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Charles Hall lias returned home from the south. J. V. Denny s vUiting Rosa O. Colé on Geddes ave. Miss Mabelle Rundoljili has returned lióme to Toledo. Chas. P. Beckwlth of Church streef, is rlslting at Ionia. 1 Master Cari H&rrlmau is vititing friends in Cleveland, Ohlo. Miss Katic Ilaarer, of Owosso, Is vislting Mrs. C. Gwinner. M8. Barclay Mount Is visiting friends In New Boston, Mich. Ernest B. l'erry and wife have rcturned home to Bay City. Prof. Elliott Evans, of E. Iluron st. is visiting at Lockport, N'. Y. Prof. Ornn Cady is In Detroit attending the musical convention. Miss Pauline Kueblcr lias gone nround tlie lakes on a pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hule of Detroit are visitinfi at D. E. Winea. Mrs. Chas. H. Ludlow and son, Charles, are vUlting at John Moore's. A. J. Sawyer and f:iniily have gone to Cavanaugh Lake for the summer. Herbert Merrill of Saglnaw, is a guest at P. D. WoodrufT's on Forest ave. Miss Carrie B. PottPr of Detroit, is visiting the Miases Hutch on Iluron st. Lew H. Clement and wlfe are taking in the great musical event in Detroit. Prof. J. Taft, of the dental college has returned to Cincinnati for the summer. Miss Minnie Cowan, of Bacli, Abel & Co.'s, ia taking a two month's vacation. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooije have gone to Massachusetts visiting friends. Mrs. A. F. Gay and iamlly left Saturturday for Boston, Mass., to vlsit friends. Miss Mabel Gormely has returned from Uig Iiapids wliere slie has Leen teaching. Miss Grace Alvord of Battle Creek, is vlsiting frienda in the city for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt VanderVoort, of E. University ave., have gone to Lansing to live. Miss Nannie O. Lee of Buffalo, N. Y., is visitlng at John Ferdon's on Wasütenaw ave. Dr.W.II. Dorrance left for the Si.Clair flats last Friday to sample the fishing grounds. Mr. and Mrs. R. Waterman left for their animal sunimer stay at Pctoskey, Monday. Miss Minnie Reardon of Monroc st., is spending the sunimer at her former home, Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Moore expect to go to Cleaveland to-morrow for a few days sUy. Prof. Stanley is attending the national music teachers' convention at Detroit this week. Prof. John E:istwood and mother, Mrs. Nolson Eastwood, left for Charlevoix yesterday. Mra. Helen Truesdell and daujrhter, Daisj', liave gone to New Hampshire, for the suimner. John R. Rliner and fauiily leave thla week for their annunl encuinpmcnt at Silver Lake. Prof. O. V. Joiinson arrived in Queenstown, from New York, June 24, ifter a siz days' sail. Theobold Seyler oes to Waterloo, Ont„ to-morrow to reniain permanently witli son Jacob. Puris Banlield went to Port Huron yesterday to bring home tliat $100 K. O. T. M. han hit. Mrs. Olney and Miss Ellz: Ladd left yesterday for Charlevoix to remaln durin{ the suimner. Mrs. Annie Wood, of Pittsburgh, Pa., !s visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F. Nlchole, on N. Iugalls at. Prof. S. M. Dick nml wife, of E.University nve., have gone to Clyde, Ohio, to epend the summer. Miss Nelüe Loving, and Mrs. Dr. Porter, leavo to-morrow for Bay View to spend the summer. County Clerk Howlett and family eo to Cavanaugli Lake to-day for a stay of three or tour weeks. Mrs. Belle Mills nee AJexander of Chicago, is visiting her cousin Miss Louise Pond, on S. State st. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cady, of the 5th ward, left for Sault Ste. Marie S:iturday, to vislt their son WI11. Dr. Joseph Clarke, wife and son Ilarry, leave for Bay View to day to remaln during the summer. Miss Alice Porter leaves for Lansing tomorrovv. Lnter on slie will join lier raother at Bay View for the summer. Chas. Chadwlck and wife, of Ingalls st., liave gone to Chelsea for the summer. They expect to return In the f all. Begent Whitman went to Battle Creek Frlday, to deliver the graduatiiig address for the high school coinmeiicemeut. Win. H. Krapf is attending the Sous of Vets. encampment at Lunslng this week, as a delégate from the local camp. Mrs. Gardner Smith and daughter Miss Gurdner, have returned from Morristown, N. J.,aud are residingou Volland 8t. Mr. Adam D. öeyler and daughter, Beun, leare touiorrow morning for a few weeks stoy among friends in Ontario. Miss Harrll, who has been yisiting her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Heartlt-y, returned to her home at Fort Wayne, Ind., yesterday. Mrs. Richard Masón and family of Washtenaw ave., have gone to Gladstone, in the upper península for the summer. Mrs. Jas. Bnrns, of New York who WM called here by the death of her uncle Felix Donnelly, returned home last Friday. Mrs. F. M. Miller, of Alleghany, Pa., who lias been visiting lier mother Mis. Charlotte Colé, on Cliurdi M ., lias returncd home. Dr. M. C. Sheebnn, of ïthpemtrig, i? spending a few days in the city. " Doo." has a new daughter wliich hus come to bless bis home. Wells Wbitmore, wife and sister, of California, have been vlsitins relatives in the city the past week, and are in Ypsilanti with frienda now. Among the many pleasant visitors at the Courikr oilice List week wns Jas. N. UcBride, of Owosso, lit. class '8S. He ia making a success of life. Miss Hattie Nichols left Mondny evening for a trip to Plattsbarffh, N. Y., to reinain riuring the sumiller with fritinds among the Adirondack mountains. Prof. Lewis A. Uhoades and family left for Orchard Lake yesterday. They will go from there abont August lst for Gerinany, where they expect to remaln for two years. Miss Alta Parker, Mtes fimma Hayley, Misses Florence and Hattie Benham, Miss Anna Flynn, Mrs. M. Duke, Retine as chaperone, are all to visit Wliitmore Lake on the 4tb of July. Mayor Manly sttended the annual reunlon of the lat vol. Inft. at Saginaw Ia9t Thursday, and responded to the address of welcotne made by Mayor Weadock of the Consolidated Suginaws. Rev. Henry Golston arrived in the city lust Tbuwday, from Florida, to remain durinjf the suinmer, and perhaps permanenlly, ? the southern climate does not agree with Mrs. Geltton'a health. Louis J. Liesemer, editor of the Wasbteoaw Post, is to deliver nn oration at H.iline July 4th In both English and Germán. Air. Liesemer wis invitcd to dellver an address at Cleveland on the same day, but was obliged to decline on account of this prevlous engagement


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Ann Arbor Courier