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Xorthyille will celébrate tbe 4th. Dexter will outdo herself July 4lh. The P. I"s have CO members at Stockbrldge. The Brlghton hlgb school will gradúate 14 studeuts tliis year. Al. Davis, of Birkett, denies having taken 11 11 tf liimsclt u wife. Tlie Ypsilantl high school closed last Friday, with nine graduales. Fourteen new books bave been added to the Dexter Ladies' Llbrary. Cliclsea's cornet band will make muslc tor tlie Dexter celebration, July 4. Joseph Kolp and Miss Kate Barthel, both of Chelsea, were married June 17. Lidia Karris, one of tho old residents of Ypsilanti, bom in 1800, died June 22J. Tlie estáte of Wirt Dexter, wbo dled recentlv in Chicago, is valued at $1,000,000. At last accounts $"-200 was süll lacking in tilt) bonu tbr a roller mili at Koutb Iyon. Tlie Saline Woikinjimeii's Society will dedicóte tlieir new park with a picnic July 4. A niuiiber of Dexter people will k nto camp at Base and Portare lakes afler July 1. C. VV. Hicks, of Dexter has a fourlegged cliicken. It ouglit to be a good runner. Miss Irene Everett, of Chelsea, was mal ried to II. C. Fenner, of Lmsing, on June 12. Coinmeuceinenl exercltei for the Dexter high school Friday even I nu next at the opera house. Wool 8 uioving rather slow. Local huyen have purcbased but very lililí; - Pinckney Dlspaich. Dr. V. H. Srhini.l!, of OhfliUea, was mariied June 17, to Miss Nellie McMahon, of Manchester. Graduating exercisss for the C' hel sea high school occtir to-inorrow, Tliuisilay evi.-nini. at the towii hall. The Enterprise saya tliut it has U;en ilmost impossible to buy any vegetables n Manchester this spring. The house of Mr. Trulz, of Sharon, was struck hy lijrhtnlug last week. The bolt went down the Hova pipe nul killed a dog. The little insect known is the graln rpliU wlilcli did si) miicli damajee to the n lust year h:is linde ita iippearullCti igain this yetar. ProvioUS to lust Satni.Uy nijjht ÈXaCtJy 599 loada of gravel had' been hauled Iroui lijissett's it, upon our Streets and the good work still #oes on. - Saline Übserver. On Thursday eveninjf of last week the g ratUmliu exercÏHfs of tho AFiinchuBtur Hili School took place at Arbeiter hall. 'l'hi-re vfvte eight graüüates, Iwo boys and six ris. The class motto of the present ;j;railii:iting class will be " We lly with our own wins.'' Tliis knocks out the ïienesiity of atiy of Darlns Green'a flying machines. - Saline Observer. A mail rotte has boen established frnm Ann Arbor to Plyniouth, wlth an office at Dixboro. Veeder Sh.inkl.iinl, pnstmnster, nnd aoother at VVm. Getr's lo E st Superinr. - Commercial. The Palrons of industry secm to be lmvng a hard time tofjain a fool-hold In Webster. Farmers in that vicinity seem to know what they want, or perhaps better what they dou't want. - Dexier Lieader. What hag becoine of our race track project? We have some fine horses in this vicinity, and there is no reason why a Hourishing association conlil not be organizad in ihU place - Pinckney Oispatch. The (J'rinan Woikingmeu's Asociation of Majlie8ter will giveagrand celebrution on their grounds on July 4th. In the evening the grove will le illuminated with ilored 1 jí 1 1 ts, and iherc will be it display of tireworks. Rcv. S. ( '.ilkins is president of the d.iv for the fortli of July CPlobration at Soutli Lyon, and Henry Waldron of Northtield; Win. Ball, of Hamburg; Dr. Smitli of Whitinore Lake; and Geo. S Wheeler of Salem are vice-presidents. What do the "Paul Prys" n tliis town tliink of them?etvef, wben they go peerIng around in peoples vvindows at niahl? A jnck-knifc and Pniall brasa padloek, lost under one of the Windows, a walt 8 m owner at this olllce. - lingliton Citizen. The School Board bas re-engneed for the cominsr year. Prof. Goodfellow, as principal, with Miss Newman as teacher in the gram mar departroent, Mrs Oodfellow, In the intermedíate and Miss l'lmvinan, in the prlmary. - South Lyon Plcket Tlie vounr people ot the Baptist chnncli at Dexter recently org-nnized a society known H8 "Temple builders," of which tlie fullowinjr are theofficers: Pres , Mr. E. H. Conrad; vice-president, Miss Htüe Bost wiek ; secretary, Fred Lemmon ; treasurer, Homer Sniiih ; organist. Miss Jane Plielps ; chorlster, Miss Mattie Palmer. The comruittee aipointed by tlie city couiicil to investígate tlie capacity of the pump at the water werk?, made mi exarnination last Wednesday.and satisfled tliem selves that both pumps and supply of water were fully equal to the guarantee or the demand.and that the pump can throw 2,000,000 gallons of water in twenty fours if necessaiy. - Yp3llanti Commercial. Some people complatn because the boys go banging around with their guns kiiling sparrows, nd threaten to have the boys arrested if they don't desist. Of course it la agatngt tlie law to shoot off a írnn wtthin the oorporate limita of the village, but who ever heard of a fcllow being arrented for Breaking the law in this town? - Manchester Enterprise. A weird and awful tale comes from Connecticiit of an Invasión of "salamander" apple-tree worms wliom tire wou't hum, and who, aftcr h:ivinr been batbed in the llame of a keroseue torch, have afterwards been obseived to crawl uneonoernedly about on the trees with "blue rlames" playing harmlessly on tlieir armored backs. The potenöy of the Conuectlcut apple jack must be inuch greater this leason Iban usual. Mr. Thos. Birkett was in Ann Arbor Tuesday looking up the clectric ligutlng matter. He talked with several jrentlemen tliere whose knowledge of electrlcal apparattis is very complete, and they informed him that the project spoken of in our las-t issue is perfectly feaslble and could be made a suocess. 'J'he sentiment of Chelsea and Dexter on the matter has not yet been obtained, but if favorable tliere is a prospect of tlie plant lieing established. Proper steps yUi be taken in due time to obtain detinite luformation, and the result will be anxiously awaited. - Dexter Leader. For the benefft of boys who think tliey bave a right to stay out of school when tliey please, we publlsh the followlng (rom the Hüttle CreekMoon: "Rbert Bowinan, a boy 14 years old.was trken to the Heform School ut Lnnsing-, this afternoon by Superintendent Wliltney, to reniain until be is 16 years of age. Robert is h truant at school, aud bus showed a spirit tliat ordiuary usage wlll'not control, and it is thougbt best for Robert's future that be be placed where he can be taken care of. The oftlcers say truants are to be given the worst of it from this out. It tliey don't go to school tliey wlll gu to jiil. A young man who went 'west," filled with entliusiasm and a deslre to grow up with the country, eurprised bis friends by rcturning home after au absence of several weeks. He said that while he was out hunting in what he thouglit was the garden spot of America, he carne acrosa u boarded up claim ahanty. On tlie boards nailed across the the door hu found this inscription.which accounted for liis unexpecteil return : "Kore miles to a náyber, 1G miles from a postofi, 20 miles from u raleroad, a hundred aud atey railesfrom timber, two hundred and fifty teet from water. There's no place like home; we' ve gone cast to spend the winter with roy wife's folks." - Ex. The 4th of July will be celebrated at Dexter in line style. A bijr erowd will be in attendance without the least doubt, as Dexter always has a bil? time when she sets out to have it. The office ot the day are: Orator or the day -Hou. T. J. McDonald, of Toledo, O. Reader f llio Declaratlon- Wm. F. Calrns, of Dexter. Ctiaplaln- Rev. E. II. Conrad, Dexter. President of the day - Bon. C. 8. Uregory. Vlce Presldents- üexler Vlllage- A. 11. Deal, Qarret Wall. Jylina- J. V. N. Uregory, Charles Parker. Dexter Townstisulp- Tliniuas Hlrkett.Clirlstophor Lavey. Webster- Oeorge T. Phelps. Kil win Ball. Delhi Mills- Win. E. Boyden, Frank Uoodalc. Sclo- G. A. Petera, Patriok McOulness. North lMke- Koberl Uleuu, lleury Twamley. Marshal of the day- Marcus S. Oook. Asslstant Marshal- A Ifreil K. Phelps. Music by the Chelnea coruet fouud. Urand display of flreworks in the evening. How many of our cit'zens fcnow that rh Instntlon for ralslntc skunks exists in Michigan, and not far froin Juckgoi ? Over at Ilonier Is au enlerprisfi of this kind, ind up to the present wrltlng there have been no bids recttived lor it from imy English syndicale. Out there Abe Vreeland, i farmer, i.s raising skunks on a larje scale. The stock will be increased this season by over y. 000 nnimals. Tliey ure made noll'eiisive, and the skuukery is paying over 200 per cent. ou the capital invested. Cholee animáis for pets bi ing about $12 a pair. The liides aie worth 40 cout8 caeh. Ie i a jrout bii9ÍtHS.c, and Michigan is not the only slate in Mm Union that pan l)o:ist of suoh an induslry, Skunks niake excellent pt'tp, and liundreds can be fouud uil throu'h Michinn, A large pa'r ol baadsome Dlnjal has just been sent to Mr. McKlnley at Washiiiirton by one tif his mlmircrs in our ttitc. - Jaokton Star. There is no better or more splennid lioinebulldti" thnn the sheep, wliich declares two (lividends a year, sayH Galien Wilson in the Nsw York Tribune. Those who have persistently and judiClously maintained a considerable flock will be foiuid prosperous. Almost any farm of 100 acres could readily in lint i'm 100 slieep in addition to the other stock npon it. Tlieir expeuse of sustenance woulü hardly be feit, and the soil would congtantly increase iu ferlility. Sheep consume twice as tuany kinds of plants ai (th -r animáis, IncludiDg various weeds and the foliage of briars and busues; are not only good scaveners, turnio' into inoney what would otherwise j;o to waste, bot their supply of herbage is less üable to be cut oft' by drouth or other cause tlian that of anímala consumltig a sm iller variety. The Western Rural says: While sheep choose the best feed, they seera to do tqually well on the tue of pasture fk-lds, shrub lots, and wastcs ut the cattleamJ feedracks. wbat cmp suil'drs least in seasona of droujrb. if t be nol W0ül and larubs? A great itdvantage incident to tlie sbeep erop is, it is so ruudily marketed and is alwaya in demiind, while most otlier crops ar not. SALINE COMMENCEMEKT. Tbe following is the program eatiie for uominencement week at Saline: Por Class Day, Thursday, June 2G: Muslo Orcliestra INVOCATIOH. Muslo Orchestra Salutatory Kred Webb Clasa Ilistory Ola Rogers KSSAY. A trip to the raooD ..Klttle Saner Muslo Orcbestra ORATION. Duty toSelf WlllCollum KSSAY. Hablts Coustltate Cbaracter, Qjrlrude Smltli KKCITATIOK. "TlicPalnterofaevlile," Anna Cobb Mimlc Orchextra ('iuss l'ropheey Ida Bbaw Valedlctory Cyutbla Hurd Muslo Orchestra BENEDIOTIOK. For Coinniencement, Friday, June Sfltll: Muslo Orchestra INVOCTIOK. Muslc Orchestra VOCAL MU.SIC. "Gally Chant the Kuinmt-r Blrds," De Pinna Miss Lovlna Parsons. Address Prof. F. A. Barbour Muslo OrcheHtra l'KESENTATION OK IUl'I.IIM.lS. VOCAL MUSIC. "Dear Heart," Mattel MIhs I.ovhui I'arsuns. BKNKDICTION.


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