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MASOXIC DIBBOTOBT. sn A ii iit Oomm andkkv. No. KI inci'tK rtrsl rnesday of each mont.h. li. F. Watts, K. O.; John K. MiiitT, Kocorder. VASIirK.VAW UlIAPTKIt, N'l). 6, R A. M.- VfantH Sral Momlay earh month. L. C. Ooodrlob, H P.: Z. Koatb. .Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan.M. D. DI8BASS8 "F tuk - EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THEOAT. OrFiCE A8D RESIDENCE, 26 SOÖTH DIVISIOH STREET Himhs: 1 to !, :itnl 8áW toT:30 P. M. VOGEL & IKIIEIEIsr DEALKK IN ALL KINDS OP ■ FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, I.ard, ele. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O K. A ii ii !!., nu Arbor. W. V. M(IIO!, XDEISTTIST. Kooms Over Ann Arbor Sarings Bank, ii. Cuurt House Square. VITALIZED ATB. A4mlnietered. It Is agri-eahlc and easy to take, and no prüHtratiog follow, wtiile tecth are extraotcd without pain. wii.inu;, House, Si?n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Olazing, Gilding, and Caicimlnlne, and '■ worlt of evcry deecription done in the beet atyle, and warranted to givu atlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. ' O. MLJ.1&TT1T, 'DEAI.EK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calla attented to Day i or Night. Kinbalnalng a Bpeclalty. ' room o a E. Washington Btreet. Kesklence Cor. Liberty and KiftU. ALMQND SKINNER B03B Theonly WIMÍES In Ann Arbor. By Ira Wllkes (591ti), Sire of Jud Wilkes (öyrs.) 3 heats 2:30, 2:JÜi, 83554, the oldest colt truined Own brotlier to Mike Wil ken 2:15%, and Adrián Willeen. Sire of Rox Wilkes, i:ï% and I.llian, 'J:l IVi. First dam by Harabletonian Ueorge. 2897, slre of Ed. Mack, 2.20U, etc. Hecond dam by Oen. Tavlor, matinee. 2:37 in 1SGI. Hon of lilack Hawk f; Tliird dam by Black Lian. Fourth dam Uanadlan. Black borse, foaled 1886, 16 bands. Strontc all around and well liuished. Has Muf trottlne actlon, but prefers and is rapid ut the pace and wlll be trained at Mint gbte after July lst. Trottlng bred l'acers are now ; l:adliiK tlie young. Hires Sldiicy. 7 yrs. wllli Sln2;30. yrs. onelu 2:27}. Happy Hussell, 5 yr., has une in irXPA, younsest Klre knowni and ottiers can be named to show thul the pace in necessary to produce Tast Motten. Hand K., 2:08%. Jay-Èye-See, 1U!4, añil Sunol, 21U;',. ure all natural paor ers. ïerius: Insure Í25. due l'eb. UL 18!M, (ir flU down and SIS when live sound cult is foaled. lila foals of 1889 are trotters and every breeder sliould see tbem. K I. A. DBIiIt, Veterlnary Infirmary, 24 W. Hurou st.. Ann Artor. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! B1HBT"PÏAÏTÏ!BÜIT AND oaRAMENTAI. TRESB Pears and Grapevines a Spedalty! SYllUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrapa of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Bonemtt, Uandellon and Kaspb rry Winea and Shrubs. Hweet. Ked and white Concord, and MartliaOrapWlnes,especlally prepared for Invalids. Order trees and plaifts early as we Ki-t most of tbem from tbe best Eastern Nurserles. K. II ll'lf . WEST HIJKON HTI1FKT. S7te Greatest BlooJ Purifieri KNOWN. S I I TliU Grcat Germán Medicine is thc#. II III chcapest and best. 198 doses of si'L-a II MPHUB BITTERS tor $1.00, 1688 than "J II Ijl uno cent a dose. It will cure WwM fj Q worst cases of skin dlsease, tromW rn a common pimple on tlie fm'vW Jf W Uto that awful dfsease Scroftila. L! I llSUM'IKIU BITTERS is thcW L lllbc-1 inniliclne t sii in aM ■ case3 of sucü stubhorn nudWYour , III ll'lr.p Beated Uiauasea. i)#nevsnn-uut I UI not ever take #oi order, l.'se U BLUE PILLS 8IE.Ü5B BI or morcurv, tliey are dead #."' l " ■ V, k „7, III II the purest and best#yu' uae I medicine ever made. ƒ J„]p,nr %Mm Ij U wit h a ycllowstlckyDon't walt until yotl tl Ignbttance? lsvmirarc unáliletowalk', or breath fooi "anil#nrellat on your lmrk,l I ofTcnsivc? Yourivlnit Ret sorne at once, ít I II Btomach is out#will i-ure you. Suliiliurlll of orden UscWli'Mevs is abST!'iTTV:Ii:sThe Invalid's Frlcnd.gj IimmodlatelyTheyoung.thcagedand tot-ËS Is yoor l 'v-Mtovïw'j; are oon made wel) ly ine thlck,#i(s use. líotncmhcrwhat youW ropy, clo-JVréad bere, it may Bave ymir 111 udy, iTMife, it haa (avea bundreds. III ïr Uuii't wait uutil tu-morruw, I f I Try a Bottle To-day! □ I Sr M Are you low-splrlted and wi-.-iU.Jll II 5 #nr .suiTcrinK from the cxoesses ijl II SJyouth? if o, 8OLPHUB iiiTTKitól II I ywlll cure yyu. Send 3 2-cent stamp t A. 1'. Oiilway Co., Uustun, Mass., for best medical wolk publUhtxl? U6 uriQrs w HíeGuiiiiys uêU CAPITAL $50,000. S7BFLÜS $7,000. Aflditional Liatiilities of Stoctholflers $5O,OOO. Report o( the coiiditlon of the FARMERS' AND MECIIANICS' HANK at AunArlmr, Michigan, at the close of busluess May 17, ÏS'JO. BESOtTBCBS. Loans and dlaeoanta $ 226,49o 02 Stocks, bonds, morlgagcs, etc S7,6G1 rl Overdrafts W17 BS Uue from banks in reserve citlcs.... 59,840 84 Kurnlture and llxlures 8,0 0 (10 l'.ills in transit -.liW 20 Current expenses aud Luxes pald... 1,119 11 Interest paid - 2JB&2 tí CheckM itnil cash Items 764 2I Nickels and pcnnies 145 39 Gold 5,152 50 Silver 2,107 55 U. S. aud National Bank Notes ,-wt 00 Total $ 370,920 l'J LIABII.ITIES. Capital stock pald lu J 50.0(10 00 Surplus fuud 7 500UO Undlvlded profits 8,459 90 Commerclafdeposlts 2i08:J o:t Savings deposita SS&n 'M Total s;j70.;2U U 8TATK OK MICHIUAN, ) (Jounty of WawliLeiiaw, ƒ ' ' I, FREDERICK II. BÉL8ER, Cnstiler, of theabove numed Bank, do solemnly wu that llie above statement is irue, to the beat of my kuowlodKK and hellef. P. II. BBL8KR, Cashler. Babserlbed and nworn t. before me, this ■J7th duy of May, 1SSHJ. C. H. MANLV. Notary Public. COKKfXT- Attest : ('has. E. Qreens, Anibrone Kearney, 1). F. Scltairer, Director. The Farmers' & Mecliaoics' Bant havlng rlled tlielr certifícate wlth the Utate J!ankin Department are now authorlzed to do business as a SavliiKs Dunk, aud In purauance thereof uave opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all deposlts of SI and upwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngs department Is open Saturday nlghts from 7 unlll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan In sums of $2ö to f5,000 secured hy unencumbered real estáte or approved securltles. III It IC "I'IIUS It. hImii Ki-inpr. eiiMH. K. íiírceiie, B Itully, AnibroH Kearney, IVm. '. NteveiiN, W. F. Hreakeya .1 . !■'.. Beal, .luim Unrit, D. F. Scliairer. K. KKXPfi l'rps. K. IUFlfY, Vlce-Pr.. F. H. BKL.MKK, 'UNhlir THIS PAPER % ' '"■ ■ IIIV I til Uil KOWELL & CO'S Kewspaper Advcrtlslng Bureau (10 Spruca ■■■■■■ ■■# tiüiag contruotsmay NFW YflHK bö made lor it lu lïklf UllIX ScalySkin Disoases PHorlanU 5 year, onverlng; faoe, lit-ud. :md entlre body wlth white mcuIin fcikln red, Itchy, and bletrding. llair all ü'mii'. Sneut htindreds ui Mollar, l'rononnred incurable. Cured by ullruiu Keinedios. My dieeaec ip-orianis) flrst broke ont ou my lefi cheek, ipreading acrosg my noe, and almogt covering my face. It ran inio my eyee, and the phyiician waa afrald I would lose my eyiwight altug (her. It spread all over my bead and my tiairall Icll out. unlll I was eutirely bald-headcd ltthen broke out ou my arms aud i-houldern, until my arm were jast oDe sore. Itcovcred my cntire body, mv face, head, and sliouldcrs beinK th woret. The wnite scalx feil conntautly from mr head, Kboulderu.andaim' ; theckiu would thickcn nd be red and very ilchy, and wonld crack ani bleud il scratched. Alter [eudlm; many ímodreds of dollar. I wa pronouuced incurable I licard of the CiTicunA Hkmkiuki. and art;r uainir two boltles Ci-TicUH Hksoi.vent, I could pee achanee and after I had taken four bottli, I was aiinott cured ; and wtacn I had nserl six bottles of CuiicuiiA Hksolvent andoneboi of Cdticura and onecane of Cuticoba Soap, I was cured of the drcadlul diease frum which I had suffercd for flve year. I ihouitht the diseaxe would Itave a very deep Hcnr, but the Cuticuua. Kkhkuiks cured ft without any cars. i caimot expresü with a pn what I suffered before uslnK the Clticura Hemi,i f. Ihey saved my Ufe. and I leel it my duty to recx.mmepd thom. My hair Is restored as eood e ver, and 80 l my eyusiüht. I know oí otlierg who have recelTed great ben.iflt from thelr n?e. Mus. KOSA KELI.V, Hockwel! City, I1Wa. Cutloura Resolvent The new Blond and Skin Puriflerand pun-st and iH-stofHuT-orld-medicB.Internally.andCDTicuHA "le. ,",rCki"uri;' and Cutícula SoAP.anei: ouisite Skin Beautiier, externally. have cured tfcoueandii of case where the ehcddln; of 9cale9 meMoredi QMrtdallT. Ihe skin cracked, bleedinK buruina, and i ching almost beyond hamau eodar anee, halr llfeless or all BOne sufferini nrrlhliWhat other .eroedle. haveUide SSch cufet 25?1ltKÓrvr5íreii Pfpe CüTI. te-j Sop, k.. uesolkt, Jl. Prepared by the Pottkk Send i''C0R' '""'ON. B.wton PiM'ouiggrg mm TThë pain. Cr, rh?ia,Che' kid'y Pin, woakiiH, PW I ,' "ï,tiBm an muscular p,i„ rX l'.i, ' in on mliiuie by the i .l'ru Antl-Falii Planter. kllllng " ""d onllr '■ta.Haueou


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