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Epitome Of The Week

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Thi Sonate passed the House silver blll on the 17lh by : vote of 42 to ■: with an ameudment whu-h d clares the Standard silver dollar and the Btandard gold dollar equally a legal tender for alldebtx, pabilo and private. The bill for admiti i 1 1 YVyomlng TerritotJ as ; SUte was reported In the House the sundry civil approprlation bill and the bill lor the relief of the Michigan Military Academy were both passed. Tuk tariff bill was reported in the Señale on tbr 1 -ith and the conference report on the antiIrust Ijill was agreed to. The legislativo, executlve and judicial appropriation biil was conBidered [the House the Indian appropriation bill was passed, and the silver bill, as umi'iidiMi by the Si'iiate, was presented and refcrred. In the Si nate inlls were introduccd on the l'.'ili toestubllsh and mainlain a National park ín Colorado and appropriating $18,434 lo coiiiplete ;init ilraiciite the monument to commemorutc tiic surrcndor of Hurgoyne at Saraloga. Eulogios on the deceased New York Rcpreeentatrres, Messrs. Nutting and Wilber, were pronounoed. An amcndmcnt was offercd to the taiïfi bill authorizing the President to declare the port-s of tlie United States opon to the im portsotany American natton whioh shall extend a likc privilege to the United States In the House the time was oceupied in a wrangle over the disposition by the Speaker of the silver oolnage bill, the journal readintf that the biil had Been reterred to the commlttee on coinage. A n-solution to correct the journal and brlng liacU the bill from the coramlttee wns, aftt-r considerable sharp debate, agreed to - 120 to 117. A motion to reconsider was then finally adoptod - 121 to 114 - but un adjournment was had pending a motion to approvc the journal as amendcd. The post-oflice appropriation bill ($"2,4G3,fl99) and the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill were reported in the Scnate on the 20th and the legislativo appropriation bill was passed In the House a motion to npprove the journal of YVodnesday's proceedtng as amended on Tluirsday was agreed to by a vote oí 133 to 130. A notlon was then mudo that the House proceed to the considmition of the bilis on the Speaker' s tublr. and espeolally the silver bill. A point of order was made that the bill was not on the Speakor's tablo, Imt in the hands of the commlttee on coliuaffewelghts and meas utvs. Atter xniir iiiscussion the matter went over for the day. DOMESTÏO. A CAMP of ten wliito men near Sepore, N. M., was sucpriged by Indians on the lTth, and only one escapcd with liis Ufe. From statlstics compilad by Inspector Williams it appeared on the nth that in tlio last twenty yeari 110,858,718 tons of coal had been mined in Pennsylvania. Tin: sheriff of Koek County, Wis., on the ITth sorved a writ of mandamos on the school board of the city of Edgerton coinmanding it to compel teachers not to read the liible in the public schools. This is the district in which the Supreme Court decidcd ajiainst allowing tho liible in the public schools, but teachers had ignored the decisión. Mayoh Pathick McQiadk, of Jacksonvillo, Fla., was fataüy assaulted on the l'.th by City Marshal Wiggins, whom tho mayor charged with neglect of duty. Omek, the 13-year-old son of Dr. Biddinger, who resides in Clay township, Ind., was killed on the lsth by the kick of a hot'se. This was the flfth cbild of the doctor that had mot death by violonce. A CLOUD-BUKST on the 18th near Appomattox, S. D., flooded a large tract of country, and thrce members of William McElroy's family and tive members of (ieorge Wager's fam il y were drowned. Larjro mimbprs of liorsos and cattle perishod. Xear Lcbanon a cyclone swept over soveral miles of country, destroying a nutnber of hotisos and killing Valentine Jtolm and Jobn Enjrllab. Dültisro the qiiartef ended May 81 tfaere were 8,900 Brea in New York City, entailing a loss of $1,805,738. Jonx and William Detar, (tffed about 14 years, twin sous of llev. J. I). Detar, were drowntd in a bayou on their father's furm at Woojbniv, la., on the ITth while bathing. W. C. AlbkktsoN, a broker on tho Chicayo lioard of 'J'rade, failed on tho 17th for 860,üOA A dishonest clerk caused tlio disaster. At Denver, Col., Aaron M. Jones, aged 00 years, ono of the best known men in the State, shot and killed his wife at the breakfast table on the 18th whilo temporarily insane and then coraïnitted suicide. Yai.k won the college base-ball championsliip on the 18th in New York by Üefeating l'rinceton G to 5. The three-mile race on Cayuga lake, N. Y., on the tSth between tho eightoared crews of Cornell and Uowdoin was won by Cornell by four lengths in 17 minutes SO 1-5 seconds. Jay GoCU) was fined 8100 in New York on the lsth for failing to answer a summons to serve as a juror. At l'rovidence, R. I., on the 18th the 122d commencement exercises of Brown University were held. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., Mrs. Thomas Butler conchided on the 18th that she would no longer be scolded by her husband and she committed suicide by eating paris green. At Williamsburg, Ky., the wife and twin children of Cortland Brown, a prominent merchant, were fatally struck by lightning on the 18th. Fouji men wero killed and three injured in a collision betwoen freight trains near Melrose, N. C, on the 18th. At New York on the 18th Harris Smiler was sontenced to death by electricity dui'ing tho week beginning August 4. At tho twenty-second animal convention in Chicago on the 18th of the Junior Order of United Amcri:ans Cleorcre H. Hartlett, of Massachusctts, was elocted National councillor. Bhakk.mkx on the lieading (Pa.) railroad wore notified on tho 18th that thoy mustleavo tho Order of Railway Hrakemen or quito the services of the company. A cy lonk swept over Logan, Kan., on the 18th, and the new Episcopal chureb was destroycd, many farm housi's were wrecked and ono man was killed. Tuk business part of Harlem, Mo., was burned on the 19th.


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