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MASOHIC iinti toh. ASN A K1IOK COMM ANDERY. No. Wf moeiR flrst Tueatlay of ech nmnih. lï. P. WfttlS, E. C: John R. Miner, Reeorder. ffASHTSSAW CHAPTKR, No. 6, R A. M - Heeta rirst Monda; eaen nionth. L. 0 i ilricli, H. P.; Z. Hoatli. Secretury. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASKS OF TUK EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THSOAT. OrriCE AND RES1DEHCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Hoi;ns: ] to I, and i;:.1O to7:30 P. M. VOGEL &c IKIEIRlsr BIALKR IM ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, I.ard, etc. EVERVTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O i:. A ii 11 ni., Ann Arbor. W. W. MCIIOI-S DE1TTIST. RiMniis Orer Ann Arbor Siivinirs Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALXZED AZU A'itnintstercd. It ie agreeable and e&sy to takc, and no iro8trallng eilect follow. whlle teeth uru extractcd without pain. WKUL1AM IIERZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Hapering, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calciminlne, and work oí evcry description dono in the beet tyle, aud warraoted to givc eatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbor. O. JS&JlIZTTIX-, "DKAIjKR IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIG And Common CofBns. Calis attented to Day or Nlglit. Kmbalmlng a Bpecialty. ! room on K. Washington street. Besidence Cor. Liberty and Kiftn. ALMOND SKINNER B03B The only WILKES in Ann Arbor. By Ira Wllki-K (59W), :%. Slre of Jiul Wilkes (Byrs.) :t heata 2 :)0, SlStfJá, 2:25!4, the oldest colt tralned Own brolTier to Mlke Wllkes, 2:1.% and Adrián Wllkes. slre of Kox wllkea, 2:1'.% and l.lllan, 2:1IK. First dam liy Hambletonlan Ueorge, 2897, slre of Ed. Mack, Í.2CJÍ, etc. iSecond dara by Gen. Tavlor, innlinee. 2:37 in 1KGI. Son of Black Hawk 5; Tliird dam by Black Lion. Fourth dam Oinadian. Black horse, foaled 1888, 10 liaiuls. Slrong all arjjund and well flnlshad. Bm fine trottlne actlon. but prelers and Is rapid at the pace and wlll be tralned at (hut ghte aftisr July lNt. Trottliig bred Pacers are now leadinK tlieyoung. Sires.Sidney. 7 yr. wllh rln2:80. Hermil, (i yr. onelii2:27. Happy KuRsell, 5 yrs., lias one In 2:a% younÊesl slrc kuown; and othera eau named to show iliat the paos li necesaary to prodnoe faRt troiters. Maud B., 2:0SJi. Juy-Kye-See, -':l(i'4, and Siniol. -lu;;. are all natural DROer. Terms: Insure Í25. due Kei). Isi, 1881, or 810 down umi 515 when live houihI ooit Ih foaled. II is foals oí 1888 are trotters and every breeder shouhl eee tlicm. DK. I. A. IH'.I-I,, Veterinary Inflrmary, 24 W. Hurón st.. Aun Arlior. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BKBRYPLANTS, FBÜIT AND ORNAMENTAL THEEfi Pears and Grapevines a Spedalty! SYRÜPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrups of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Boneaettt Uandelion and KaRpbirry Wlnes uncí sbrubs. Sweet lied and White Coneord, and MarthaGrap Wlnes, especial ly prepared for Invallds. Order trees and planU early as we et most of tbem from the best Eastern Numerles. K.'K. WKNI' II I KO NTItKKT. S VThe Best and Purest Medicineg SL EVER MADE. II .ïtvllliMvcthoIIumnrf'romyniir I - iLjVtom a"1 "iake yur skinlll ll'ó ' L clean aml smooth. Thosil I % ♦Ék.Flmi)les and Blotohes Ka rj' '', .wiii-ii mar jma heautym n X.!-, .nk5W)1o"1' ai",', can, ljeIII I S h y B ïöma. lf yu arel I UI '-■, X % V % AM)lüotpu. ljSIn:tll-üiilyatca?;., eo ;- 11 ILpoouful. %c. %■ ■ II best and cheapeit} o $■. Vlll Blmedlclne. Try ft, anifOA - c.%„ I I vmt will I.C Bllllsflod. :%(f 4 Jvln JJ " Uet it of yoor Druggist. % rO " Q DON'tAVAIT. GliTITATONCEk i, SH IÍ tou are 6uffer!iiR from Kii II III nov I)l3ease, anil wish to live to III ola age, use SULPHIU BITTEKSTV II III Tliey never íail tu cuie. Ij Send 3 2ccnt stampa to A. 1'. (iiilway Co., I5u.-,tiii.MaB..for bc bt medical workpubllsbeuí lui íftííTiSrS w itlyyllillUi fliUA CAPITAL $50,000. SITEPLUS $7,000. Aflflitioiial Liatilities or Stockholflers $5O,OOO. Report of the condltlon of the FARMERS' AND MEC1IANICS' JiANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at ü:e close of business May 17, 1890. KKSOURCES. IXMins nnd dlseounts $ 220,490 02 .Stocks, honds, mortgages, etc 5",(i'I 51 Overdrufls 1,217 811 frorabanks in reserve clties.... 511,840 34 Furnltureand flxtures _ 3,0:0 00 Bills In transit 2.S.W 20 (ui rent expenses aud luxes pald... 1,119 11 [ntereat pald 2,052 4-2 Cbecks and oash Item 184 M Xii'Ui'lH and pemiles 145 89 Oolil &4UÖ 60 Sllver 2,107 55 U. S. and National IJauk Notes 8,444 w Total t S70.U2U 1! LIABILITIB8. Capital stock pald In S 50.000 00 Surplus fuud 7 500 00 Undlvlded proflts 8,45 ÍW Commercial deposlts 28s,Wtt 08 Savlngs deposita 3ti,877 26 Total f.!70,l20 19 STATE OK MK'HIUAN,) _ County of Waslut'naw, I I, FHKDERICK 11. BÉLSBR, CMbier, of the above nnined Bank, do Hok-miily swear that the above statement is true, to the bent of my kuowli'ilc nul belief. F. H. BEL8ER, Cashier. Bnbsorlbed and Bworn i bEdbre ne, tliis 27tli chiy of Muy, 1890. C. II. MA.NLY. Nolnry rublic. Corukct- Attest : ('lias. F.. Qreene, Ambrose Kearney, D. F, Sctiairer, Directora. mTpQrmPi1?' fi Monliíiiiiní' Punir havingdled thelr certlflcate wlth the State Banking Department are now authorlzcd to do business as a Savins Bank, aud Ín pursuance tliereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs department on all deposlts of SI and npwards, Interest paid June lHt aud D60. lsl, of each year. Tlie savlngs department Is open Saturday nlghts froin 7 until 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan Ín sumsof $23 to $.5,000 secured ly nneDcumbered real estáte or approved leoinil i'. DI 1 I.ITdltS H. i.Imii Kcmpf, 4'liaH. K. l.rri'iir, I". Itully, lll Kt-iirney, Wlll. ;. Stt-v.-iiM, W. F. HiTiildM , J. K. Itcul, .litini Hurjt, D. K. Scliairer. II. KKMFK, Ir-H. K. IHJKFV, Vlce-Pre. W. II. BKLüER, a-,lilrr THIS PAPER sa?íE Kcwspaper Advertislng Bureau (10 Spruca ■■■■■■■ %lg%W%mg tislnBContraot.smay HEUf VfiRIC he íiuwlo íor it tu II kll I UI1I


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