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Base ball at Milán Saturday. Saline is haring her streets graveled. Fourtliof July cclebration at Howell. The wool erop wlll soon be on the market. I'rof. Ilall wlll teaeh the Chelsea schools ncxt jear. The click of the sliecp shenra ara agaln heard in the land. Dundee carne ncar losing her clieeee factory by fire last week. The June bug is on hand now arrayed iu all of hls gorgeons apparel. Manchester township roports 7,S9O sheep. Goat3 not yct oumbered. Randall Brookf, a colorod man formerly a elave, dled at Saline, June I, aged 88 yeurs. The barn of Win. Paul of Lima, do stroyed by iire, is bciuí replaced by u new one. Now that the farmers' have bad a few pleasant duys to plant corn in, llu-y feel relieved somewhat. The York kids koocked out the Saline kida recently by a score of - to '13. A little more .-alt Saline. Dan Iïeeves. of Saline sawed 12,856 foet of hardwood lumbcr in one day r cently with his portable saw mili. Masuns to tlie mimber of 170 attendcd t!ie Masonic Memorial exercises at Manchester Sunday before last. Winfield S. Wallace, or Milan, died June 5, of consntnption, Bf?ed 80 yeais. He was a citizen greatly esteemed. The 43 hens of Phillips, of Milau luid 1,410 eggs during January, February and Marcb. All big eggs too. The Clielsea people are now happy over the faot the Qrand Rapids exprese' now stops at that placa going each way. The M. E. Banda; school of Xorth Sharon, uniteil wlth the Germán Lutheran S. S. u Cfaildreil's day services last Sunday. A ftliluu man liad liis watch stolen in relurnlng on a Sunday excursión rccently. Moral: Keep away frotu Sunday excursions. The l'atrons of Indnstry are not going to make any polltical demonstration this fall. - Btockbridge San. Dou'C yoi; bclieve it. The married men of Sharon defeated the single mes recently at base bal) bv a score ot' 2 Í to 20. Marriage isa guccess In Sharon. J. II. Boyden, the piarist nenr Saline, luis 60 colon tes o{ bees -liülUns ind James Hoy t liusaboiit W colon les of the busy lidie fellows. I, ast Sutxlny wan n'iito genorally olservcd as Childreo's Day tlirimjrhou t all the chinches of the eouuty; and elabórate exercises were held in many of tlicm. The beating ralna so packed clay corn ground that some farmers have found it necessary to rake off the hard en:st to nnable the coru to get through. - Siline Observcr. No iinproveniont of service or chango in tlie running of trains on the Toledo & Aun Arbor ruad. The guit now in the courts must bide its time. - Soutli Lyon Picket. The value of shcep killed in thiscounly bv worthless curs, thls spring already amounts to liundreds of dollars, and the season appcars tobe jut opeulng. - Cht-1sea Hernlil. The Northville Record offire wasflood ed to a depth of 5 luches, by last Satuiday's rain storm, resulttng In a damage of about $.")0. The lïecord Bhould g'-t up out of the wet. The Noith Like bandean be heard every evening, aUhough not so strong as they were beiore s uiaiiy were consuined by th Anti Arbor frog eatérs. - Cor. Clielsea Heiald. A nuniber of Lodl woo! gtOWen have shipped t lic i r unwaslied wool to Botton, tfarougli P. CJ.Wood, wlio has alrendy muir two 8hipments airgregatlng over 28,000 pounds. - Saline Observer. This is a great day for Chelse i, t bei na tlie date for her spring fair. Gen Al mr, Hon. John T. Rich and Hou, Gjpoi Yaple are all expected to talk agrlculturf to the multttude assembled. Christian Brown hands us a couple óf now potatoes whlcii were grown In hls garden this season. They wtll be large enongh for eatlng wlthln n couple of weekt.' - Pinckney Dispatch. The high school comtnenceraent at Milan is to be beid On Kriday eveulng iicx'. A line program bas been arr&nged, Includ lnir an essay front eacli of the gratluatOS, May McOregora'nd Bffle llaigbt. The Worklngmen'a society are preparing to put up a building for a ball room, refreshment booths, etc. They ezpeel t' have it completed In linie for their anniul picnic, July 4th.- Sillne Observer. There were 18 deatlis in Sylvan townsliip in theyear IHSO; nineoi whicli verage 7i! L' vears and tilne averaged :!"i'., years. There were also 33 births in the same year, 2Ö f em files and 13 males. - Chelsea Ileruld. Bishop Davies visiicd Dexter last Friday and coufirmed a clftss of tblrleau. In the evening of the samo clay the memberj of the paiish jravo the retlrlng rector Kev. Win. Qalpln, a surprise donatiou, and had a pleasant titue. The T. & A. A. agent, wife and little daughter, of Howell made :i trip to Brlghton on their bioyoles, Sanday. A couple of Ann Arbor studenta also p through here ou their v.hcels, bound for Grand llapids. - lirighton Citizen. Attornej' Q. II. Williams had a cáncer removed from his lower lip by lr. tiaucrede, at the University hospital on tha 29th uit. The operatton was performed in a mnsterly muiner, and j r. Williams is once more atletul ing to business.- Milan Leader. The house forme rly owned by O. Merritt, and latcly come n:i pogsesslon of Dean Ss C'o., oL Ann Arbor, on the corner of Gay juni MUI srrei'ts is undergolng exu.nsive repairs, A new sldewulk onboih streets will be nmong tlie Improveinenta to be made. - Mtlan Leader. Tlie Congrega t ion al Clmrch of this city was a8aessed $".:(! as its share of the expenses ot the Jackson Associatlon, Bod took up a special enyelupe cullecilon to raise the amount, two oi tbree weeks ago. When the last envelope wasopened and counted, the amounts footed up exactly $ T.56.- Ypsllantian. Ira Mead, onc of Dundee's oldest i -iti Zeus, died at his home on Toledo streef, ye.-terday forenoon. He was aged 83 years, and has been a resident here for a long term of yeara. Was u soldier In the Mexican war, and bberafor was the recipiënt of a pension from the goveromeut. Kr past severa! years bas been in feeble health, from his advanced age atld otlier inlirmlties. Jjeayes a widow and several married sous and daughters. - Dundee Reporter. The Michigan Mutual Benefit Association of Hillsdale in the last 12 years has paid $310,000.00 to the families of 153 members. It has bouglit homes for 25 Camille8 and pald off the mortgajre on over 100 homes where the husband died bcfore the home was cleared ofdebt. A pol ley in it s good as :i mortgage on the best farm when it is due. - Stookbridge Sun. It is not necessarj' to be the son of a prophet, to foretell a splendiil erop of bacteria this year. The living iuüinltesimals that hido under the sliine of stagnant water wlll put in their work by and by hen the glitter becomes dry, and they are lloated upoti every breeze aud are taken into 1 1 nï Byatera in thn food we eat and the air we breathe. A little dhrging out of the obstrncted drains now may savea bigdoctor'a bill next summer. - xpsllantian. A street fakir gathered in a goodly number of sil ver dollars here on Saturday evenï ii lc by the " Give-me-a-dollar-for-a-bottle of-inedicinp-and-I'Il-give }'ou-a-pre3eat" racket. From bit earlier transactions hla dupes werp. led to believe that lie woukl return the dollars to them, bul he iliiln't. The last we saw of them tliey were on the way to bis pockets. This towu in some respects ia like all others, in that it contains plenty of suckers who bite at any balt a fakir may oiler. Tlieonly sure and safe way to deal with a fakir is to let him alone. Men of that stamp do not travel for their health alone, but to gather In your hard earned dollars and if you deal with them they ure surc toget tlie dollars. - Plymouth Mali. Mrs. AusustiH Bond was this ivul tlie recipiënt of a letter wliich is in ltself quite a cnriosily. It was wrltten her by a friend who formerly resided in Ann Arbor, and there murrled a Jipanese student of tlie university, and with him returned to his native land to tttke part in tnlsslonary work. The letter is wrltten on the regnlation Japanese writing paper which resembles the line paper found in teacheats. Tlie sheet is abont six inches in width and nearly eleven feet long, closely written in a pliiin, legible bami. It gives a most Interoetlng description of the country, its people and their custouis. The letter was malled at Yokohoma, May 9th, and reacbed Sallnp, by way of San Francisco, May 28th, making the long jouruey ia ntnetcen dwys. - Slme Obêeiver. To realize some. of the rhatigea which have taken place in tl e last tlnee years, just interview som e of the old ctudents who have rccently visited the Normal. They noed a ;;uïde book to direct them, and even Hun they are not quite sure of their whereabouts. The stately weecis are nu more. the plcturesqne vale where the 1'. ;yptlaus, r somebody else, made brieks, lias dlsappeared, and modern honses cover tlie round where the dame was wont to balt iier cowa, and her enterprislng spouse cultivated a road-side potatopatcli. Wh-n a few more improvemente in the vicinity are aecomplished, it will he in order to send for the dlgnltted menber of the Legislative Vlíltlnu Comini:tee who oace stood upon the Conservatory gtepg, and surveylng the surrouadings, expressed his emphaVic opinión thal "This blank town doesn't deserve the Normal School !" - Ypsüantian. We learn that a traraber of patrons of induatry, some of whom are weaUhy and prominent farmers in this locality, are trylng to induce some ot' our meichants t i contract to sel) goodá to them at a certiin per cent, above actual eost of the goods. So far they have not been successtii', as the merchante say they canuot do business ut so gmall a percentage. Tlie patrons may condude to start a store here ui 1 if they do il will certainly hurt our meichants and likewise the village. A carelul Investigation at the bank and by well poated men will show to those who ure iuterested, that our merchants are selling trooils as clieap as they can be handled here ; tli it there is not the sllghtesl probablllty that one o( thera wlll make a dollar this year uuless trade brlghtona u . -Manchester Enterprise. If these P. I's w.uild give ten per cent. on all jjoods andpaycash-, perhapa a merebant could i fford to do business on that basis. But ' pou supposeone of.their number would l'iiy Miiar, for instancc, oftheirown store, at 10 percent? Not much. They would buy other goods, a id sneak off to a regula- store for their suar, anil all other coinniodities that are sold at a close margin.


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Ann Arbor Courier