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Epitome Of The Week

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Is the Senate on the lOth Senator Kdmunds lntroduced a bilí aulhoriztng the sale of tho Hormon church property In Utah for tho benefit of the pabilo schools. A bilí was tntrodnced to prohlblt the salo of liqaor upen all gTountis where expositíons aro held for whlch the Goveniment inake uppropriattons. Tho Uyer bill was further di.scussed In tho House the post-offleo approprlation blll was passed, and the Senato bill prohibiting the sala of liquor on cxposltion grounda was lntrodoced. IK tho Senato bilis wero passed on the llth to prohibit monopoly in the transportation of caltle to f oreign conntries ; to próvido for tho inspection of live cattle and beef products intended for export to foreign countries ; for tho establishment of a port of delivery at Boek Island, 111., and seventy-fivo individual pension bilis. The silver bill was further discu3sed...J In the House the conference report on tha Senate depondent pension bill was agreed to. The sundry civil approprlation bill (fc?7, 859,513) and the lihiir educational blll wero favorably reported. I Thi bill proTidinR for the reorganiiation of tho Government of Utah was favorably reported in the Senate on the ISlh ; also the House legislativo, executive and judicial appmpriaUon bill (ilr356,17) The silver bill was further disenssod ....In the House the nrgency deflclency blll appropriating 13,703,000 for the payment of pen slons and S3,OT5,IXX for expenses of the census was passed. The oouferonce reporta on tho antl-trust, the military academy and tho pension appropriution billa were disareed to. The agricultural appropriation bill was passed. Iif the Senate on the 13th a resolntion was agreed to appointing Kdward K. Valentino Sergeant-at- Arms. The rest of the session was dvoted to considerlng tho silver bill In the Boose the sundry civil appropriation blll (128,000.000) was discussed, and at the evening session thirty private pension billa were advancod to thlrd reading. DOM STIC. Tuk Oriental Mills Coinpany of Providence, K I., faüed on tbo lOth for 9335,000. Dksperadobs wreckod a passenger train on the lOtb between Camden and Texarkana, Ark., and robbed the eipress car of 810,000. The engineor was killed in the wreek. B. F. Ql'iqi.kv, a Catholio prlest at Toledo, O., was indicted by tbo grand jury on tbe lOth for violating the education law. Tuk Department of Agriculture's cotton erop report for Juno shows a large increase in the acreago planted in nearly every cotton-producing State. A.v unknown man committed suicide on tho lOth at Niágara Falls, N. Y., by jumping f rom Uoat island bridge. A ssw American and Kuropean banking company, with a capital of 835,000,000, was organized in Philadelphia on the lOtb. Uaicuy McBhidk, who was badly puniahed in a brutal glove fight with Frank L&rue at San Francisco, died on tho lOth. The village of Channahon, 111., containing abo ut 1,200 inhabitants, was almost totally destroyed by a cyclone at 9 o'clock on the night of the lOth. Several persons were reported killed and many injured. In a freight train wreek on the 10 tk near Hannibal, Mo., an engineer and fireman were killed and several other trainmen injured. A cyclonk destroyed many houses on the lOth at Piedmont, Ala., and tta-co men were fatally hurt Tbi two Httle boys of J. S. Rea vos, a farmer living near Marión, S. CL, ate ■ome cake poisoned and placed in tho barn to kill rats and died on the lOtb. Waltkb Rowe, living near Corydon, Ind., was brutally beatón by Whito Caps on the lOth, and William Strothor was 8erved in the same nimmer in Orango County. The Pittsburgh, ('incinnati & St Lonis, the Chicago, St Louis fe Pittaburgh, the Cincinnati & Uichmond and tbe Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis railways were Consolidated on the llth under the name of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago A. St Louis Railroad Company. Tho capital of the new company is 75,000,000. Job Pabient, suspected of being a murderer, was taken from liis house near Green Ridffe. Ark., on the llth br a mob and hanged. Fire destroyed tho City button works in New York on the lOth, owned by Erlanger &, Liebman. Loss, 8100,000. Mus. Kipp, aged 70 years, and her granddaughtor, a girl of 16 years, wero fatally barnod on tho llth by an oxplosion of natural gas in their d welling in Alleghony City, Pa. Advicks of tho llth from Montana concerning the expocted Indian outbreak were to the ofloct that the Northern Cheyenne8 were gathering at many points and wero making small raids. Toe National Temperance Congress of the United States convened at New York on the llth. A tornado on the llth blew down housos at Wapella, 111., wreckod a school-houso and injured fivo children, one fatally, and unroofed many buildings in tho immediato vicinity. At Jaeksonvillo trees, fences and small buildings wero ruined, and a tont where 1,500 pooplo had assembled to witness a musical jubilee was blown down, soveral persons being badly injured. TmitVKS entered W. D. Norton's jewolry store at Gloversvillo, N. Y., on the llth and secured $20,000 worth of booty. Dispatchks of the llth say that the recent cyclone at Channahon, 11L, moved buildings and levoled outhoused and trees, but no lives were lost. A tornado Ín Indiana on the llth did great damage in the counties of Benton, Whito, Carroll, Uoward, Orant, Blackford and Jay. Giobge Glazbuook, sheriff of Coló Connty, Mo., died at Jefferson City on the llth from the effects of blowing out tho gas. Mahy buildings were destroyed on the llth at Wapollo, la., by a cyelono, and several persons were injured. The fortietU annual convention of the American Protestant Association of the United States cornmonced in Chicago on the llth. The public schools and uurestricted immigration wero the main ubjects ior discussion.


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