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Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time taille taking effect May 18. 1890 CHICAGO TO DETROIT. EE i ?l lü -[o 1 A. a. p.k. r. m. p.h.a.m. A. a. Ch'oLv 7 05 9 00 12 2l 3 10 9 00 10 10 Kala'oo 1145 2 17 8 55 7 00 1 18 33' 7 10 Jacks' d 3 fio 425 530 8 47 335 605 500 (t 40 Chelsea 4 02 7 07 5431031 Dexter.. 4 18 723 558 P. M.T. M. ! M. I'. M. . M l.M. A.M A.. AnnVr I 45 ,i :i 2 9 45 4 5i 7 45 14 110) Tpt ii' ti 5 02 5 47 9 56 5 13 8 05 6 '28 11 13 W"eJc. 527 833 649 De'i At 6 'ó 0 45 7 30 10 45 6 2 9 2U 7 30l 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. A.M P. M. P.M. A . P.M. P.M. Detroit. ..Ia Ui' 7 50 120 4 45 9 25 9 15 555 Wayne June. 1000 954 638 Ypsilantl.... 1U22 843 S05 5 47. ... 1015 7 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. .M. P.M. P.M. AnnArbor... 10 37 a 55 2 17 5 58 10 19 10 30 7 lii Dextur 110' 7 S6 Cheleen 1113 (42.... 7 4X 'jackson 1155 1000 3 17 055 1115 1145 830 Kalmnazoo.. 188 UU 5 02 9.1U1255 2 17 6 UO Chicago.. .Ar 7 65 4 15 1 9 0U 4 50 8 U5 1 1 SO O. W. KUGGLB8, H. W. HAYBS, G. P. & T. Atreut, Chicago. Ant.. Ann Arlor. i Toledo, Aun Arbor & 'rtli Mlrliliían Kallway. TIME SCHBDULK. Taking effect November 25th, 1889. Traína ron by Standard Time. Qoing North. 3 1 ' I i 1 I STATIONS. Ij P. M. A. M. P. . r.M. 3 25 ö 00 Lv Toledo Ar tl 15 110 4 17 (47 Dnndee 10 18 li SU 4 7 05 MllaD 58 14 04 4 4(1 7 lti Urania 9 45 11 tö 4 58 7 22 Pittotlelil 9 34 114 .-,07 7 i Aun Arbor 92 113 5 81 7 30 Lelanii 9 07 11 IS 5 47 8(6 Whitmore Lako 8 55 1109 6 2-1 S 45 Howell 8 17 10 Ï5 7 15 86 Dnrand 7 10 35 8 55 10 5)1 Kast Saginnw. 5 55 7 45 "JTÖTllIl) 10 UWdWI....'. Í36 05 (turn i: Ilhai- 5 32 7 60 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleaaant 4 Si 8 45 3 o Cadillac H 80 .... Mi Copmlah 9H5 .. . 5 40 Ar Kn.nki.irt Lv 7 60 r.M. p. M.l a. M. a w. tin ing South. South I.yon Kriiucli. NORTIl BOrND. STATIONS. fOUTH BODND Train IS Train 17 A. M. A. M. I! (I I.v Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 li 411 Worden 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 U. W. ASIJLEY, General Mana'-eA. J. I'AISI.EY, GliO. 11. HAZI.KWliOD, Oén'l. Pan. & Ticket Airent. Local Akhh. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Security keld for the protuctton of the [lollry CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the followlng first-clasü companlee, ol wh'cli one, the yKtnn, has alone paid $5ti,000,000 Ure lossee in sixty-five y care : Etna, of Hartford f 9,I9'2,w4 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,718 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,06ö,9ti8 London Assurance, London. . . 1,416,788 Michigan P. & M., Detroit. . . 27,608 N. Y. Uiiderwriters, N. Y 2,596,(176 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberallv adjusted and promptly pald. Policies issued at the loweat ratet of premium. llltf C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlslieü over a quarter of a century ago. Kepreseutlng the (ollowinif flrst-olass oompaules, wltb over #0,4)00,000 Capital and AaneiK. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN9. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of PUlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of LondOD. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MAKINK, of Boston. Kates liow as tlie Lowcst, Losaeg Llberally Adjusted and promptly Pald. C. H. MILLEN. Mort gage Sale. On theSlilh davor February, A. D., 1884, Goltfiicd .ledele and Christin B. Jedele, hU wife, by mdeiitute oí mortgage, morlga;iJd tü Henrlttm K. Clarkion, as eiecntrlx of the eetate of John J. ClarksoD, deceased, of the city ol Jacknon, Michisan, all that certaln pitee or parcel of land eituaie, lying and bcing in Ihe towuphlp ( Sharon, county ol Wa"htenaw. and state ol MichiKn, known and descrihed as fullowe, to-wit : The süutheast quarler of the nortlieast quarter of sectlon Di;mber twenty-five (ï), and In township iidbiber three, noutli of rane number three eaat, Mich ■ i"an. Tuis mort vage was, on the S-Sth day of fett. ruiiry, A. D., 181, rccürded iu tlie office of the Keüister of Deeds for sald Washlenaw County, la liber 57 if mortgige on pnge 510. Dcliiult has beeu made iu the conditions of thli said murtae, the eame is now doe, and apon the xameihere In claimed to be now duo and unpald the sum of two ihousand and thirly fonr and 27-10U dollars ($20:M.i7) by the term thereof ; and no puit or proceeding whatever, in law or equity, baa been commenced or had to recover the sme or any pari thereof, or on sald mortgaee. Notlce I thercfore herehy givcn, that pnrsuant to law and tbe terma of sald mortgase, the premlses ibove and in s iid mortgave described. or o much Of a uviy b6 M'crssary lor tnat purpoue. wui ov eold Bt public auctlon, to the hight-Bl bidder, on the 25th tlny of .hily, A. D., 1890, at eleven o'clock in the forenuun of ihat day. at the west front door of the court hoiisi-, In tlie city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw ('ounty, Micbigm, (Ihat beiiiK the building In which Ihe Circuit Court for aaid Wasntenaw County i holden) t" satisfy the amount thon due on said mirtt;aL( the legyl cosls and CtorKGfl of tbc forecloure and the aale therttof. Daliil April 3uth, A. D., 1800. A. F. FKEKMAN, Attorney for Morleagee. 11KNHIKTTA E. CLAKKSON, Execulrli, etc. BEAL ESTÁTE AND INSURANCE AQBN6Y. OP J. Q. A. SESSIONS, A.TT0RNEV AND NOTARY PUBLIC Rea) Kstate sold or ren tod and renU ooilected ou reasouable termo. NouE but old and flrst-class Insurance L'ompanies represented- wlth ltiHiirance capital of $10,UOO,UOO. Kates as low as any other Insurance company and loases promptly pald. Office No. 5 Nnrlu Malu Btreet, Anu Arbor, MU-U.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier