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Is the Unilcd Statos Sonate on the 7th a bilí was rnported whiuh próvidos for the inspoction of animáis at tho slaughter-houscs where killed and of canncd moa Is at tho establishment whoro thcy aro put up. PonSlon bilis to the numbe.r of 120 woro passed. In tho House tho silver bill was passed by a vote of V, to llü. RoitüF.iis went through a train en tho Northern I'aciiic i-oad on tlio 7th near Now Salem, N. I)., SPcurltig tho rogistered mail matter. Mus. RuoDA SwAINK, of Owatonna, Minn., died on the Tth at the age of 101 years. Slio dlstinctly réraembered a visit of Goorgo Washington to bor father's home. Fol'i: children wero drowned in the Mississippi rivet at Kapids City, 111., on tho Sth. At tho Ieadinj clearing-houss in tho United States the exchansres during the week endod on the 7th aggregated $1,408,278, 808, against 81,075,275,105 tho provious weck. As coinpaied wilh the correspondí n wede of 18S9 tlio incroase amounted to '27 7. A sam r.oA i ( apsized on the Sth in the bay at líos ton, Mass., and suven young men woro il rownod. 1'ivf: inci'iuli.r y firos woro star tod in tho tbickly-sotüod part of Havenport, Ia., on tho Stil, all within six blocks. Uut liltle damafre was dono. John' 1'. Ki n.i:, tbc ex-suspect in the Cronin munler caHfl In Chicago, on tho 7th gave tho States Attornoy somo important infoi mat.ion eoncernin tbo mysterions man wlio drovo l'r. Croniu to his doath. BuiCOT.AIiS set fire to a bank in Chatsworth, 111., on Mie sth, and llio ontiro business poi tion of the city was burned. TllE sash and duur factor y of tho Zacto Company at Itncoda, Wash., was burned on tlie TUi. Loss, Si:i'.ooü. In New .Mi'.ii tliDusands of cattle wore dyinjï on the TUi tor want of food. Thero liad i ■ ■ ■ t tra raiflfall tor six montlis in tbr: Biiiitlinrn portion of tho Territot-y and raifjfs wen; Ijnró. Tuk Fannefs' Allianco in the Sixth district of Kansax on the Ttli nominated William Baker Tor l'ongreas. Tinc percontagna of llio base-ball clubs in tho l'lavcis' Loapfnfi for tho weok endedon the Tt'n woro: Boston, .631; New York, .504; llrooklyn, .."Tj; Chicatfo, .514; Philadolphia, .'KI: Cleveland, .454; Plttsborgb, . in i: Hnffalo, .313. Tho clubs in tbc National [.oague stood: Cincinnaü, .HW: Philadclphia, .6Stj Chicago, .571; liroofclyn, .5;i.t'; New Vork, .'i00; [iwton, .n:!; Cleveland, .:'.(':;; Piltsburith, .:!:.).


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