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It il eatimated tliat the average wages pald farm hands n tbe southern tier of ruimt les of Michigan.of which this eounty is one, is $10 45 per month with board, and i'i '.52 without board. Congress will make nu mistake it' it passes a law niakin it Ilegal for foreigners ti own huid in tuis country. American land suould be owneJ by Americana. Wc want no Inndlordism here. Michigan railroads, by refusing tograut reüuccd rales to convention9, etc., are not strengtlicning themselvcs with the public. Ou the contiary they are breeding for tliemselves unnecessary trouble in tlie next legislature. The Adrián Press is mistaken about the Forepaugh show. It was some twelve years igo th:it the trouble was had here with that entertainment. Forepaugh has been here several times since, and there hus been no disorder or trouble, and Bariiiiiii the sanie. There was over $773,000,000 worth of goods imporUd into this country last year. No wonder the mporters are free traders and opposed to the McICinley bill. But farmers and laborers should reincmber that every dollars worth of goods impyrted is so raucli out of their pockets. And they will remember it, too. The Detroit Journal has evolved from the political fog the following republicao state ticket : Governor- John T. Rlch, La peer. Lleutenant governor- B. S. Walte, Menoniluee. Seoretaryof stato- Qoorge A. Hart, Manlgtee. Treasurer- Joscpli B. Moore, Wayne. Siiperluteudeot of public iUítructlon- Joaeph Estabroofc. Auditor neneral- Theron F. Olddlngx. Uommlssloaer of land office- John Q. Berry. Attorney 1!. W. Hustou. Cien. Alger was too wlae to have anythtng to sy 011 the turiff questlon at Chelsea lust Wednesilay and a questloner In the crowd couldn't draw hlm out.- Argm. What nonsense. Hid General Alger so far forirotten Iiiinself as to have imponed upon ti noii-political gatherlng his own poütical views, lie would havo handled tlie subject with as much grace as he did the editor of the Argus in the speech he did make. The farm statistlcs of about 950 town. ships, collected bjr supervisors, have been received at the secretary of state's oflice. and the sheep and wool columns footed, EstimatitiK for the townshlps from which reporta have not jet been received, and combing results, the approximate wool clip of the state In 188! is fouud to have been 11,924,127 poundR, and the approxi mate clip of the present year tobe 11,081,026 pounds. The Yi.silanti Sentlnel defends the rebel flag business and calis those who protest aiiainst the display of that detestable rag as lacking In manhood. Any suitable condemnation of rebels, their acts ortlieir emblems, has always brought a protest from nortlicrn doughfaces of the Sentinel species, who were too cowardly to go down south and tight for the cause tliey believe in, but will yell like ped curs over evcry deseryed rcproof given thiit cause or its def enders. Michigan seema to have the first mortímkc on the chair in the House, saya a Washington correspondent of the Detroit Journal. During Speakres Reed's absence, while Mr. Burrows was speaker pro. tem., when the House went into committce of the wliole, anotlier Miclilgau meinöer, Mr. Allen, was called upon to preside over the turbulent gatherlng. It takes aman witb good lungs to be the presiding offleer, and both Allen and Burrows have good voices and know liow to use them. In addition both are tlioroug pailiamentanans.- Hillsdale Standard. O li. Churchof this city lias been gi ven a re-rating and increase of pension. The Foley Ouild cleared $150 by their play of" A Celebrated Case," for St.Thomas' ehurch. Now it is said that all of the people who have had la grippe are to have the cholera this summer. Uh !-uh l-h ! h !-h ! John F. Barr was llned $2 and $11.75 costs by Justiee Pond, Mouday, for not paying a $1.50 board bill at the Fraoklin house, recently. The removal of the weed9 on the narrow strip of earth betweenthe paved jutter and the walk surrounding the court house Fqnare is a deed to be ttdmired. We understaud that the entire city is to be "slicked " up in like raanner. The sad intelligence reaches us of the death, on Tuesday, of the wife of J. L. Gilbert, of Chelsea. Funeral services will be held to-morrow at 1:1)0 p. m. Mr. Gilbert and family wlll have the sympathy of many friends throughout the county. At. Helitf Park on July 4, theSchwaben aid society of this city wlll dedícate their new fltlJÊ with appropriate cxercises. All the Germán soeiftles of this city, together with one from Toledo and oue from I)ttroit, are expected to be present and takê part. The uddrfsg of the duy wlll be delivered by Paul G. Sutkey. The council very sensibly voted $350 to build the lawn extensión on the north side of tl. e university campu9, the same as on the west side. Aid. Chris. Martin of the 2d ward, again m&de one of his heaueu speeches on the occasion. Sec'y Wade, we nnderstand, says tliat next yer the State will complete its grading and aleo extend the cement walks on that front. The wool inarket does not open very brisk, prices ranging nlout the same as last year, 25 to 27c. Mack & Schmld say they have bought only a few small clips so far. Heinman & Laubengayer are buying, but report no great activlty is yet. August Her, of the 5th waid is also buying and so is Muhael Staebler: Farmers are generully not unxious to sell at present, belleving that better prices will prevail later on. The many campers at Cavanaugh Lake, - Chelsea's summer resort - have all tuis spring been vainly endeavoiing to catch somo of the fiali with whicb tbat body of water abounds. Holmes and Kempf, and Gilbert and Crowell, and many otliers made total failures. Finally Dr. Armstrong and A. J. Sawyer concluded to flt themselves out and go to the lake and ascertain, if possible, what the matter was. As they rowed out on the water Sawyer addressed thom for a few moments as though they were the jury, and the Dr. wrote out a prescription. The fish took in the Mtuation at once and held a conference. The result was the entire flnny tribe resolved to glve up the chase, and carae by schools mul threw themselves into the boat, willing sacriflces. It iswonderful wbat these two men eau accompllsh when they combine thelr powers.


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