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The Delta .Sigma Delta fraternity wlU erect a new house on S State st. soon. Dr. Campbell has his vacutlon all marked out, and il takes the forra of a canvas boat. Llocoln McMilUin and Jno. D. Hibbard and wlfe, of Chicago will be In Ann Arbor coininencement week. At Mie Uulveraity hospital 9S4 iiatients were registered Ihis year against Ü79 last vear and 093 the yenr previous. L. D. HoldeD, lit. '82, who is the proprietor of the Hollenden hotel at Cleveland, spent Sunday with sonie fraternity friends. Thcrc was a meeting of the medical faculty last night to teil who should have their diplomas. The boys are receiving notes to-day. The board of overseers of Harvard passed a resolution favorlng the reduction of the nge at which scholars may enter, from 19 to 17 years. Prof. Stanley is to read a paper upon upon the Orgun at the meeting of the National Music Teacher's Detroit tlie flrst of July. Seveuty-nlne senior luws wcre admitted to the bar last Monday. Prof. J. C. Knowltou and Judge Uheever being the examining committcc. The seventy-flrst commencement of Mayville College, Tenncssee, was lield on May 29. The college has reccutly received $15,000 for a new building. Prof. Stanley will give a free organ recital at theCongregational church, Monday evenliut, Jone í3d, at 8 o'clock. The ü. of 51. Glee Club will assist. Seventy-seven thousanil dollars of the $100,000 wliicli friends of Brown University are trying to ralse as the Jolm ILincoln f und has already been subscribid The Itocky Mountain Club, wbich is to visit the west thU vacution, will be under tlieguidanceof Prof.Winchcll, and much pleasure and profit is expected from the trip. Fred V. Job, Esq., lit '&r, law '87. of the law lïrm of McMnrdy & Job, Chicago 111., will visit the scènes of his former college exploifs daring commencement week. The Argus has secured the contract for publlshing tlie new Independent paper, tobe called "The U. of M. Independent." The lirst issue will be in October, to be issued weekly. Tlie Tennis Associatiou election took place Saturday and resulted: President- J. A. Jaraeson. Vlce Presideut - Saín Sberman. Secy. and Treas.- Earl Dow. Executlve (Jom.- J. M. Crosby, H. B. McGraw. Ati Undertaker told us a day or tvvo agoi that unless tliere is a change iti the present management of the University hospital that lie would see what could be done at headquarters, or it would banltrupt their business. The followlng are the new ofllcera of the Dramatic Club : President, E. H. Smltfa ; Sec'y & Treas.- A. L. Free. Five new members were taken in, as follows : F. C. Smith, Wilhelm Miller, C. E. Ferri?, C. L. Meader, A. C. Lcwerenz. The Studenls' Lecture Assoclation cliose the following offleers last Saturday: Presidant- Thomas Kerl. Vice President- E. H. Edwards. Cor. Seoy.- P. W.Ross. Ueo. Secy.- R. W. Doughty. Treas.- 1). B. Choever. Asst. ïreas.- W. H. Dellenbeck. .Senior ('oinmitteeman - W. E. Grlfllu. Juuior Commltteeman- J. E. ciiurcii. Sopliomore Coiuinitteeman - C. W. Southwortü. Dr. D. A. MacLachlan left Saturday evëning for Chicago, from wliere be goes on Monday to Waukeska, Wis., to attend the meeting of the American Institute of Ilomcopathy, wliich is in seaslon all of thls weok- lGtu to 21st inclusive. Wlll return Friday. He and Dr. C. S. Mack werc appointed to represent the Homeopathie College of the U. of M. at the ibove meeting. An oratorical association has been form ed by delegates from Madison, Oberlin, Evanston, and the U. of M., to be known as the Northern Oratorical League. The lírst contest wlll be held in Ann Arbor, Muy 1, 1891. The winner will be given $150, the second $75. The contest in '92 will be held in Evanston, '93 in Oberlin, and '94 in Madison. It is expected that ('ornell will join the league. Walter 8. Campbell, who was at one time minagiug editor of the Chronlcle while nttendinw the University, lias just gruduated in the full course at Andover Theological Seminary. An honorary scholarship ha3 been awarded htm for profleient work and special merit of his graduating essaj', whicli was highly compllmcnted by the president of the tutiou. He expects to m;ike a short visit to It is parent, Mr. and Mrs. It. Campbell of tliU city, sometimc diuing the uiminer. Tlie regular Chroulcle election was held last Saturday, resulting in the following choice of editora: Independente - S M. Trevellick, P. V. Koss, It. P Gustï 11, II. E. Cook. Fraternity-n. C. Thayer, Zata Pai;J. 3. Martin, Phi Gamraa Deltn; L. V. DePoe, Sigma Phi. Saturday evening the board met at the D. K. E. house, and orgnnized by choosing E. II. Smith, munnglng editor; B. P. Mossman and A. C. Lewerenz, associute editora H. C. Thayer, businesü manager; H. O Bulkley and P. W. Ross, assistunt business managers; F. G. Cadwell, exclianges and personáis; II. E. Cook, S. M. Trevellick, L. V. DuFoe, J. 3. Martin, It. P. Gustin, reporters. The law class of '87 will hold its first reunión this year on the 25th, from 11 a m. to 3 p. m. at the law department. This class will be remembertd as the most tumultuous, the most noisy and withal the most hartnonious class that ever graduated from the law department. It was this class that, in the fall of '86 originated and controlled the largest indignatlon meeting ever held on the campus. Since gruduating It bas maio tained its claim for the most original of classes by pubüshiüga class annual each year wherein Is set forth the experiences and iloings of the individual members of the class. Their reunión promises to be the largest ever held by a law class. Another rare bit of information comes to us from the Dallas (Texas) Daily News: 'TheAnn Arbor students went to the circus and guyed the show. They are suid to have given the yell 'u of m,' whereupon the circus people raised their war cry 'hey rube.' A great breeze was created and the huge circus tent writhed In whelps and throes of pain. Uaderneath was loml warfere mixed with wild animnU aml b-mle cries. Above the din the bravei ehouted with two accords, hey rube' and 'u of in!' They were flghtlnjf a bnd lijii.t. 'i-iey yeanied tor Tictory. The resqlt was a stand oll'. Ten circus men and ten students are n the hands of one pliysician. He may succeed in patchlng up a cripple or so out of the fragments he has gathered UD." COHMEHCZKEHT COSCKKT. We present a complete list f the niimbers n the cantata, "The LIght of Asia," by Dudley Buck. The Choral Union will have the assistance of an orchestra of 30 picked musicians of Detroit and the following soloists: Mrs. Ida Belle Winchell, soprano, Minneapolis; Mr. Jules Jordán, tenor, Provldence; Mr. Fruncís Campbell, biritone, Grand Rapitlg. PART I. 1. Orclieatral I'relude and Chorus, "Below the highesl sphere.' 2. Bass Solo and Chorus, "ïbe Klng gave order.' 3. Semi Chorus of Female Volees, When Ibe elghth ycar was passed. 4. Chorus, "Spring song." 5i. BassSolo, "Bethlnk ye, O my ministers. 5b. Choruaof Counclllors, "I,ovewill cure these thin dlstempers.' 6. Imllnu March and Processlou of Maldena. 7. The Recognltion, Soprano and Tenor Solos and Duo. 8. Bass Solo, "The Klng sent inesaages." . Wedding Chorus. PART II. 10. Soprano Solo, "Wlthln the bower." 11. Female Seml-Chorus and Tenor Solo. IS. l'.iss Solo, THe King'sDream. 13. l horus, "Softiy the Indlan nlght sank o'er the plaln.'1 14. Duo, "Wlthln the bower." 15. Chorus, "Then In her tears slie slept.1' 16. Tenorsolo, "I wilt depart," he spuke. 17. Chorus, "There carne a wind." 18. Tenor Holo, "Kor slx long years wandered the Prlnce. 19. Chorus, "Pass to the tree." 20. Boss Recltatlve, "Then feil the niglit.'' ■il. Chorus, The Temptatlon. PART III. 22. Soprano Solo, "Sorrowful dwelt Yasodliara. 23. Male Chorus, "Him have we aeen." 21. Soprano Solo, "Up rose Yasodhara." 25a. Chorus, 'Whlle the town rang wlth music." 25b.Soprano Solo. 26. Chorus '"Tls he, Slddartha." 27. BassSolo, "Bilt when the Klng heard." 2. Tenor and Bass Duo, and Terzett with Soprano. 29. Epilogue and Finale. Chorus, "Before beginning and without end. The presa notices regarding Messrs. Jordán and Campbell are very enthusiastic and we have no besitation whatever in afflrming that the cominenceinent concert will be a pronounced success. The music is melodieus and the solos and duets are very bright and sparkllng. The chorus work is very well done and the orchestra is being rehearsed in Detroit by l'rof. Stanley. It is to be hoped that the audience will be as largo and brilliant as that of May 16th, so that the musical season of] 889-90 may come to a brilliant conclusión.


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