02 707 543 Dexter.. 4 18 1... . 723 556 P. M.I'. H. P.M. H. M. A.M A.M. A.M. A.M. ADDA'r 4 451682 8 2H H 45 4 6 7 45 B 14 110.) Ypcli'li 5 02 5 17 9 5 5 13 8 05 (28 1113 W't-.Jc. 527 8; 549 Db'c Ai 6 15 0 45 7 30 10 45 6 2 9 20 7 30 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. o. I ö d gM A.M. A.M I' . M.IP.M. A M. P.M. P.M. I Detroit.... I.v 9 0") 7 50 120 4 45 9 2i 916 ■" ,V i Wayne Juuc. 10 00 9 54 (38 ] Ypsilanti.... 1D22 8 43 2 05 5 47. ... 10 15 7 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.3I..M. P.M.IP.M. AnnArbor... 10 37 8 55 2 17 5.5S 10 IV lOSOl 7 H 1 DextiT 110' 735 Chelae 1113 748 Jacknon 1155 10 00 3 17 655 1115 1145 8 30 Kttlamazoo.. 433 2 lí 5 02 9.W1255 2 17 6 00 Chicago.. .Ar 7 5i i I5 9 0D 45) 805 1180 I O. W. KUGGLE8, H. W. HA YES, G. P. & T. Aüent, Chicago. Aut.. Aun Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Jíortli Michigan Rail way. TIMB SCHEDULB. Takiiiff effect November 25tl), 1889. Tratas run by Standard Time. - == Qoittg NoHh. I _ Id 31 Í 1 STATIONS. il II P. M. A. M. H. n.l P. M. 8 25 6 0 Lv Toledo .Ar 11 15 1 II) 4 17 6 47 Dundee 10 18 12 20 4 &5 7 0"i Milán 9 58 12 (H 4 4I 7 ík Urania 9 451162 JS) 7 22 Piltolleld 0 34 1142 5 07 7 3! Ann Arbor U 11 Í0 531 7 50 Leían 'I (I 07 11 ÍS 6 47 8 m Whltmore I.ake 8 55 11 02 6 2S 8 45 Ilowell 8 17 III 25 7 15 9 : Dornd 7 10 9 86 X 5S 10 5M BiKt Saftinnw. 6 K " 45 "s OOlïll 10 1 UwiWfO 35 IUI5 9 07H4:.l Iihaoa 5 32 7 50 0 ÍS 12 45 .... Mt. PlmMnt I 6 45 .....3:0 Cadillac " ::o ... i 4' ■[ tui.-ii 9 06 .. . 5 40 Ar t'r.ukt'ort Lv 7 50 r. m. r. m.I a. m. a ■ ■ I Qiiiny South. Soutli Lrn Brancli. Honra kound. BTATION8. foOth boond Train 18 Train 17 A. M. a. m. (i 00 Lv Anti Ar S 15 g 411 Wordoiis 7 35 7 00 Ar Houth Lyuu I.v 7 15 II. V, ASIIUV, Um.'ji MhtA. J. i'Aisi.uv, v,v. 11. 11 AZi.iami.n, Oen'l. I'uk. Ticket AKtni. Local Auent THIS PAPER ssrssWE 1 m9 mr tn hOWell co-s Ncwspapcr Alvertlslng Bureau (10 Spruce ' tislng contracta may MpMf YIIKK be uuulo tor tt iu llkWff I UI1Ib Chaneery Tiotïoc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, thf Oircnlt Cotirl for Ih6 CooDty ofWaahteaaw. In Oliancery. In the raatttr ot the npplication of the Toledo. Ad n Arbor t Noilh Michigan Knllway ('oinpanv, to abandon a portton oflta Hm; in Coalities of Washteniw und Oaltland. The Toledo, Aun Arbor & N'orth Michigan Failway Company, on the lsth l:iy of April, l&MÏ, fl U-d Ita pciiiion in the Circuit Consrt for the County of Wnslit.Mi;jv iu Chancery, aeefclng to take up.abau don and cense to opérate po inur-h of ita eald railwiiy aa exteoda Trom Leiand'a station in the County of Wachteoaw, to the rtllaeeofSontta Ljon !n the Conntv of Oaklsnd; tbo sald petltion conkaïns the followlng praycr for relief, vlz.: 'Yoar pctlttoner therefore prays tïmt a dverce of thi coortmay beentered, anthorizln it o abandon the said line of rallway, and take up, abandon and ccaae the opcrarion of i(s said trjick therein, and take up the ralle, tic?, station house?, abandon etatfons, and close up th ; (tjition honaea theretn, and wltbdraw the aevnta Iherefrom, and remove all thepropnty appertaintni to tbc ï'aïd brancb Itno as provldud bv the -i'ituii appltcable to puch caaof; and In farthOT aecordance wfth the m'h Htatutf, yowr pctltioner prsya ihnt the cltation of the CommifsinniT of lïailroads a a party to thin Droceedinir may bc bad; and notlce of the pen dency of tnec proceedlncB le glveo by puMlcation as requircd by la; and y nr petitloner fnrtluT pray lor anch other relief tx ïaaybcJiiHt ;inri eqnitaule In ttie premi." Therefore notlce Ia bereby gïven iliat oald petitiou is pending in tho Circuit Oourt for tbfl County ui Wathtenaw, In Chancery, and that any citlzen IntereRtedj eltber In pereon or by at'o entltled toappearand beneatd In oppoelifonto the i-T'ir.ti ii: ot :iir] pe ilion. Dated April I8tb, (Stttf. bUNTSBERGKR A A8HLBY, SoiiCitOn for u-!itli:rr A. J.SAWYEU, ofConneel. CET THE EEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Hücnrity held for the protectlon ir thn pollcj CKRISTÜN MACK Represente ïh followlas first-claaB companles, ol whir.h one, the Mina, haf imid $5ti,lHXI,ÜOlh;rc loeses In slxty-üvo y.-ürf : ! i3Etna. of Hartford f U,l2,ti44 Franklin ot Philadelphia 3,118,718 Germanni, N. Y 2,700,728 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,068 London Assurance, London.. . 1,41C,T88 Micliijian F. & M., Detroit. . . 887,608 N. Y. Umlerwriters, N. Y 2,696,67o National, Hartford 1,774,5(15 l'ha-nix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Ixisses libcrally atljusted and promptly paid. PoHcies issuud :tt the Iowest rates of premium. UHltf : Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOP ? BATH BOOMS. 1 C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest asency In the city. Kntabllsbi over aqnartor ofacentury ago. RepresenUní the fullowlug fiist-clutis oompauleu, wliu over $60,000,000 Capita! and AueU. HOME INS. OO., of New York. I CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN9. CO., of New York. GIRAKD 1-NK. CO.,of PhüailelplilH ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOKK. WASHINGTON FIRE anü MAKI.NK, of Boaton. Rates Low as the Lowest, Loases Lihcrally AOjusted aml promptly PaM. C. H. MILT.EN. Mort gage Sale. On the36tbdavor Febraarr, A. D., 18&4, Gottfried Jedele and Cnriattaa lï. JedoJe, hl wife, by mdcntnrc of mortHjie, mortgaged to FJenrietta K. Claikon, n executrix f tbfl et-Mte of John .1. Clarknon, deceased, of the city ol Jackon, Michigan, all thnt ccrtuin plece or parcel of land altoate, lylng and bolng fo lownhipol Shürou, coanty 01 Wahtonaw. and Btate oí Michigan, known and deecrlbed as follows, to-wH : Tht Houthtíiist qiiiirter of 1he northeat quarler ol'crtiünnumber twcnty-lhe (26). and In townahlp nmnher threft, souih ol'ranpe ïiumber thiCL' eaat, Mullican. Thi'í mortffflfd was, ou íht; "ith day of Keli. runry, A. I , 1884, recordad ia tlie office of the Register of Ieeds tor paid Washtenaw t'ounty, in liher 57 of mQTig&gGt on píte 51U. Deftiult híis been mado tu tho cosdltloi a of ü eaid mort gage, thu misjb U now (Jue, and tipon ih eamd them is clatmed tobe nowdue and onpAld the snm oftwo ibonsand mid thir'y fonr and 27-100 dollars ($2034. 27t bythe teños theroof; ana no Pñlt or proceediog woatevèr, iu lawor equlty, bai been commenc6d or tmil to recover tho ame or any pan thcreof, or on s:iii mortgafc. Nol I therelore hereby elvvn, ihat pursunct to liuv ai ■' the terina of s;iil mortf-ure, the premisos abova and ín s lid mortgaee desciibed, or to much thereof ag niay be becessftry l'or that parpóse, will bí soldat public auctiun, to tbe h'gaesi biddt-r, on Ihe líóth day of-hily. A. O., ISiW. at eleven o'cli'ck in the foronoon of that day, at thu weal froDt d"ur of the conrt house, in the city of Aun Arhor, Wasfatenaw Conoty, Micblgui, (that bdbiL fch6 building iu which the Circuit Court for aid M!-htenaw County is holden) to satiffy the mnount then due on said mortiiage, the leeal cosis and cnarftea of the forecloaure and the sale ihert-of. Dated April :j()th, A. D., 1890. A. F. F1ÍEKMAN, Attornov for Morti-fleet. IIENKItTTA "J2. CLAKKSCN, Ksecutrix, etc. Robber Shoes uniera worn uncomfortably tlgbt, Rfjtujnüly slip off Uto fort. THE 'COLCHESTEB" RUBBER CO. nwkp all thiMr hoes witH Inside of beel llnod wlth rubber. Thls ellrurs to tho ehoo aud provoutt tho rubber from llpplng otL Cali tor tho "Colehestor" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." - - Kul; sai.k BY kVM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, IOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., 3OTY k FEINER, A. D.SEYLER & SON. AXVXV ARBOR.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier