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Á WMtK p W ü& RnbNrr Shoee tmleeg worn uncomfortably tight, generalij' allp off tho toet, THE 'COLCHESTEB" EUBBEK CO. raske all their hoe with buide of heel llned wlth rubber. Thls clines to tho hoo fi&d proveut Ulo rubber from jülpplug off. Cll for Uio " Colchester " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER &SON. MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rateo. Fout Trips per Woelt Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 81. leñaos, Cheboycan, Alpena, Hnrnaville Oooda. aand Beach, Po-t Hurou, flt. Clair, Oak.lj.nd Houbo, Marino City, Every Week Day Botweou DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spoci&l Sunday Trips durine July and AuLut. Our illusTrated pamphlets Htea and Bxouraion Ticketa will be f uruiahcd by y our Tlokat Aent, or addreas E. B. WHITCOMB, Gon'l Pait. Agent, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. E-lale of Willlam W. Dean. STATE UF M1CH1UAN, C'onmy of Wiuhtcnuw iW. Al n Bestión ol ihi Probate Court for tho Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the l'robatu Office n the city itl Aim Ar!or, oo iMumiay, Hu ninth day oí .linie, in th er on ttmnsiipd eitrht hundred anil iiin.-ty. Proaent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judi;o ot' Probate. In thu matter of the est;ite of Williara w. Dean, deraued4 Henry 8. Dean, isecmor of the lost will anil testament of safd dectxsed, comea Into court and ri'pre.-ents lliat he U now Drt'liarod lo rendar liie tlnal account MBQCb execator. Tuerenpon it i ordered, that Friday, the -Tth day u{ Juin: [oslan! at ten o'clock iu tht: furenoon be atMigned for exmntnin and nllowiug euch account and that the deviaeeg, Ifgsteee and hüirs at-luw oi' deceased, andall othcr pereone Interested In sald estáte are reqairedto appvnr at a aescion of taid Court, theo tobe holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, in iald connty, and Hbow canee, ifany be, wtay the suid account should not be allowcd. And it i fnrther ordereii that said tteentor irive notice to the persons intcreeted in watd irat'-, of the pendency of eaid account and tbe beving thereof, by causin; a copy of tliia order to be publlühcd in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed andcirculating in said county, two successive weeks previoua to satd day of hearine. (A truc copy.) J. W1JLL.AKU BABBITT, ,)udte of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Résister. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOP BATH ROOMS. G! Wm ú S3! BATÍS ! TV: Ff LJTERATURE FOR ALL. The Ameïïican PuotkítivkTaiíippLeaoitb is publlíhing a most vu hmbliï series of Turiff documente, ïbese are prepared wltb a view ti Btatc the facts and argumente tor ProteoUou, vbethei in the interest of runners, laborera, Eaerch&nts or professional men. Bacb Issue of the series appeals to ttioee (iignyed In separate Industries, and presente inalsputablé fucts - coraparisons of wultcs, cost Of iivinir, and other argumente showiug the beoefltaof l'rotcction. Any siujrle one will he pent on reocipt of Í3 cents in etamps exoept " YVupcs, Living mul Tiu-iil1." wiiich will besent fnr 4 cents. ThowhOle Ifót wül bosviit for 30wntsor any twtslve for SU conts.or any ftve ï'oriu cents, postale tsi I. Orderb? number. NoPaoes. i- Wages, :. . ... [ff.w e. a. HartsHu.cX 104 2- "Tiie Am., u ProtectivO Tarlff to tbc La ...n il , cios of the t'ulted Btales." j h .i live Essay, it87. CbawPoitu D. Ü ; 32 8 - " Home Productlon Indispensable to a Supply, at Low fricee, of the Maaofactared Conuaodltlea requlred for the ivople of the United States, mul AilttqaAta Moinu Proiuction of these Connnomttee ImposBibit without a Protectlve Tariff." Vlrst Prlze Buay,l883. C. D. Todd C2 é - ""Whatare Raw Material! ' Would Proo Raiv jviuteriuis bo Advantageous to the Labi r anrt ludustrU'S of the Dnlted Sto Plret Hriae Essay, lSn9 Bom r B. Dxbell 33 6- "Fallacies of FreO-lrade." E. r. Mitxnt.., tJ- "tjome Views ou the Tariff by au oil liusiuessMan." Gbo. Diulfbr 33 7- "The Protoctlve Tarlfl : lis Advautaget for thesouih." C. L. KiiwAui.s 89 S- "TheWool Interest." Judp1 Wai. Lawki :- "Trotectlou u. Freti-lruUt."- A Blstoxioul RevfeW. Í). (i. IlARRIUAÏf 30 10-" The Farmer and the 'iarilï'" Col. Tuumaü H. Dt'ULliY lö 11- "Irotcrtlon iïü PttbllC l'olk-y." QSOBOK íí. BOUTWSU 16 12- "Eeply to the 1 rcaldeDt'd Freê-Trade MBage." R. . huRTEH 8 IS- " Workingmenand the TarlS." 8 14- "The Vital Queatton: Shall American Industries be Abandoued aud Amtricau liarkots surrendered ? r 8 1.1- Samt inUermau, with Addicioa 8 ltt- "The Progresa of One Hundred Years." KOBERT P. POBTKR 8 17- "Protection for American ShippluR." 8 IK- ''The Tariff Not a Tax." HOKKRB, DZBRLt. 8 [S " why Irishmen siiouM Be Protectlonjits.11 8 20- "Protection." K. II. Ammipows 21- ''What Is a Tariff?" Auswerstoa Workagjuan's Qucstion 1 22- "The American Wool Industry." K.H. amMIDUWN 8 23" Wjiges and Coat of I.lving." J. D. Weeks. í Jl- "Southern Farmlnec Industries." : -.■ " A Short Talk to workiogmeu." 2 ÏÖ- Protection and the Farmer." Senator S. 11. Ct'LLON 12 Tno Amkricas KcososüIst, wceklv. devotcd to the UsCdsslon of dl iihasea uf tlie Tarín (ucstlon. f2 lyear Sample copi Bfree. AiMresy American Protectlre Tarín League, :í W. -.r.wi at,, New York. Fkrgtfs Shoes Family TSIil "Box Tip" School Shoes ! 0%X for Boys and Girls, m PÏÏ&aK Heeled or Wed9e Heelm "SyiSV SlzuS-StolOJi 81.25 toM TIRg lto3 1.75 lHRassa'11 sjto rü 3.00 fclV $2.50 Calf Shoe Vlaiov for Gentlemen, I#A Tky ■■'_ Unialttl by imy ihoii tóSFCLlftlTTn11 Aint'iidl afc tho wuno ByteiQ H O fc LjiiFprice. In Conürre, Kut Boy'ssics. ll ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT b Oongola or Goat, Button, JF fSo . Opera, or Common Sense. fCrtASo k Tackless and Flexible. DURNAME IS ON THEBOTTOM DF EVERYSHOE. Ask j-our di-aler for Furso's Khoo. lt lw doe nut b1 I' l'" M'nd to ua aml e " ill furnish voll a ia.r ui 'vto.tá.ABsGi&ti':dc0hSi:tiii. DOTY & FEINER, AGENT8, - ANX ARBOR. Insurance, Seal Estáte and Loan geney HAMILT0N_& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIKS T FI.OOK. Partlpadeslrlne to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to their ndvantae to cali ou us. We represent the followtn fifst-olass flre Insnranco Compiinics. bavlug i'.id atfgregate capital of over fS,O(JÜ,OOü : The Orand Rapidx FIrr Ins. '.. The Ohio l'arrncr' Iiin. (., (iHUroi ouïy dwclljns), The (erinuii F'írt In.s. C0.1 Th People's Flre lus. 'o., The itlz'iis Flre lux. '5 The WiMtrliiHicr Firo Ins. '., , The Milwaukee JHcclianlc' Flre In. TIn' c llampsliirt' Iiik. ., , oi( lm 1 iiiiii Flrc 111. t'o. , , , llates Low. JMnses liberally adjiisted and pald promptly. J We liso ïHsue Life and Investment I)llcles iu the CooUi Mutual Ijife [usuiwboe Coropiiny. AMeta -,,000,000. Persons deslring - Accident rnsorance. can bave yearly I'olicles wrltten fttr tluun or Traveler'K Ooupon , anee Tickets is-suod at )oiT ratos In tin-siandarl Accident Insuranct' ('(-mpany of I)otrott, INilch. Monry tu loan nt. earrent ratos. , Üftlce bours froui 8 a. ui. lo 12 ia. and 2 lo 5 ' p. m. : HAMILTON & CREEN. jKlCHIGANfTENTRAL " The Niágara Falls Route." Time tuble takine effect May 18. 1890 CHICAGO TO DETKOIT. A.M. A.M. P.M F. M. P. W. P.M. A.W. A.M. CVoLv 7 05 0 001221 310 9001010 Kala'no 1 1 45 2 17 3 68 7 00 1 18 33 ' 7 10 Jacks'n 3 00 4 25 5 30 8 473 35 605 500 40 (JhelBca 402 7 07 649 Dexter.. 11 ... . TJ 556 P. M.P. M. P.M, P. M..A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. AnnA'r I 4Si 5 3 tí 2 45 i 5i 74S lili UW YpíllMi 602 5 47 9 50 513 8 03 6S8 UU WV Je. 527 8 5 049 Uc'iAi 6 !5 6-13 7 30 10 4:. (12 9 20 7 milla O DETROIT TO CHICAGO. STAnoK,. S j ï j f L jí A.M. A.M P. K.lP.M. A M.'l'.M. P.M Detroit. ..Lf BOi "50 120 145 'J 25 9 15 Wayne June. 10 00 9 54 lift Ypnilanti.... W22 8 43 03 5 47. ... Ulij 7i A.M. A.M. I'.M. PM. .M. P.M. II'. M Ann Arbor... 10 37 865) 2 17 558 10 19 lU3u 7H Dexter II U' I tsü Cheleea 1113 022 748 JaokKoii 1155 10 00 3 17 B 65 11 15 11 Kalamazoo.. 183 12 U r. (2 9 30 1255 2 17 i;ii .'Chicago... Ar 7M 4 1') H0 4 r.'.l 8Uöllai O. W. RUGOLB9, H. W. HAVES, 1 . P. ófc T. Agent, Chlcano. Ast.. Ann Ari. Toledo, Aan Arbor & Michigan Ballwar. TIME SCHEUULB. Taking effect November 2."th, 1889. Tralns ren by Standard Time. Qoing Norh. Ottl U I g I UI : ff f! BTATIOHB. l V. M. A. M. P.a.lI'.M. 825 6 00 Lv Toledo ... .Ar 11 ir. 1 In 4 17 a 47 Dundee 10 18 USO ! 4 ;)-, 7 05 Milán 9 58 li M 4 4ii 7 ui Urania 45119 i:,:; 7 22 Pitwiold 9 84 UU 5 07 7 3". Ann Arbor 22 11 Si 531 7 50 Leían i 07 1! 1", r -it se") Whitmore lakc s r,r. n iu S .ir. Howell 8 17 11125 7 15 35 Dnrand 7 ui 9 ! 8 ;" 10 5%l .Eat Sagiiüiw. . ■■■■ 5 55 _7J5 ti 00 10 1 0 1 ....... ..ÜWO8BO 035 !l (B 9 07 11451 Illia'3 5 SS ;o 15 12 4-.I ML Pleaaast 8SI 3 () Cadillac loso .... ... f 4t Oopmlsh H 05 .. . 5 40Ut Frankfort I.v 7 60 P. 31. r. mJ _._ A. M. A V. Ootng South. Soiilli Iyon Brant-li. RORTB BOVKD. STATIONS. fol'Tll BIHIHB j Trai:. Ij 'l'rai'i 17 A. M. A. M. f. 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 ir. H 40 Wnrdiiu 7 SB T 00 Ar Sonth I.yon Lv 1" 11. w. AsilI.KY, Qqeral Manavr A. J. PAI8LBY, GKO. 11. HAZI.EWOOI), Gen'l. l';m. & Ticket Aent. Local Ai ' DL CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Sücurity held for the protection of the i"li7 holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the firí't-claíscoini.imk'e.ol wbicb one, th Jitua, bai alone f5G,ooo,oiiiirc loï'ief in slïty-flvc ycara : iEtna, of Hartford $ U,l2,M4 Kranklin of Philadelpliia 3,1 18,718 Germania, N. Y 2,700,739 Germán American, N. Y 4,005 London Assurance, Lomloii... 1,416,788 Micliipran P. & M., Detroit. . . 27,608 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,67{ National, Hartford 1,774,505 ['hesnix, Brooklyu 3,759,0M Lnsscs libcrally adjusted and promptly ['IJ. ; Policies iss'.icd at tlie loweet rates of preniiiiin. llltf vJl NEW COUNTRY! i mhRÍ in the pine. cedar. vvgii hemlockandhakdwo00 ï f I&B Dlstricta of Wièconsin and MU'liIfth pPnK iclin 8 PenJd by tli is m" ■■ ml 1 1 m tl.roi.Kh routt' to the K-.jr. llVjlLÏ. E-KI":i'IAL ADVANTAGE8 k VS1" PAKTIKS WHO Krrct jmMMMBsIhAW-MILI.S and F Al'fnnninïf lands iiïnstly on time. If.ilKvuy '. puny pn}''!...!! for (.(.rdwn.Ml. For ;.!ld hlfür matton addna DEPAJtTMEMT "" l.'alKvay, .ilInncupulU. Mi. C. H, WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aiin Arbor. The oldest asency In the city. KütabllHUed over a quarter of a oentury ago. Uepreentlii the iollowliig flist-class companltiH, wlu over $60,000,000 Capilul hikI Aweti. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadeljilila ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. IWI M I ',RCI AIi UNION, of I .iwKl.. n . LIVERPOOL, LONDON aud GLO1SK. WASHINGTON FIRK anil MARINE, Ol' liDNtoU. Ilutes Low as tlie Lowest, Losses Libcrally ArtjnstPtl nd promptlj I'aid. C. U. MILLEN. Mort gage Sale. On Ihe ïlilh dnv of Febrnary, A. D., 18S4, I fried Jedele sh1 C'hristlna 6. .Icdele, his wife, l.y indcntuie of montage, mortgajed ti f itta E. Clatkfon, as executrlx ui the euUte of John J. OlarïaoD. decaaaed, of Ihu city ui j non, Michigan. II that cermin picce or panel ui land sitúate. Ij ii g and beins in ihe township m .Shurun, connly ui Va"hienaw. und 8tle ui Michigan, tnown and descrlbed as folluws. to-wit : TIn ■ eoatheast qnarter oí tho northeaal q aar ter of wc ih.ri nnmbtr tvci,ty.five {'Jol, and In townhip ■■ iit;r [hri't!, souili ot'rai'ijü unmber thiuc easli , lean. ThU mo'tíoge wí, on the isth day of Fob. rnary, A. I , 1884, recurdi'd In ttie offlee of tl"' Regulerof Dsedsfi sniil Wnsh'enaw Connly, Is lii.eröT ofmortgnge on pígoñlO. Defanlt ha Deen made lu the coadltlocs of thU said mor gage, the eamo i." now dnc, and itpon lh samó ibere Is clalmed to be now duo and nonnid tlif Dm of two ihousand nd thiriy four and ïT-ü"1 dolíais ((2034.3TJ by the terras thereof; and no pull or proceedlng wbatever, In law ur eqnlty, ha heen eommenced or hnd to recover the satnt; or nny pan Uieranf, or on raid inorlgacr. Notlci1 II thcrelore hereby Kivra, that paranant to law umi ihe teims r e;iid mortgatre, tlit; premles abovfl and in s id morrgaec deeenbed, or so much thereof 8 m-iy be i.occííary for thnt purposet. will be sold ïit public uctlun, to tho h'ghest bidder, on Ibe 26th day or.luly, A. l)., 1M90. at eleven o'cluck in the foreiioon of ihat day. at the weet front door it the conrt bonte, in the city of Ann Arbor, IVaabtenaw Connty, Michifi'in, (ihat belne the lulldlnl in which tiie Circuit Courtfor said Wahenw Connty is lioldon) In siubfy tbe i umi hen liio on w : i i 1 ni rtycage, Ibe ]ee)il CMtfl und :hnri!t:s ofibeforecl nri' end tbe aale iliermf. Anrll 30th, A. I'.. I890. . I'. FKHK.M V. Attorney fnr Jlortwgee. I! i:iilhTL K. CLAhKSON, Bxecatrlz, etc. THI3 PAPER "SS? ? B nlo rnr til kowsli. & cos Newspaper Aivertising Bureau (10 Spruca KiPUf Ifffllll [isiiiBCOntract-smay MplM VI IKK bü ulailu for it iiillblf I Ulll


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier