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The Grcat Spring Medicine. It will be gratifylng to all who reallze the vital necepsity of purifying the blood, to know tli ut Ilibbard'a EUieumaticByrup can be relied upon as a blood medicine. Mr. B. C. Robinson, of Marshall, Mich., says: Gentlemen: - I have suftered intensely froin biliousness and rheumatism for over three years, and liad tried so inany remedies that I had lost all faith. Hearing of Hibbard's Rheamatlc Syrup I bought a bottle and fuund it helped me. I have now used tour bottles, and it has restored ray liver and kidneys to heallhy action, and done more topurify my blood than anything I have every taken. I am pleased to recommend it as a wonderful blood medicine. Very trui y yours, "li. C. Kobinson, Marshall, Mlch. Sold by all driisrgis'.s. Prepared only by The Challes Wrlght Medicine Companj', Detroit, Mich. Tbe Kreater our faith, tlie greater our God. 18 Kegrocs! Who left the United States for L) berin list year have latei y returoed, buin unable to stand the elimate. Kveryboily goins to a new cllmate should have u botlh? of' Sulphur Bitters with tlu'm as a Bafegnard Rgslnst disease. - Uartford Courant, i'l'he gates of heaven are alwuj's open. The well known strengllicnin? properties of Ikon, combined with other ton es and a most peiféet nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pllls, whtch atrengthen the nerves and body, and i ni - prove the blood and complexión.


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Ann Arbor Courier