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i ! ■■■'■■■- -CA COUPOÜND EXTRACT m The importance of purifylng the blood cannot be overestimated, íor without pure bloud you cannot enjoy good health. At this scason nearly every one necd3 a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and vo ask you to try Hood's P _ _ ■ I o i Sarsaparilla. It strengthens r OCU 1 1 CU an(j buüds up the system, creates an appetitc, and toncs the digestión, wliile it eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla t_ l+CAlf lar curative powers. No ' lloCll other medicine has such a record of wonderf ul cures. If you have made up your inaid to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidenco. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar EEND FOR OUH CATALOGUEano PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS,. INDIANAPOLIS, INO. I BIG DROP IN WASH GOODS FOK V GBEAT 'HVO WEEK'S TRA DE. There is Xothin? Orer-Extlmated in the Following Reductions: One Case Handsome Dress Challics to go at 13 1-2 ets. a yd. ÏOO rieces Dress Lavrns worth 10c to pro nt 3 1-2 a jd. 5O Tieces Dress anti Apron Ging-lmms to run at 5c a vd. 75 l'ieces 7e and 8c Dress Prints to ?o nt 5c a yd. Clioice of 'Iliousaiuls of yards of Ginliams, Larns, Muslins,Seersuckers and Sondan Suitlngs all worth 12 l-2c for He a yd. 88 Picccs Plaid and Check lVhlte Miislins at 8c and 10c a yd. 30 Pleces White India and Victoria Launs at 5c, 8c, 10c and 12 I -_■ a jó. Fine Black ludia Liucns at 12 1 -2c, 15c, and 20c a id. Plain Black Check and Plaid Organples at 12 l-3c, 15c and 18c a yl. One Case Good Plaid mu! Clicck lOc ( Shlrting 1(i go at 7e a yd. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ! 100 doz. Ladics' Jersey Tests 3 for 2:o. 50 doz. Misscs Tests 10c and up to 35c. 15 doz. Ladies' Bal trican Tests at 25c. One case Gents' Slimmer Shirts and Drawyers 25c each. 25 doz. Ladies' Fast Black Hoso at 12 l-2c a pair. 15 doz. Ladies' Fast Black Hoso at _ 25c a pair. 50 doz. Boys' and Girls' Fast Black liase at 9c a pair. liig lot Men's riain and Fancy Hose nt lüc, 12 mil 15c a pair. 't (Id. Ladips' Miisliu Drnwcrs made from I'niil of t!ic Loom Cutton al !ióc a pair. IO doz. Nlght Rfoes al 65e and 75c eaeli. 200 more Gloria Fast Black (Jiubrel las al 63o and 7Se. LACE MITS! LACE MITS! :$o loz. Ladles' Fine Black Lace Mits at i"c a pair. 30 loz. Lftrtles' Blad Sük Mits at a piiir. & Aüffi O 8 Visii onr establishment dniing llie next Two AVeoks. It wíl I pay yon. SCHAIREB& HILLEI LEADERS Of LOW PSICES. COMMENCEMENT ANNUAL 01' ÜNl'SÜAI INTEREST TUIS YE.VIt! Addressos or Jadge Harían, President Wlille, and all tlic Class Day Oratlons aad Poema ! PRESIDENT AXGELL'S BACCALAUKATE ADDBESS. ALL FOK 25 CTS. OX SALE THURSDAY P. ML, Afler the regular Coinme.iecmcnt cxcrcises. TOILET SOAP GIVI AWAY FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS Totlioso OUït SOAP and bringIng '-Í.', (.':l(l r 811 Ter Iiiock Wrappers lo ( he fiiet iry, Conifir Main ainl Mailison streel s, wül lic givcn 25 ets. Worth 01' OCR ELEGANTTOÍLETSOAP Wltll l:i v;iiicü(-s lo scUm'I froin. Don"! iiiKtakc nu fui' oIIiit sh) füclorics. O K (;!S itlallll) s1;l!l!X'l. PEN1NSÜUR SOAP CO., April !1, ')O. A un ArlMir, Hleli. teüce mmm Now wi are ready wiih n new Brlok storehiaM lor1 r.iio atoras f Househoïil toiJh, Plauo'a lï'Kk-, Stoves, etc. 1 IA NOS AND HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and Ilght Draylng. FREIGHT WOUK C. E. GODFREY, 'PhoneSÜ. Eteg. andOffloa l( N. Fourth .ve. Ral -Eslata! FOR SALE. Thofollüwing proncrtr beloaglng to Lymán 1). James: The Frnnfclln House. Tho '"Monitor" property. Six Lots on the córner of Fourtli aml SViiKiiiuirion sK. House and Lot on Liberty il . APPLY TO EUGENE E. BE AL, ACKNT. I CHAS. STABLER & CO. ( INTERIOR H l hecümbí g í NEWFIRM. o i NEW STOCL M íí year's bird tesis. j l''.vcrylhing ?tew, neat and J Jj clean. All out papos are C -? this spiing styles. '_ J í NO OLD STOCK I a í ƒ e aso carry afull Une r - J of pains of all lints mixed readyfor he brush, H CHAS, F, STABLER & CÖ, ' i No. C Hurón St., West.


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