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High School Commencement

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The followtng is the program arranged for the conimenccniciit exereisos of the Ann Arbor II ili School, to be Iiold Frld;iy, June 2Qlh, ir: Uic liili school hall : Muslo. Prayer. 1. ' Counterfeitlng," M. Calvin Boylan, Anu Arbor. 2. '-iiovo of the .lvsiholio," Carrle li. Iliinenger, Algonac. :;. "Sometblng mr Nothlng," R. Clalr Carapbsil, Ypsiiauti. Mus Ie. 4. "The l'urltans," Thomas E. Goodrich, Brutos. 5. "Mining in the Konthwest," Jolin H. Hoamer, Marshlleld, Mo, (i. "Leaeles of Mie War,' A!frcd B. Connabie, Petoskey. 7. 'Job's Uat lu Die Llght of Modern Crlticism," Kimiin .1. McMormn, I'ort lluron. 8. "Toe fSiitl Song of the Sea Shell," J. Kíilriu'li Nolson, Aun Arbor. 9. "Jonathan mul John BrowO " Charles W. Rlciiuts. Aahinore, in. 1U. "Qarrets," Gertrude Sunderlaud, Ann Arbor. lusic. Presentatlon of diplomas. BeoedicUon. The graduates as passed by the school board Tuesday evcning, are as follows: NAMK. KESIDEXCK. Auderson, Florence Ann Arbor. Andenon, K. Orace Ann Arbor. Anderson, Krltz Ureene, Ia. Allí ii, Krank L. Ann Arbor. Allen, Sldnuv c. Ann Arhor, Backwltb, Frlllic (I. Ann Arbor. Bangnart, Bi. Mm Superior. BenaeU, Kllse ('. Rlchmond Ky. Bennett, Mary '. Hichraond, Ky. BrokaW, lue. E. Northlkld. Boylan, .M. i alvln Ann Arbor. linicus, James s. Aun Arbor. Burgan, Jamea Lake Linden. Caraon, Kate K. Aun Arbor. Clinton, Anna L. Aun Arbor. Covell, Charles H. Napoleon. Chiekerlug, Jloward E. Ann Arbor. Oolburn, Thomas ( South Arm. Connable, Allred li. Petoskey. Clark, Harry W. Ann Arbot. Campbell, K. Clalr, Ypsllantl. Cnmpbeil, Charleü C. Leiter's 'ord, Ind. East, Sophla Pittstleld. Kberbach, üttllle Ann Arbor. meld, Ltlllan M. Ann Arbor. Koley, Clara .1. Ann Arbor. Foley, John W. Ann Arbor. Kletcher, líate S. Lake Linden. (ïammou, H. BeniH'tt Crestón, IH. Qoodrlcb, Thomas K. Brutus. Herbert, Eva Ann Arbor. Hnmillon, Oertrude F. Wordun. lliMiionfr, Oarrle li. Algonac. Herey, Kinma M. Ann Arbor. lli.-ks, Maude, Ann Arbor. Ulnsdale, Louise A. Wailsworth, O. Henton, J. Utanbope, Baalt ste. Marie Haycs, Almvr R. Klshacoqulllas, Pa. Henion, Artlmr T. Aun Arbor. Hess. Krank II Ann Arbor. llosmer, Jonn K. -Marslifleld, Mo. ilayler, Qeorge Anu Arbor, Jams, Lols li. Ann Arbor. Janes. Le Roy I. Aun Arbor. Jewelt, üeorge 11. Ann Arbor. Keyer, Nellle C. Ann Arbor. KlrMnnd, Carrle E. Ann Arbor. Lamed, Alice K. Worden. Llndley, Krasiuus 0, Fairmount, Ind. Lyon, Alva E. Sclo. l.i-laiHi, Thad E. Hmery. Manly, Herbert O. Ann Arbor. Maluewson, Tlioinas K. Muscatlne, Ia. Maas, Walter L. Negaunee. Pa. McUlll, Joliu M. HaininondKurg, McMorran, Kiiiin J. I'ort Huron. NelRon, J. Kaleigh Aun Arbor. Noble, Frederlck C'. Meiuphls, Tenn O'Brlen, Sara V. Ann Arbor. O'Hearn, Mao H. Ann Arbor. Pulclpher, Ida Aun Arbor. l'lckeit, Frederirk Leslle. Rnymond, H. Francos Lansing Head, Carrie E. PIttifleld. Rogers, Hmtle A. Ann Arbor. MiiMida, Nagamasa Tokio. Japan. McBrlde, Hobert Blnningham. Robbins, (jeorge 1. Oood Hope, III. Ricketts, Charles W . Afthmore, 111. Rose, Cari ton K. Ann Arbor. Snnuble, Veiner L. Ann Arbor. sliai ph'ss, Herman 11. West Chesler, l'a. Sonleede, Edith I,. Ann Arbor. Sunderlaiid, Gerlrudo Ann Arbor. Bwlft, Hattls t'. Ann Arbor. Thompson, Artlmr ü. Durango. Col. Wllson, Maggie Alma, III. Wllson, Earle F. Harrlson. Whltman, Ross Aun Arbor. Watts, Hairy H. Ann Arbor. Wnttw, Herbert C. Ann Arbor. Williams, Howe A. Ann Arbor. Wedemeyer, Wllliam W. C'tielsea. Elabórate arrangeinents have been made for the reception and banquet of the High School senior class, Wednesdny, June 11. The Chequamegon orohestra wil] fnrntsh the muslc; and t!ie fincst music trer given on such au occasion has been prepared. From "." to 100 COUples are expected, and the fiiocess and character of the affair is Miown by the list of chaperons: Mrs. Prof. Perry, .Mis. Prof. Creen, Mrs. Prof. Cooley, Mrs. Dr. Carrow, Mis. Prof. IIarrinfton. Tickets for thé bartquet and reoeptlon are now on s:ile. The 13 h Annual Reunión of the H'gh School Alumni Association is to taifa place In High school hall Frlday evening, Jnne 20, at 8 o'clock. It will consist of a receiulon and ban(jnet. Prof. 1,. D. Wini'S president of tho afsiciation will act as toastmaater, wliile ic-ponses will be heard from Prol'. Perry, Regent Whitman, Prof. J. C. Knowlton, Mi-s Louiee Tüylor, Mr. Fred C. Clark, Mr. B. P. Bourland and others.


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