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TB v' Robber Shoes uniera worn uncomfortably Ught, ffcuorally Up off the foetTHE "COLCHESTEE" RUBBER CO. m&ke all thelr sboes wlth fauldn of heol lincd -wlth rubber. Th ís cliiurs to the shoo oud provcuta Üio rubber from iiltpping off. Cali Tor the Co1chestorw "ADHES1VE COUNTERS." FOB SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEiNER, A. D.SEYLER &SON. ANK ARBOR. MACIONAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Kates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Iirnace, Clioboyfran, Alpena. Harrlsville. Oscoda, SnnA Be.ich, Poi t Hurou, St. Clair, Oakland Houaa, Marmo City. Every Woolt Day Betwüan DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trip durine July aad Auguit. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Katcs and Exounion TickeU w jll bo f umiahcd by yourTickot Agent, oradtirtea E. B. WHITCOMB, Gon'l Pas. Agont, Detroit & Cleveland Stcam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Soul li :iin St., A 11 11 Arbor. 1 olili-Htaüt-ücy in the city. Kntbllnhed over a quarter o) a century ago. llepresentlng iiir ' '■ ["Wír.íi tli i-''Ihss oonapan!Mi. wiih over ïtii.o,o(i Capital Hid AMWti HOMK INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. G1KARD IN. CO., Of Phlladelptata ORIËNT INS. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Loiidan. LIVERPOOIi, LONDON aud GI.OBK. WASHINGTON FIRB aml MARINE, of Boston. Rates Lmt as the Lowest, Losses Liberully Adjusted and proniptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOPi BATH ROOMS. M mm and 131 MUS ! FF ÜTERATURE FOR ALL. TheAMÉBICAN PROTECTIVBTAtïTVrliBAOüB Ispubltebing u mosi valuable series of Tariff documente. Tueee are preparad witb a view to iat' the l";K"is :int urjriimi'nts lor I'rotertfon, wbether in the interest of farmers, laborera, merchante or profesional men. Kuch issue ei the series appeals to those eur-nni in separate industries, and presentsliidisputable Faete- oomparisona of irageecast of living, and other argumente showing' the bcnefltfl of Protectton. Any single ono will be eent on receipt of 2 cents In stampa except "Wagres Living and Terlfld" whicfi wlll l.oscnt for 4 cents. The w hole ii will be sent for ÖOoentsor any twclve foi r aoy Bve for 10 tviiiH. j-.-.:: ■ ; ; J oivkiby mmiber. No, Pages. 1-" W IftV E. A. ITaiitsOiOi 104 2- Jii'1 -V i : Proteettve Tariir to the La ■■ ... tries oí the L'uited States." i li .ij-, iis87. cuawi ■■:u Í). llOSSlHQ 33 8- "Home Prudustiou ludlspensabte t a supply, at Low brices, of the Müiufactured oinoditlea reqolred for the reunie of Uu' l'niicii States, and Atlcquatc Home l'i'o'hH-tioij of tbeae Commodltles ImpoaBlbla witbout a ProtectlTe ] arlff." i-irst Tri" Essay, i'-ss. c. D. Todd S2 4- "Wimt are Raw Materials? Woold Pree Ra w Uaterlols be Advautageous to tbc Labor tudustriee of the United sta.. . ' First Hrlze Essay, 1&9. kll S2 5- "Fallaciea of Free-Trade." E. i'. Millkr... 'á ü- "borne Views on tbe TariflF by au Oíd Bu&ineu Man." Gbo. Dblapbb 32 T- "The Prutecttve Tarllf : Ita Advantages for the sou th." O. L. 1 dwa&ds 32 8-" rhe Woöl Interest." Judgu Wm. Lawbencb ü4 U- ■" Prpteotton va. Vcee Iraue."- A Elistorlca] Kt-viriv. D. U, UABRIHAM 20 10- " The Farmer and theTarilt" CÖL Thomas 11. DUDLET 10 11- ■ Frotection as a iubiic Poitcy." üeokui: .s. bOOTWBU 10 12- "lleply to tLe i residt'ut's Frce-Trade 3Ies." li. i'. POBTEB 8 1- M Workingmen and the Tarltt.". 8 14-" The VltaJ cuestión: Shdll American bidusid American .iurkf-ts Sarrendered ï 8 10 -Siimt, in Germán, witn Additlon 8 iü - "ïhe ProRrr-ss or one Uandred Tears." ROBBRTF. POBTKR 8 17- u Protectlon f or American Shlppinjr.". . .. 8 ■ The Tarttf Nota Tax." HomkbJÏTdibeu... 8 ■ en si. nul Mr: . its." 8 Lo- "Prolection." E. H.Ammiöows, 1 Wbat Isa 'faiitf ?" Answersto a Worttogïimn's Question 4 23- "The American tjoi Industry." E.H. Am N 8 ' . - - and Costof Living.' J. 1). Wbbks. -i Soul In th Karmiuij Industries." ■! A short Talk to Vvorkingmen' 2 l Protectlon and tlici'anr.or." Senator S. il. m 12 w y '■ 1.. n isT, wts-kiy. devoted to the ■ si-!i of ;ill [■: :■. -- of the Tarltf QuestlOQ. ?2 aoor Sample coptH frw. Addresa American Pro n.i Lep-if, i?:; W. Sd St..New Vork. Fargtfs Shoes sas for-the Farnfly 158 "Box Tip" School Shoes $bA for Boys and Girls. ƒ ?So Heeled or Wedge Heel. e' ' Svsès Slzes-8tolOV4 1.S5 fc fOvm Iltol3!.'2 1.50 ltemgyf TlljJ ito3 1.-7S JmV $2.50 Calf Shoe IvraV for Gentlemen, I wjQ Tb-T 7... Lnrit];üod by ny sho "WF sTïTrrT N in Amertcft al t). ■RTs-MvJt- Uii'pi-iri'. In t'ongrei". HuituJ -%-1ll - ton and Lace líeii'aaiul Boy'd tíMt ■ Cin FARCO'S #. l$2.50 LADIES' BOOT ƒ tí& V OongolaorGoat. Button. TjV5e Opera, orCom non Sense. ! j :'apa., Tac)ilos iml Flexible. v" - LM C"""V5r - sstvli-h and servio OÜR NAME ÍS ON THE BOTTON! CF EVERY SHOE. ! Aik toot dealer for Vart„v sii,c,. jr i,r. does nat : reccii.1 of prl.-c s.-iul ,,.,.,;:,l r„r IL-i.' C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicag-o, I1L rs v 0. pr iu pu AGKNTS, - ANN AKIiOK. Insurance, Real Estáte iü Loan Agcncy OF HAMILTCW_& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. I AND2HAMILTONBLOCK FIRST I I.OOlt. Partlen deslrlng to boy or sell Krui Kstate wiil umi t. tnthrir advantage tooall 011 uu. We represent the followlng flrs.t-olasa Pire [usurauoe Corapanle. liavlug and aggregale rapllul of over $i.0,000: TIn' Grand Rapid lire Ino. '., The )!ii Knrmcrs' lus, V., (Inrares n'y dwellincs)i The -rntniii InS. CO. People'a Ure in-. ' , Tho Cltlzen'a Pire in. ., Tin' Westolieater Kirc lim. '., Mllwakee meebaalesi Ctn lii. Tho r llniiipNlilrc l'ili' Iiin. in., The Norttwetern i'irE in, vn. lï.'itfH I,ow. IiOKses llberally adjusted oud [t:iíii promplly. We also Issne Life and fnvefltmeoi l'oilcleei in the iVinn. Mulual Life [DSOffttlOfl üompftny. Asm-is $55,000,000. Persons deslrlng . i-i.iiMii [Dsorance, :m have yearly Po wriitcTi for thfin ur Traveler's Coapon losarunce Tickets issuetl at lowrates in ilirS:;indard AeHdent Insurance Oompany ol Detrofti Mloh Mooey U loao al current ratos. Uítlce houra from S a. in. to 12 m. aiul 2 lp 5 HAM1LTON & CREEN. Michigan CTentral " The Mugara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 1S90 CHICAGO TO DETROIT. i FYMS í? ÜÜEÜ! 1 A.W. A.M. P M P.M. P. M P.X.A M. A.. :;i.oTa -orí '.11,0 1221 310 9001010 Rala'. 10 11 41". 2 17 3 55 7 00 1 18 33' 7 10 íackB'n 3 00 4 25 5 80 847 888 05 5 00 9 40 I -beben 102 7 07 543 1)31 Dexler.. 4 18 723 550... . I. W.P. V. l'.M. P. M. í. U. A.M. A.M A.M. ftnnA-r 4 45! 5 3.' ti 29 9 451 4 5i 7 45 B 14 11 0) ii.'ll 5 02 5 47 9 58 5 13 8 05 ft 28 1113 VWc. 527 .... 833 1,49 De'i Ai 6 !5 6 45 7 30 10 1') li 2 9 20 7 :M12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. TATIOS. I SÁ'Z& Z'ú 'Aá t m " O8 zj pu !, A.M. A.M P. M.IP.M. AM.'P.M. P.M. Detroit. ..Lv !) 0". 7 50 120 4 45 9 2-5 15 55.", WayneJnnc. 10 0O 954 638 Ypsilanti.... 1122 8 43 S05 5 47. ... 1015 7 00 A.M A.M. P.M. P.M. .M. P.M.IP.H. AnnArbor... 10 37 8 55 2 17 55S 10 19 103() 7 1K Destcr 11 0 I 7 S5 Chelee 1113 22 7 4R Jackíon 1155 1000 8 17 55 1115 1145 880 Kalamazuo.. 2 88 ÍS lí 5 02 980 1255 2 17 00 Chicago. ..Ar 7 55 1 i 15 9 0[ 4 5) 8 05 1180 O. W. KUOGLES, H. W. HAYKS, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Aat.. Aun Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan Kailway. TIME SCHEDULE. Taking effect November 25th, 1889. Traína ron by Standard Time. Qolng ynrth. i jj i4 I ll 11 STATIONS. 5 f a p. M. A. M. P.M. I P.M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 III 4 17 6 47 Dundee 10 18 12 20 4 35 7 0.1 Milán 9 58 12 04 (40 7 Hi Urania 45 11 S2 4 53 7 22 Piltítteld 9 34,1142 5 07 7 3! Aun Arlmr HSSiliai 5 S. 7 5(1 Leían ' 9 0Tll 15. 5 47 S(5 Whifnore I-ilko S 5.1 11 Oí r, í- 8 J6 íioweii s moas 7 15 ! X, Olirann 7 10 9 35 S 55 10 .Vil .. . Raíl Shí{'""W á rx 7 45 oí io 10 rrrrr. ..uoo.... í . k 4.-. llhaia.... ..... r M 7 U :o lj 12 4í Mi l'lonsant i :r. li 4.'. : 11 Cadillao 1 80 .... .. 4'i Oop iiii.-li 0 05 .. .5 40 Vr Kr.iiikl.m Lv 7 00 p. M. A. M. t y. Gomg Houth. Su lili L})ll lil-Hlirll. NORTI1 l'.OÜNIl. STATIONS. folJTII BOU Traiu 18 Train 17 AM. A. M. 0 (hi Lv Ann Arbur Ar 8 10 ií 4(i Wordene 7 :r, 1 ix Ar Sonth Lyon Lv 7 K II. W, AS11LKY, Hem-ml Murwe' A. .1. TAISliSV, QKO. 11. ÍIAZI.EWOOI), den'l. fit. Ü. Ticket Avent. Local Au nt Estáte r David Eaton. SrA'l'K OF Mirill'.iAN, ;ouuty of Waataiuiun At a ki:h1oii of the Probate Conrl tor the Cou. 'y al waahtanaw, tolden at the Proiat Oftlce. in ihe ('Itj ■ of Aun Arbor. 011 Thiiruday, MlnelefDlb duy of June, in tbc year 011c thoiirmid eielit iiincty. Present, i. Willard Buhbit!, Jadge 61 Probate. Ií. the matter of the tte eslale oT Char'es N. llaines dfceKïed. Edwanl Treadwi-U. Mie adniiu istrator of üd estáte, cumes inio cmirt aiid rtji-thuis, tbat he is DOW prepare'! to reader lila 13 nal accouutax sneb admiuiHtraior. Tbareopon it Is ordered, that Tuctdcj, the tweuty-üccond diiy of July next, at 10 o'cloik in the forenoon, bES88igfiod tor exhininiiii: Hnd alluwiug f uch account andthat the In irs at law pi Bid deoeasedf and all other persons intereyted in auid extate, ure reqnired to appear at a seseion Of faiil Cuurt, then to be holden at. the Probate Dftioe, In the city of Ann Arbor, iu eald t'ounty. aud ehow cause, it'any there be,why the said account hould not be allmved: And it is l'urthor ordered, that said jidininistrator give notice to the persons interested ingaid eytate.of thependency oí said account, and the hearing thereot, by causing a copjr of Ihls order to be publishcd in the Ann Arbur Courier, a newapaper printed and circulated in said county. three succesöive weeks previouu to Bátd day 01 hearine (Atruecopy.) J. WILLARD BABBITP, Judge ot Frobate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. Ksiaie of Willinm W. Dean. STATK OF MICU1UAN, Conmy of Washteuaw as. At a ses-ion ol the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in tbc city ot'Aim Arbor, on Monday. the nintli rtay oí June, in the year une thousnnd eiuht huudred and ninety. Preeent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judïe of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William W. Dean, deceased. flenry S. Dean, exeentor of the laat will and testninent ol suiri di'ceaaed, comea into court and n-preents thut lio is now prepared to render big ilnal account as auchexecutor. Tlierenpon it is ordered, that Frlday, the 27th ilny (.r Juin1 iiisrant at ten o'clock in the foreno'on be asslfined fur eXamlning and allowing such account and that the devíseos, legtteee and beln ut luw ofsakl deceased, and all othcr penosa Intereated in said estáte are nquired to appeur at a -.■i-iiiii olsaidUourt, then tobe holden at the Pro] buteOlllee iu the city of Ann Arbor, in said O'imty, I and show canse, Ifany there be, why the said account sbould rot be allowed. i And it is further ordered that said ex'Culor giv iiotice tu the persons interested in said cütati-, ol thi' peadenpy ot' eaid account and tu. hearing tliereof, by cuuaiii!; a copy o( thls order to be publii-lntl in tlie Ann Aroor Courier, a uewapaper prloted and circuliitinj; in eald county, two uccessivu weeks pn-vioua to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) J. W1LLAKD BABBITP. .Imlifu of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Rezister. Morlgage Sale. On Ihi'iüthdavof Febrnary, A. D., 1SÍM, Gottfrled 'ledele and Christlna B. Jedele, bis wilV, , ïiy nili:ntnie of mortgflgOi niortgajied to llcnrietta K. Ulaik'O", a executrix of the ettate of ! John J. Clarkson, deceaeed, of the city ol Jackiii, Michigan, all ihat ceriaiu pirce or parcel of luna íituute, ljing and beinj; In the townihip "( , Sharon, county ol Wahtenaw. and State ot Michi;nn, known and descrihed as followe, to-wit : The Bouthsast (iiüirior of the noitheast quarter of st-ct ion number twenty-flve (2öi, and in township nnnilier tliri'e. ïouth olran'c number three eaet, MichIgan. Thl mortKVe was, on the 28th day of Keb. rn -iiy. A. I , 1884, recorded in the office of the ; Ket'ia'er ofDeeds fir said Washtenaw County, in liber 57 of mortgtigee on page 510. Defaalt hus been made In the condiilorg of thi fililí mortgage. the papje itj now due, and uion the Bamo losrt i claimed tobe now due and uupafd tlio siim of-two rhousand and thirty fonr and 27-lfJU dollars i i?) hy the term thereof; and no -uir Of proceediog whatever, in law or cijuity, hs t e in commanced or had to recover the same or any jian tlicreof, or on said morrease. Notice is thorefora lieielu vi-n, that pnreunnt to law aml tlie tetma of aata marlgafre, the premlue abovt ihjlI in m id mortraee derib#d. or so nmch thcreii as ia iy be ï.i'ct .saiy for tii.-it parpose, will b 1 sold ut public iiuction, to the bgbest bidder, on tbe 25th day ofJuly, A. 1)., 1890, at eleven o'cl"-k in tbe forenoon of ibat day. at the west front door of the court. house, In the nty of Ann Artior, K'asbtenaw ('ounty, Mlchlcin, (that belne th bnll0iD2 In wbich tbe (rcini Conrt for iald Wa#htenaw County is holden) to latlafy tbe aincnmi ihendne on said in'irtKtge, the leeal cost aud cbargee of the Ibrecli iure umi tlie sale thertof. Dati rt April 30th, A. 1).. W.K). a. r. FREBMaN, Attornef for MoiteMMi IIENKIhTTA E. CLAKK8ON, l.-iTiilnx, etc. 11EAL ESTÁTE AND INSÜRANGE AGEN6Y. OF J. 0. A. SESSIONS lTTORNKT AND N'OTARY PUBLIC Reul Kstiiti' Hold or renleU and renu ooilected uu reasouable term. Xone but old unit iirst-elas Inanrance .'iHiipnnlcK repreyonteil - with iiiHiirutice -aptal ot $1O,OUO,IWO. Hates as luw as uny otlier nsnranoe cornpany aml loases prompt ly pald. otllce N.i. . Niirlli Muiu slreet, Auu Arbor. Micli.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier