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Marriage Bells

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The marriage bella are riiiu'SI out merrily this season there being more evcnts of this kind taking place mul to take place tlian this city has known before in raany years. MC LAUanUN-ANOEI.I,. Last evening, at the Congrpg.itlonal churcn, occured one of the most elegant weddings that Aun Arbor has ever witnessed, the contracting parties bcing Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, of the Universitj-, and Miss LoU T. Angelí, the only daughter of President Angelí. The cliurcl was profusely decoratcd witli flowers, follage plants and ferns, the white and pink roses, and white peonys and syringas largely predotninating. White ribbons Ilned the bride's path in the aisle, and before her as she marchcd In went two little grand-childreu of President Angelí, Master Thomas and Miss Sarah Angel), who strewed llowers from the vestibule to the altar. The bride was dressed in pure white, and Uie bridesmaids, Miss May Cooley, of A tin Arbor, and Miss Anna Collier, of Oeneva, N. Y., were arrayed in pink attire. The groomsman was fclr.Wïlllam Martin, of Chicago, assistcd by Mr. Thos. B. Cooley and Mr. Jas. R. Angelí, of Ann Arbor; Prof. C. M. Gayley, of Berkley, Cal.; Mr. Harry Flowers, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. Win. Savidge, of Spring Lake ; and Mr. Win. Harris, of Detroit. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, of the Conrerational cliurch performed the ceremony. Prof. Stanley presided at the orgun in an utiusually brilliant manner.rcndering the following selections: Fantalale on Faust Qounod- Eddy Peer üynt su lio Qrleif Funeral March of a Marlonelte tíounod Tann hauser, O verture Waguer TanuhHuser March Wagner Wedding March Mendölssuhn The Tannhauser march wa3 given while the bridal party were coming uto the cliurch, aud the wedding march while they were golng out. After the cereinony at the church a ilne reception was giren at the residence of Dr. Angelí, after whleh the coupl leít for a bridal trip, the destlnation of which, aecordlng to custom, is a profound secret. Among the guests from abroad present were: Pay Inspector Thos. T. Caswell, of the U. S. naval academy, Aunapolls, Md. Mr. and Mrs. David McLauglilln, Mr. and Mr. Win. MoLaughllo, and Mr. James MeLHilghlhi.iif .Miiiki'sun. Ker. Dr. Kadcllfle and wlfe, of Detroit. lira. John W. Dickliison. of Chicago. MIsk Sarah W. Welles, of Mt. Vernon. N. Y. Ex-Mluister Ueorge V. N. Lothrop. of Detroit. Hon. E. C. Walker, of Detroit. Mr, Harry Flower, of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Willlam Martin, of Chicago. lrwln K. and Allen B. Pond, of Chicago. Miss Bashnell. of New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Dr. Collier, and Misa Collier, Oencva, Prof. C. M. Qayley, of California TJ niversity, Berkley, Cal. Mrs. Prof. Howison, of California UnlverHity, lierkley. Cal. Miss Klla Harrls, of Detroit. Mr. Wra. Savidge, of Spring Lake. I'rof. Chas. A. Kent, oí Detroit. A leí. Angelí and wlfu of Detroit. Mrs. Bishop Davies, of Uetroit. Mrs. Oov. H. P. Baldwin, of Detroit. Mrs. Florence Bagley Sberman, of Detroit. Mr. ElllotT. Slocum. of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Uriftltli, of Detroit. The presents wero not only many in nuiubur, but soine of them very valuable iaüeed, exccailing aiiy similar occasion tliat Aun Arbor has ever knovvn. LUTHBB-WHIELER. One of the most charruin;; and beailtlful wi'ddiiigs tliat has occurred in Ann Albor In som e time was that of Homer T. Luther, of Medina, N. Y., and Miss Clara Wheeler, of this city, which occurred at St. Andrew's church last Thursday p. m., at 7 o'clock. The service was conducteil by Kev. Henry Tattlock, iu the Episcopal l'urin. The bridesinalds were Miss Luther, of Medina, N. Y., and Miss Morris, of New York, who were ttistcfully and daintily dressed in pink, the bride wearlng white, and the pink and white Idea was carried out in all of the dress and decoratlons. The church was beautlfully adorned with flowers in and about the chance], and pink ribbons line.i the path of the bride and part}' as they marched up the aisle of the church. Prof. A. A. Stanley presided at the org in, and as the bridal party passed out a chorus of younjt ladies sang the Bridal Chorus. A small but remarkably brllllant reception to relatlves and Intímate friends was given at the line residence of the bridc's father, John M. Wheeler, Esq., on W. Huron st., lifter wliich the couple left for tlieir fatnre horae at Medina, N. Y. W0RDKN-RUS9. Cards are out announcing the marriage on Wednesday, June 25th, at the home of the bride'a parents, 529 V. Washington st., Soutli Bt-nd, Ind., of Mr. William W. Worden and Miss Minnie, the only ehikl of Mr. and Mrs. l). W. Russ. The ceremony is to occur at 8 o'clock p m. Mr. Worden is the son of Charles H. Worden of this city, and passed bil days froin chil 1hood to manbood hete, from wbence none but the ki ndt:s t and best wishes for the future will follow him in hls married lift No bi tter or more respectod young man ever left Ann Arbor to spek a broailer lieldof business and uscfulness tlian Will, and fortune seems to justly sinile upon him. Thecouple will reside in San Francisco, Cal., probably, wherehe isengued iu business as a partner In an extenlve drug and cheinical Wholesale house. ROSENTHALER-I.lCUTENBEItO. Oa yesterday, Tuesday evening, S. Rosenthaler, of tliis city was united in marrhige with Miss Ernestine Lichtenberg, of Detroit. The ceremony was perforined by Rev. Dr. Orossman, at the home of tlie bricie's motlier No. 385 Brush street. The couple will return to Ann Arbor, and for the present occupy rooms at Mrs. Koot's on E. Hurón st. Mr. Kosentlialer has inany friends iu the city who will wisli him anc'. MU bride a long and happy life. ■WILKINSON-LAW. Next Monday, June 23J, Miss Virginia Law, of this city, II to be united in marriage with Mr. Otis Wilkinson, of Ohio. Mr. Wilkinson is a graiidsoii of Mrs. Arctus Dtinn, of this city. Miss Law has been a resident in the faniily of Mr. Duim for a nuraber of years, her home, however, being in Mexico. -MOOHK. It la announced that on Wednesday, Juoe 25th, the marriage of Miss Susie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alanson Moore, of N. Thayerst., and Dr. John II. Beller, medie. '86, now of Akron, Ohio, will lake place. MC ALLISTER-KAUI.KNER. Announceuient is made of the marriage on July 21st, of Miss Katherine Faulkner, niece of H. M. Taber, to Mr. Eugene McAllister, lit. '89, now with the Detroit Dry Doek Co., of Detroit. HINMAN-RYAN. Mrs. Isadore RUdon Kyan, daughter of the late Lewls C. Rlsdon of this city was marricd recently to Edwaid C. Ilininan' of liattle Crcck. Here is Low one of the boys who has been tliere telU liow he tuit : " I have been in many other trying positlons. Hut I teil you, boys, I never knew wht fear was until I becanic the principal in one of tliose June weddings tbe other day. As I went up the aisle all sorts of wild fancics flitted through my heated braiu I imagined thatiny necktie was tllpping over my liead, and that my coiit was all bunched over one shoulder. Then I iuiagined that I was on the wrong side of the bride ; my knees trembled and I feared tliey would rattle so loud that everyone in the church would become aware of my embarrassmenC. The music sounded to me like somc wild incantation, and the people's eyes seemed to buro as they feil upon me. Theu a big blue cloud enveloped everythlng and I seenied to lose consciousneas of everythnir until one of the nsliers pinched me to produce the ring." James H. Webb, of Pittsfield has been granted a restoratlon and increase of icnsion. Peter Paquet expects to attend the reunion of his old regiment, the 4th M ich., at Sturgis, on Kriday. George F. Marken, of ttiis city seeks a divorce from Ella U. Marken, whom he married at Adrián, on August 29th, 187C. on the ground of desertlon. There is only one family in the 4th ward wliere there are eight children, making a family of ten. There are only four families composed of ten persons ia the ward. A horse belonging to Frank Hanlin, near Scio village, wasstruck by lightuing while in a field Monday evening and killed. Loss $150. Insured in the Washtenaw Mutual. C. II. Manly is captain, C. Scblenker lst lieutenant, Eli 8. Manly enslgn, H. Krapf quartermaster, and John W. Feiner clerk of the A'in Arbor Cantón Patrlarchs Militant. Win. Keedle, who has been for some time under instructlon in the Western Union telegraph office at the M. C. depot In this city, passed a creditable examination at Detroit Frlday and was located as operator at New Bunaio, next day. At the council meeting Monday evening $350 was TOted for gradlng on N. University ave., and $75 for tiling and iilling in at the north end of N. Fourth st. Tlie city attorney reported to the council thut the city was not Hable for the injuries received by Mrs. Dr. Pierce, as the portion of Poutiac st. where the injuries were received had never been aeeepted by the city. The nuance committee reported in favor of calliníj a special election on Monday June 30, to vote upon a proposition to raise $5,000 for street purpose?, and tlie election was ordered. A report was received recommendins the wideuiog of the north end of N. División st., and offenng to settle with property holders as follows: John F. Lawrence $350 and move Liis sidewalk and build a fence; George Miller, $175; and also that the city attorney be iustructed to take the necessary steps to condemu the property of George Sutton, Ilenry Cornwell and Win. Deubel. The city clerk was dircctcd to liave bonds printed for issuing according to asireenient wltli state authorities on the Uuiversity hospital building. It was also moved and carrled Uiat the city attorney take the necessary steps to vacate the old ceinetery, and that the bodies therein be removed. The new ordinance on public health was passed, and several new sidewalks ordered on the north blde of E. Ann st.


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