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Everybody Knows That at this scason the blood s ftiled with Impuritiee, the accumulntlon of months of close cuDlincment in poorly ventllated Btorea workshops and teoements. All these Impuritiea and every cuse of serofulu, salt rheum, or otlier disease tnay be expclled by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier ever produced. It ia the ouly medicine of wliich "100 doses une dollur" is truc. YeHowstone National Park. In view of the wide spread attentlon now eenterad in tba YeHowstone National Park, the follflwlng expressions from two of the most eminent American cltizans,: oue a seientist and the other a clergymau, are of great ioterest, Prof. John Muir, Caüfornia'3 distinguished fjclogist, Bpeakiog of the national resort say.-: "Situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, on the brond rugged íuininit of the continent amid ■now niKl ice uul dark shay foresta, whero Uie great rivera take their rise, t surpas-os in uaUelul, ezcltlllff interest any other regiuB vet discovered 011 the face oi the globe." líev. T. DeWitt Tiihiiage, the eminent divine sns, "Afier all poetry bas exhausted itself, and all the Moran 8 and Uierstadta and oiher enohantlug artista haVe Cömp'èted their canvas, there will !e other revelatlons to make and other .■tonos of lts beauty and wiaüi, BDlendor and aiiony, to be recited. The ïellowine Park is the gfeolojrlat'e paradise." The Northern Pacitic Kailroad, the celebrated dining car route is the only all rail line to this reüioii. For copy of Wonderland, STeüowstone Park Folder and other illustrateü publicatlons, address any truveling passenxer agent of the oompany or Coas. S. Fee, Q. l'. & T. A., N. Í'. H. B., St, Paul, Mint). llibbiml's Rlicumaiic and Li ver Pilis. These Pilis are scientlflcally coinponnded, and uniform in aetlon. No grlplnfr pain so comuttonly followlng the use of l'ills. Tliey are adapted to both adults and ohildren with perfect s:ifi;ty. We guraatee tli"V have no equal in the cure of Sick Hcadache, Constipatlon, Dyajvepsla aml Biliousnewi and as an appethsar, tbey excel any otlier preparation. 9 Peah's Soap secares a beautlful eomplex1"U.


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Ann Arbor Courier