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men from all parts of the country met In conference at Mohonk, N. Y., on the 4th to considor the qupstions of Christianizing and educating the colorod poople. A society was fornied wlth exl'resident Hayes as president. The Lutherana of Wlaconsin held a State convontion at Milwaukee on the Hh and resolutions were adopted protestinpr affalnst tbe Bennett school law. An Immense crowd listened do Ghauncey M. Depew's leotnre on the world's iair on the evenlng of tlio 5th at the Auditorium in Chicago. Owim. torecent storma the villano of Manawa, Ia., on Lake Manawa, was undor fivo foet of water on tho Clh and ontirely desertod. LiGiiTXi.(i struck a school-house near Flandreau, S. 1)., on the 5th, killing seven children. lx tho vicinity of Lockport, N. Y., great damago was dono on tlio 5th by a wind and rain-storin anti many cattle wore drowncd. Zacii T. IIindi.kv, chainnan of tho Stato Democratie Central Committeo of South Dakota, was murdered hy his son at Iluron on tho öth in a disputo about putting down a carpet. Roi.i.ix Beer, a lawyer at Hridgoport, Conn., who swindled his brother and sister and other persons out of S80,000, fled to Canada on tho 5th. The district near llubbard, Ia., was swept on the ith by a tornado, houses and barns boing reduced to kindling wood, and niuny horses and cattlo woro killed. Aivk r.s of the 5th say that a party of fivo (iovernmont sarveyors had boen massacred by Indiana in tho upper Oreon river country in Wyoming. ThbeE mon wcre fatally sunstruck on tho 5th at Cleveland, O. Kiftek.v BTDSDRED Indians armed witli Winchester rifles on the Menomineo reservation in Wlseonsln drovo tho Indian agent off on the 5th. Trouble was fearod. A uloud-btjbst on the Bth at Rod Wing, Minn., did great damage. Noarly half of Uoodhue Connty was ovorflowed and soveral cases of loss of life wero reported. The Belle Creek valley was completcly devastated and evory farm-house on bottom land was washod away. Tuk I84th anmial commencement of tho Univorsity of IVnnsylvania was held in tho Academy of Music in Philadelphia on the 5th. Aa oil tank on a steamor noar Philadelphia explodod on the Bth, killing one man and badly injuring eleven others. The property loss was Sl"5,000. TrtE post-ofilce building at GofT, I'a., was struck by lijrhtning and dostroyed on the Oth and l'ostniaster Flenry waa fatally injured. Thbbb were ';o business failures in the Unitiid State-i during the seven day3 endod on tho Sth, against 218 the previous seven davs. At Middlcbury, Conn.. Mrs. John Smith and her two little boys wero drowncd on the 6th. 'i'lie lads foll into tho water, and the mot her lost her lifo in tryinif to save them. The New Vork Supreme Court on the 6th aflinnpil the convictlon andsontence ofSherifl l-'laok, of New York City, for fraud. IIkavv rain and tliundor-storms prevailed in Contra] Xew York on tlui th, the lightning, wind and floods working havoc. Soveral livcs wcre lost. Thomas Kim. nrashanged at l'ouldor. Mout., on the Oth for killing' Matthew Fogarty at a dance a few moiiths ago. A passknokh train jumped the rails near Rock ford, [11., on the Oth, and tho engineer and tour uection men wore killed. Chevejíse Indiana in Montana woro onthcOlh on tho ver;;'e of an OUtbreak. lt was reported thftl they had killed flve whites, aul settlera were taking precuutions their safety. A ikst vot" on tho strongth ot the lotterv nHijile in tlie Louisiana Leffislature, taken on the itth, rosulted 4'J to 26 in the lottery's favor. Tur: bilí exemptlng editora and reporters n Xew York City from jury duty was gigned on the Uth bv (ïovernor llil'l. Tui: Amos tb rasher and reapor works at Oswogo, N. Y., wcre struck by lightning on the 8th and totally destroyed. Tuin.!-: negro mu rderers, Torn Miles, Fletcher Balden and Honry Halden, were hantred :t Linden, Tes., on tho Gth. Ezit.v Lkech, b farmer of Newton Coiinty, Miss., discovëred 5510,000 in gold while ditching in liis field on the Oth. The flrst annivursary of the great fire by which tlie en tire business portion ol Seattle, Wash.. was destroyed, was celebrated on the 'ith. Tkains collided on the Oth at Des Moines, Ia., oausing a loss of S100.000. No ono was Injured. The Louis vil Ie & Nashville eannon hall express, from New Orloans for Cincinnati, was wrecked near English, Ky., on tlie Olh. and nin(; people wero seriously hurl, two of thom fatally. Pellico, a (Jmatilla Indian, waa hanged at Portland, Ore., on the Oth by the United States autboritlea for tho murder of an Indian wornan.


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