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A. L. Xoble goes to Nilcs tlils p. ni. Miss Francés Waldron has left íor a European tour. ISurt Abel I has moved f Din 33 Monroe st. to Jeirerson st. Detwtler, of Jaekjon, lit SO, U visiting in llie city. Miss Bertlw Ashby of St. Paul s visiting Mrs. J. E. líeal. Miss Luía Tozer, lit '88, is home f rom hor school lo the soulli. Henry Binder of Detroit vUited lita párente in cl is city over Sunday. Detective John Munly, of Toledo, visIted Marshal Walsh over Sunday. Reuben Kempf is In Texas looking up some land for a Detroit syndicale. Mrs. 15. F. Giles has been gpending several days In Detroit the pust week. Jed Lee lias returned frmn a successful year's teaching at Winlield, Kansas. Leo Frtltap, organist of St. Thomas' church has relurned home to Detroit. Mrs. Thos. Ijtnnsden and dnughter (race are vlsltlng M r. Prof. Beman. James Murphy of the Freo Press stafT, came up to altend the play Friday evcnIng. Mate A. Clark has retorced hom" froin visiting her sister, Mrs. Roberts, in Chicago. Oov. Felch is attending the legislattve reunión ut Langing, of whicli lie is pr:.-dent, Mrs. J. J. Goodyear lí Rpemllnf! leveral days with Miss Auna Frothinghani in Detroit. Misses Emma and tAajcgie Bower rent into Detroit Monday to hear the Gil more concerts. Rev. ïlenrv Qekton's family have arrived froni Florida to visit fricnds during the nimmer. Rev. Ileim went to Maybee yestcrday, to attend a conference of the Oerman Luiheran church. Wm. R. Btïeeter, lit. 'S-l, tlie itate agent of the state public school at CoMwater was In town Saturday. Miss I. Thompson of Detroit came to A.nn Arljor Friday, to atteud the Foley gnlld plav at the opera house. Chas. Spoor and ÚBUffhter, Mrs. Eugene Miitschel, left for the Adirondack mbuntains Monday evening for a two month's stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keith and family, formerly of Caro, have been visitinr relatives and friends in Ann Arbor durinc ihe week. Mr. J. I,. Babcock reports the fishing Bupert, on fijiddle Bass Wand, L:ikc Krie, where lie is enjoylnc rhe kind hospitality of the Bnatlng and Fishing Association lor a week. Mrp, P. 1). Noble went to Niles yesterday to Httend the wedding of her grand bod, Walter, tbU evenlng. Slie wiil viit ui KalamMZoo and BucTianan before returnin home. Clinton E. Worden left for San Francisco 1 hursdiiy where he is extensively Interested In manufneturing drusa and Chemicals, owning the targest house of the trade on the coast. As the hook and ladder truck wa being drive down N. División st. yester day p. m., to exercise the horses, a üttl live year oíd son of William FInnegan ran out of the yard and jumped upon tlie step at the side. In some way lie lost hi hold and feil under the wheelfl, rcsnltioj in a broken leg. At the school board meeting last even ing lliere was jast a quorum present. A two Dionths' accumulatlon of bilis wa presented and passed upou. The matte of furnlshlng the commercial room witl Dew desks, and of purcliaslnfr a new cliar ior teaching anatoniy, and of providing Prof. (Jhute's room wlth a lathe, were re ferred to appropriate committee. The sun of $25 was allowed for commencemen music. The place made vacant by the declination of Miss Wright to accept a contract for tbis year, was reccived and Miss Sarah Whedon was chosen in her plaoe at a salary of $500. Mrs. Trueblood was employed as teacher of elocution, at $190 per year. The names of those entitled to diplomas this year werc reported by Prof. Perry, and passed. Communications were received from five teachers who were overlooked in the recent raise of salaries, and were referrcd to tho coramittee to report at the next meetinjr. Prof. Leutwein was granted the use of a room in the hih school building for a sumraer school in Germán.


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Ann Arbor Courier