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"i'ray wlmt isyour age?" sakl ye census tnau age. And yo damsel spoke never a word. "Are yon luullsb, deuf, humpbacked, or lamet" And she smikul at a thought so absurd. "Du yoa powder or palntt" and her smlle !i Brew fuint. ''Doyousnore Miss, and have you oold feet?" . .liLMis.i yet stie Hpake nol, ye bet, lint ye man lay dt-ad in ye street. - WaabiUKton Crltlc. Jlr. and Mrs. I?. Ii. Treble, of Mouroe st., wlll move to Chicago this week. Tiiis Is straight. The Street Car Cotnpany wlll coinnieuce work in Anu Arbor uext week. Th ere is one thing the census leaves out tliat is very important. It doesn't ask ibout tlie ilos. The Michigan Fmniture factory came ncar liaving a lire one dny last week orlglnatin from tlie engine house. The postoUlce corridors are bei h ie improved by calciinine, paiat and varnisli. Au net the public wlll appreciate. Frutcniity lodr F. & A. M. will confer the 2u degree Frlday cvenintr. Nest Monday thcy will woik on the Sd. A 24 pnge pamphlet, contatning the vroikofMisa Lmdd's claes a geology, Is being prlnted at the Colriek office. Tlio Young l'eople's Society of tlie M. E. churcli are lo give a rose social on Fr iday eveuing, in tlie cburch parlors. Jiutge L:ine of Adrián, is holding court to-day in place of Jiule Kinne, to hear Bome cases In wblcU the judge had been retained as counsel. The Deraocrat's "Man About Town," kicks apon tlie street ball pluying nuis;iiHi'. And it isa just kick too. The boy aro inaltlng a nulsauce of it. The K. O. T. M.'s htve thirty new mem ben HCCopted and rcady for inltiation on Frldny eveolng. There are now 205 merahi'is aaide Irom thealiove, amlstill booming. Dr. V. V. liumsiiy, the former pastor of tl.e M. E. churcli, will occupy the pulpit of tl. it churcli nezt Suniiiiy. It is iinillcss to add that the house will be fllled. Prof. Vaaghan and Evart Scott are each building uandgotne coltagos tt the Old Mtsston Hesort ;roiuds oa Traverse Hay. Heveral others will soon buiM it tlmt beautiful place. A rose cominiltec of youn; ladies will be ready to rcceive you at the M. K. church Frlday evening. And lovely rosey lüdiea vil] serve ice cream tlie sume evcniii. Yon are invitad. Thoíe of our city who never see the sun rise iré not aware of how much pleasure they deprlve tliemselves of b3' not hearing thofe swect bird concerts, about 4 o'clock every raorninfr. The case of Sarah A. Colé v?. The Lake Shore and M. S. R. K. tried u tliis circuit, Dec. 1888, reralttogin a $5,000 verdict for plaintill', has been reversed by the Supreme court and will be returned for a new trial. Walter A. Nuble who wa vlth liis miele A. ,. Noble for the past year and a huif, is to be married thia evening, at Niles to Mísb May Saunders, of that city, wherehe is engiiged in the boot and slioe business. Win. Herz and Titas Hutzel are in Ludnton as delegntes of the Workingmen's .society convention. They propose to bring the association to Ann Arbor next year to help them celébrate their twentyllfth anniversary. Recent decisions, not only of our ütvn suprcme court, but of tlie United States eourts as well, hold tlmt the property in front of whicli a defective sidewnlk s Bltuated Is Hable for any dainage ensuing from the defects thercin. The Toung People's Society of the Presbyterian cliureh will have an extra meeting la the audience room next SabIntli evening. Short stirrinpr speeches and (rood singing will be a feature of the occasion. The public is invited. Itev. aud Mrs. J. T. Sunderland will receive their student friendsatthe parlors of the Unltarian ohnrch on Friday evening, June 13, from 8 to 11 o'clock. All students who iiave been attendants of church, bible clase or Unity club are invited. Chas. Lappns, of Ypsilanti.yard uiaster of the M. C. R. R., for Ann Arbor and Ypsilantl, was killed wtatle coupling cars at Ypsilanti ut 10:30 thia (Wednesday) morñlng. He leaves a wife and four children. The accident is said to have been the result of a defective coupling. The miserable fljwcr thleves are quite busy now nlghts. A Httle bird shot now and Uien in the región of the lovver Hinbs, mifrht be an elfectual cure. People who work hard to raise plant and flowers do not have the greatest chrlslian spirit in thelr hearts when thcy go into their yards mornings and lind thein stolen, and quite often pulled up by the roots. John V. Bennett census enumerator for the sixth ward, completed his work in loss than six days. Being under oath not to divulge any of the secret arts parts or points of the census enumeration, he would not teil us how mnny people he found, but guessing at 250 names fnr each of live days, we shall have 1,50 inliabitanU in that ward. The state of Michigan receives some $15,000 for experiment stations in the line ot pomology. Lanalng has one of these stations for the central portion of the state, oneis at South Haven for the western fruit belt. but the eastern and southern eounties have none. The Washtenaw county pomologlcal society is making a tnovemetit looking to the establishment of one here, In which the citizens ought to asitot. The presence of such mi'ii us Prof. Spauldinjr. l'rof. Steere, and others in this city, would be of great benefit to sucb a station here, and the station would be of beneflt to students in the university pursulngscientiflc studies. The ílrc üepartment boys are pniiitlng Fireman's hall red. Maria, wldow of Daniel Long, of Chelsea, has been granteil a pension. F. M. Gardner anti wife foimerly of S. Universfty ave. have moved to Bedford, Ind. Aniong the new patents srrantetl is one to J. Austin Scott of this city for a platting stake. A"Flover Sunday Service" wül be given at the Unltarian cburch next Sunday morning. frs. Capt. Allon aod dangbter Lutee have returned home to Ypsllintl from Washington, D. C. The new white front at E. P. Mills & Co's. store is pleasnnt to look upon. But you musn't touch It- palnt. The South Ijj'on green house pcople shipped un entire car load of cabbage and tomatoe plants to th!s city one dny last week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. ohurch hohl tlicir monthly meeting Thursday p. na. at 4 o'clock, in the churcli parlors. The S. of V.'s partook of a pleasant little surprise at Hangsterfer's last Friday evenintr. prepared for tliem bv their " dad,1' Inüian Commissioner Jacobs. Clias. E. Goilfrey is putting up a Iarge brick building for f urn i ture storasre, on the rear of bis lot. on Fourth st. It will be a mnefa needed additlon to the wants of the city. The enüre front of D. Mclntyre's property about 25 rods on W. Huron st., s to lie eraded and the lawn extender]. It will b" nn elegant improvoraent for that lornlity. The ladies of the Conirrejrational church will serve strawberries, ice cream and cake In their parlor?. hfonday of commpiieemiMit week, ut the elr.e of Prof. Stanley's organ recital, and during the evonina;. All are invlted. It muy be ntrrcstlnf; to Icow that ;ibont 2,000 species of insect, on nn average, have been discovered yoarly duriiiir tlie last century. And specimens of nenrly every one ot' tliem oan be found In our garden patch. All caused by the tariff. Xext Satimlay evenlng at O'.io'clock the young people of the M. E. elmrch and the students altending that church are requestetl to meet at the churcli to oonsummate plans for carryinjr on the Young I'eople'a prnyer meeting. A large attendance is desired. About 30,000 bricks have beer. made at the new yards on N. Main st, and if weather permits burning will be eommenced next werk. Mr. Goldner. nn expert brick maker of Detroit, bus been nspectinsr the worke, nml reporta everytliing in splendid eondition. Chas. Staebler, the decorator aml painter in the masonlc, block is hustling for business. He luis roof secured the repnlnting of the Franktin lion=p, the St. James blook, floodyenr's ncw block with inside decorations, "also Mann Bios. drus store, some rooms for J. T. Jacobs, etc. Jacob Dengler, of 5th ave., In the 4th ward, died Thursday, June 5, aged 57. The funeral services were liekl on Sun day p. m., the Germán Workingmen's Society attending the funeral In a body. He was buried in the 5th won) cemetery. He was the fathcr of Goorsre Dengler, of the Register bindery. On the5th dny of June, Hon D. JlcIntyre of this city celebrated lus S8d birthday. All of his chilclreii wcre liere, Donald Mclntyre, of Cadillac; Mts. W. H. Bmleson, of New Vork; Mis. Wetmore, and sou, of Cassopolis; and Mrs. Pomeroy, of Kan 8a. Tliey presenteü their father with a dne gold hcadetl enne upon the occiision. Prof. E. Baur, Secretary, imnounces a Pomoloical meeting S:iturday,the 21st, at the court house basement. Exhibit of strawberries anti cherrius. DUcuSslon on the neecssity of an experiment stiition branch at Aun Arbor lor t lic BOUtbern tier of contities in this stHte. Pi uit prospeet-s. All, espetinlly iclentista ot the University, are eordiully invited. A census cnumcrator should never be a crank. He can't make good pioress by heilig one. He ouglit to be íharn enough too, not to ask fooi qneatious even thougli they may be down on his blanks. And if he does ask thein and is nnswered according to hisfolly he should be man enough not to get mid and be impudent and rude. But alus there is au occaslonal crank among theiu. A party cousistin of C. 15. Davison, Ij. C. Goodrich, Mae LeBeau, I). C. Fallí Fred Ilenne, W. K. Prlce, John Dowdigan, Geo. lílum, M. M. Steffy, Eugene Mutscliel, Tueo. Stieile, Huddf Osius, Chas. Neithammcr, W. W. Watts, Thos. Tuylor, Mr. Iludaon, Mr. Olney, A. II. Brown, Mr. Cralg, M. F. Lanlz, C. W. Greemnan, Leonard Bisset, and E. II. Robertson, are going to Salino to see the 3d degiee in masonry pxempllficd tonigut. Aiinoiinceiuent is made of the mamage this eveiiing, at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Iï. LewU on S. División st., of their daughter Miss Helle, to Mr. John L. Kimball, of Sin Luis Obispo, Cal. The couple will at once leave lor their home in California, where tliey will enter t'ieir owu home that has been prepared tbr thoir reception. Mr. Kimball is a gradúate of the l:iw department, class ot '8ü. Misa LewU Is one of Ann Arbor's popular young ladies who will be missed. The commenceinent week at the Michigan Normal school occurs Juüc 2'2-ï. Following is the program : Suuday June 22 - Meeting of Christian asaociation, 3 p. in.; bacealaureate address, 7:.')0 p. m. Monday, June 23- ClOíing exercises of training school, ',) a. in. ; junior class-day exercises, 2:30 p. m. ; closing exercises of conservatory of ruusic, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, June 24 - Senior class-day exercises, 2:30 p. in.; meeting of alumni, 7::iO p. m, VVednesday, June 215- Commenceinent exercise?, 9:30 a. rn. Died on Saturday, May olst, at bis home on W. Huron st., of kiduey disease, Martin Noli, aged 51 years seven months. Mr. Nollwasa native of Germany, and camp to Ann Arbor about 25 years ago. He was a quiet, HnflMUmlng man who made friemls ly attending to hi3 own business. lie leaves a wife and family of neven chiklren, four daiijihters and three s-mi-, among the latler bcing Louis Xuli, ior.-ni in of tlie CüUBlKlt biudery. 'l'lie family desire to have their thanks retuniiil to those who so kindly remembered them in their aftliction. Last Thunday niglit a lot of youiig ( ?) rooks siartud fiom a Detroit street ranch, lilled witli evil spirits, and lefi a path of destruction behiud them. At A. K. Schrald's carriage factory they broke a laree number of window panes at Albrecht Gwinner's they toie the poreelain lettering off the plate glass front; turned eveythina; top f lde turvy on Ann st.: pilcd all sorts of debris in the opera house stairway ; tore down some siüns at Georgo Waln'a bookstore: at K they pried the lettering off the gl;iss and destroyed them, and did the saine at Hrown's drug store. As these letters cost 75 cents a piece UiU bit ut' "sport" was expenslve for these victima. Sucli wanton destruction of property is not "fnn.'" The porpetrators have been pretty well tracedaud mny well feel inieaay in their shoes.


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