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Captain Courtney!

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Says: Wliile on the oiist of Afrlen I luid tli ree noen sick wilh malHria tVvcr. 1 cured tliem wlth Sulplmr Iiitti r.-. It is the greatest bl oJ purilier í ever saw. I ihvayskeep l.liem in my medicine chest. - Bhlp Kautilaus, Bultiinore. Tuk lown of Osoeola, la., was floodod by a cloud-burst on tlio 18tli. and two women were drowned and man; buildings removed from their foundations. A coach containing fifteen young ladios went over an embankment near Jonestown, I'a., on the l'Jth, and allsustained painful injuries. At I'eoriu, 111., Katie Sbehan, Krank Sootfc, .John (ilbort and a man unknown were drownod during the twenty-four houtl ended on the liith. Tuk first original )aekagi house in Lawrontss, Kan., was oponed on the lOth. 'l'he Wonien's Chrislian Temperance Union dcclarcd they would tear the houscs to pieees should others bo opened. On the l'Jth 250 Mormon lmmlffrantl reached New York on their way to Salt Lak o City. Dk. W. J. Hammkk, a dentist of Greensburg, Pa., wliilo quarreling with his wife on the l'Jth was shot by her and mortal ly woundod. Tin-; lOOth anniversary of tbo settlemont of Kaukauna, Wis., was colebrated on tho l'Jth. Durixo a storm on the lSHh sevoral buildings wero destroyod at Highland, Wis., and nine-tonths of the bridges in Vernon County were washed away and the crops badly damaged. At Springville a numbor of buildings were wrecked. The Millors' National Association in scssion at Minneapolis on tho 19th elected A. R. James, of Buffalo, as president. A i'AY train collided with a freight near Atchison. Kan., on the 19th, and an cngineer and eightecn horscs wero killed. Tuk Illinois erop report on tho 19th gave an average of about two-thirds for winter whoat. Spring wheat was good, and the area in oats was small. HoYsconfined in the House of Refuge at Cincinnati sot fire to ttio building on the 19th in order to escape, but the flaracs were extinguished before any damage was done. FtJBTHBB advices of the 19th say that eleven lives wore lost in the recent cyclono and cloud-burst near Appomattox, i Potter County, S. D. The Park National Bank of Chicago suspended payment on the 20th, with liabilities estimated at 8250, 000. Whii.k drilling a well on tin 20th at Indian Sprints, Ind. , a vein of gold was struck whicli was said to bo 80 pur centpure. In the country regions noar Moberly, Mo., creeks overflowod their bauks, bridges were swept away, feoces leveled and many stnall buildings carried off on the 20th. Thk town of Milaca. Minn., was swept by flre on the 20th and almost wholly destroyed. Ai.dek.max McAbkf: and Michael J. Corcoran, accused of election frauds in Chicago, wore acquitted by a jury on the 20th. At a meeting in Chicago on the 20th of the world's fair directors the lake front was deelarod to be their preforence as tho site for the fair. A mUUHBLK oyulono and cloud-burst ocourred near Karlville, 111., shortly after 4 o'clock on tho afternoon of the 20th, which resul ted in terrible loss of lifo and property, no less than thirty persons being killed and the whole country from near Earlville to I'aw P&w, in Lee County, being marked with ruin. At least flfty farm bóuèes and other buildings were wreckod. Over one-half the villaje of Kublette w:is dostroyed and over a hundrod persons injuied. I'aw Paw was ruined. A TitAix on ihe Baltimore fc Ohio railroad was wreckfid ncar Childs, Ind., on the utli, and the engincor and fireman wore killed and thirtoen passengers injured. Tuk following ersons wero hangod on the '20tli: .losi;ih l'otts and Elizabith his wiftr at lClko, Nov., for thö naarder of Miles Fawoett in January, 1HSS: IVicr K. Davis ;it llelleville, Out., for the inurder of his paramour's husband. iml l'iitz Dulxjis at Quebeo for killing liis wite, niothcr-in-hiw and two children in Fèbruary, 18U0. Hkavv rains visited Northern lona on tho '201 h. and the sinnll grain was badly down and muoh of the corn washed out. Many bridges wcre also swept away. Thk villago of Higbee, Mo., was on the 20th reported to have been destroyed by fire. Ons PbHNINoton, agod 1.4 years. shot and killed Klmer llainilton, a playmate, at Blandinsville, 111., on tho 20th fortying his clothes into knots whilo he was in swimmintr. Advicks of the 20th say that a flood at Atchinson, Kan., destroyed five of the largest railroad bridges in the city, six large wagon bridges, eighteen dweiling houses and other property, the total loss being estimated at S200, 000. Thekk were 199 business failures in the United Statos during the seven days ended on the -JOth, agaiust 212 the previous seven davs. BuROI.AltS crackod the safe of Louis M. Blilor, a Kansas City bookmaker, on the 20th and obtained f4,100 in cash and jewelry.


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