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SCROFULA It Is that impurity In the blood, whlcb, accumulatlng in the glands of the neck, produces unsightly lumps or swellings; whieh causes painful running sores on the rms, legs, or ieet; which developes ulcers in tbe eyes, ears, or nose, oiten causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manlfestations usually ascribed to "humors;" whlcb, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumptlon and death. Being the most ancient, it Is the most general of all diseases or affectlons, ior very few persons are cntirely free trom it. TBcrCURED By taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when othcr medicines hare falled, bas proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine lor tliis disease. Some of tbese cures are really wonderf ui. If you suffer f rom scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. ■ My daughterMary was afilio ted with scrofulous sore neck (rom the time slic was 22 months oíd till she bccame six years of age. Lumps (ormed In her neck, and one of them after growlng to the slze of a plgeon's egg, became a running sore for ever three years. We gaTe her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all lndicatlons of scrofula entirely díaappeared, and now she seems to be a healthy chlld." J. S. Carlile, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbymlldruggisti. 1 ; lir for L,'. rrepareilonl? T C. I. BOOD CO., Apothcrla, Lowell, Mu. IOO Doses One Dollar HANGSTERFERSÍ DELICIÓOS íl fr lili Dellvereü to any part of the city In any yuantlty. Ansorted (lavorg 1, 2, 3, or 4 ot. Brlcks. P. S. AU SunJay orders thouid be glvcH tht day prniuits. I ii Freezcr. ín Bricks. 1 qt. 5Oc 1 qt. 50c. 2 qts. 75c 2 qts. $1.00. 8qts. $1.15. 3 qts. 11.50. 4 qts. $1.50. 4 qts. $2,00. 'The Store' Laces, White Goods. One Week's Prices. Come MONDAY Morning. JUNE 23 ÏO 28 MAGK&S6HMID GREATSALE! FOR THIRTY DAYS. B00KST0BË ! Offers rolls WALL PAPER, guaranteed full length and best quality at 7}4c 5,000 rolls best gilt and new spring designs at 8c. 2,000 rolls best embossed gilt, extra quality at 18c. Special discount on all fine decorations. Don't buy until you examine the best selected stock of Wall Paper! IN WASHTENAW COUNTY. We have in our employ the best paper hangers. We make to order Window Shades, all styles and sizes. Remember that we can show the largest stock of Room Moulding, Window Pole, etc. UH III!, MASONIC BLOCK. The oldest established Bookstore and Wall Paper House in W&shtenaw County. J. J. GOODYEAR No. ÓH. MAIN Hl. DRÜGGIST lt wlll lo to your advanlage to cali upou lilm before purchaalng QiRÜGS, CHEMICALS, MEQlCliïES. PRESCRIPTIONSI accarately and carefully prepared by the most competeut Pharmaclats. The flueat line of guuda In all departmentit to be foand In drug tore.


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