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AN l NKIV.W.KI) lü.OOD PÜBIFIKR. l'oiinil :it last in Ilibbard'a Rheumatlc Byrup- a reinedy wblch wcpelli all pol soumis matter and talnts of dlscase from the blood. A wcli known cltlzen of West Lebanno, Jnd.. texiiflee tn ita valae: GBHTLKHBN: U me plertsure to ntHtr tliHt niv ife luis recelveil prenler ii.-ii. lii 1 1 - m llii.b.m's Rheainatic Syrnp tlian fiiMH ituy medicine lie Ims ever lakfii. We li ivr usci HX bottte, and Illid II tci Ik the beul riuully reim-dy and ihe Vreaifar hloo.l purliter thut we liave evei u-e I. h la truly nll it ciaimed to be iy lts foui.der. y,Mi oannot recomiiiend il loo lilghly. Yours truly, Pbahk Wau.ack, West Ubanon, Ind. Soid by all riniggtet. Prepared only by tbe Cims. Wii-iit. Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. Adelbert L. Gecr,of Superior, died June 21st, 1890, of consumption, ared .W.i years. H. B. Uewey is to be tlie ncw editorial and business manager of tbc Uegister, wc anderatand. Micliacl Laubengayer was on Monday tenteneed to jall for 20 diys by Justicc Tond, for bciag drunk. The Grand Rapids expresswill bereafter stop at Dexter, rauch to the accommodatiou of the people of that vlllage. ïhe floarlng milis at Dexter, owned by Thos. Üirkett, have been rented to Lyman fc Kokers of Plnckney, t is reported. Dayld W. King ofthe 5th ward, died Juue 23d, aed 44 ye.irs, of consumption. Funeral service were held Taesdsy, trom 5th ward churcli. Kittie C. Sperry, wife of John II. Sperry, dieil Monday 23J, sged 5:J years, ofdropsy. Funeral services tliis a. introm residence corner of 2ï. División and E. Cstheiiue sts. W. J, ('olegrovc, of Aun Arbor, gave . the Patrons of Industry mi entertaining talk last Satnrday evening. Colgrove is an enihustiisüc member of tlie Carpenter'g Union.- Stoekbridge Sun. Tlie Congrcg.itional cliurch waspaeked full of people Monday evening to liear tlie free recital given by Prof. Stanley, and man y went away unabie to gain adnalttance. One of the plcasing features of tlie entertainment was a song by Airs. Dr. T. C. Phillips, of Milwnukee, Wis., formerly Miss May Whedon, the auiiounceineut of wbose name alwaya calis out a large audience. The U. oí M. Glee Club airo assisted, and mada the evening a brilliant one indeel. Calvin Ulis=, after doing business in Ann Arbor for 50 years, bas sold out lus jewelry sture to bis sou Gllbert, and retire from active Ufe. Mr. Kliss Carne to tlita city in July 1884, and at that time as the onlyjeweler In the United States west of Detroit. Cliiciro wns tbea uaerely ;i trading station. He had Berved six yeara at liis trade before comiiig liero, and is to-day the oldest known jewelt'r in the United S'ates. lie retires from business hale and hearfy for one of his years. Mr. liliss was theyoungert ori8chlldren, and his father was a lieutenant in the revcilutioiKiry war. Francés Baufleld, wife of Ileniy . Banfleld, who ilied last Friday, Juno ÜOtli, was boni in H&rfordshlre, England, in 1S15. Married In London, Eng., In IS.'iG. Tblrteen years alter, they moved to this city where they have since resided. Four years ago they celebrat.i their fifüoth wedding anniversary. During the 41 yeais iu America not one death has occuneil in the Immediate family. She lenves a buLband and six cliililreu, viz: - Mis. J. W. RIchardSOD and Mrs. I. I'. rrine of Muskfgon, S. P. and Willard S. Uanfu-ld of Anti Arbor, Mrs. A. I,. Chamberltn of Phlladelpbla, umi Miss Emina Baofleld of this city.


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Ann Arbor Courier