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Regents Meeting

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At the meeting: of the Board of Regenta yesterday, there was a bare quorum present. Prof. Wincliell presented the necessities of the doparttnent of science in the univcrsity. A ncw building to cost perImns 850 000 was very nuicli needed, In fact almost a necessity. Au addition to the museum building with 0,000 square feet of ground floor was the Idea proposed. The regents were notenthuslastic over the project, evidenlly. Prof. Thomas presented a project of issuing a quarterly publication, to be kDOwn as the U. of M. Kccord, which was referred to a onmmtttee. The plana forthe new hospita] were made a subject of arnest di-cussion for a Ion;: time, and the rejícnts to have dilliculty in settlinjj everythintf satisfaolory to botli schools of medicine. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge was olioson dean of the literary faculty. The board voted to seiid the Uuiversity olTorontn.recently destroyed by flre, $100 worth of duplícate specimens in goolujty, aud al.fü about fll(y volumes froiu Che tlbrary. The Sperry Electric Co. was thanked for the gift of a dynamo and a iiumber of are lamps. Secure a copy of the Conimeiieemeiit Annual. President White a to be the guest of President Angelí. Kil. Mills, dent 'v.i, Is taklug in the cercises of the week. The "University Bonk" wlll be given to the public, nbout the middle of AllfCUft. W. F. Hubbard edits the Commenceincnt Annual thisycar, and it is a rustier. Tlic Studente' Lecture Aesociation board of '90 had their pictures taken by Gibson this a. in. A reunión of the eluss of '84 tak-s pliice this p. m., at the residence of Prof. Krt-d. N. Scott, No 1 College st. H. F. De Cou, the present holdt-r of the Elisha Jones scholarshlp, will hold the same for another year. The opening lecture of the third year of the Summer School of Oratory occni-4 in room 24, Friday morning. Gov. Luce is a guest in the city and attendin the exercises, but most interested in the meeting of the rejrent. Senior reception ice cream had evident ly been effected by the humid atmosphere of the day. It was scarce and tuin. The graduating classes this year are the largest in the history of the University, afrgregating 558. List year the number was 438. T. J. McDonnald, Esq , of Toledo, law '68, will dllver the 4th of July oration at Dexler. He fonnerly studied law In this city with Judge Beakes. James 1Í. Angelí entertained the memben of the literary graduating class, of whom he is onp, yesterday afternoon, serving an elegant dinner for them. Dr. Angel I's Baccaleaurete; Judge Harlan'l address, and President Whlte's addreaa, wHl all be found in the Commencement Annual this year, to be on sale Thursday p. m. All of the Clas3 Day addresses and poems can be found In the Commencemiint Aniuial this year. To be on sale Thursday p. in., aftor the regular eotnmenceinent exercisi'S. Prof. Geo. Bfck, lit. '05. teacher in the state normal school at Platteville, Wis., will be in Ann A'bor duiin? commencement wefk to attond the lirst reunión of his class. He wil be the gucst of .T. Volland. The lirst nnmber of the new publication to he Issued montbly by the law facnlty and students wlll contain 48 pngei Of readinor matter. The student dlror W. B. Kamoav, J. Winans, B. Waples, W. Ij. O'Iieill. Prof. Wm. P. WelU delivered the faiewt-11 addre?s to the senior law students last Friday p. m., in the law lecture room his subject being "Kelatlon of the Lawver to (Ik; Reform Law." The addre-s wag h line one, and was recuiveil with gieat RpplailM. The Senior laws won the U. of M. baseball pennant, and on Monday eveniny hlrvd a b:in(t, bcmglit uil tüe fireworks to (■e found in the city, and proceeded tocel(biate Iheir victory in lurid Ktyle. The bnv oonHned themselves strictly to fiin and dirl nothlftg to luterfere with iiDvbiidy or anytliing. It was a glorlous nialit tor the boys howerer.


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