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Dr. C. Mclane's Celebrated LIVER PILLS BBIÉB A few dcses faken at the rlgfit time will oflen save a severo speil of sickness. Prico only 25 cents at any drug store. Be sure and see that Dr! C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., Is on the box. Ñoño other is Genuine. Use IVORY POLISH for tho Tseth, PERTCME3 THH BltEATH. CARTER'Sl CURE Bick TTeadaeho and relievo all tho troiihlfls lnd dent to a bilioua etatoof tho system, such as Dizsincss, Nausea, Drowsiuoss, Dúitrfss uftor eating.Painia the Sido, &O. Whilo tlu-irnioflt reiiiarkablo succesa lias been shuwn iu curing SÏCK IToaaarlip., yet Cnrtor"s Llttlo Llver Pilla ara cqually valuablo in Conatipation, curinK and provrritiug thisannoylnKcoiuiïlaint.wJiilo thoy also correct alldisorders of Ihostoniach.stimulnto tho Üver and rcgulato tho bowole. Even if thoy only HEAD Acho tlicy wonld bo almofltpricoloss to thoso who eulTiT froni thistHstrossingcoiux)laiiit; btftfortuHately thcirgooclucasdoesziotendlicro.anJthoso ivhooncotry thcin will fliut thoso Httlo pillsvalnibleinBoraany waysthattUoy will not bo willing todo without Uiem. Bütaftor all eick hcad ACHE Is tbo bano of eo many livos that horo 1b whera votnako our great boast. Our pilla curo it whilo otherfl do not. Cartor's Littlo Eivcr Tllls aro very Rmnll and vory easy to tako. Ono or two pilla makoa dose. ïhey aro Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purpo, bnfby tlioir gentío action pleasoall who nwuem. Invial9at25cents; nvofor$l. Sold by druggista ovorywhore, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Havo CONSUMPTiON GOUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affecticn SCROFULA WastirtgofFlesli Of any Dtscise chere Vut ThrO(t and Lungt ora Inflamcd, Zach of Strcngth or Nerv IoweTt you can. be relievcd and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE CODLIVER OIL Wlth Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. AsJe for Srott't Emulsión, and let tu explanation or tolicitatlon induce you to accept a mbttitul, Sold by all Drugglsts. 8C0TT & BOWNE.Chomlste. N.Y. To cure Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver ComplaintB, tako the safo and ccitain remody, SIMITH'S ËILE BEANS Csc the Sil.41,1, Sire (40HttlcBeanstotho bottlc). TllEY AHE TUK MOST CONVENIENT. SuitaTlo tor 11 Ages. Price of citlior iz, 2.5e. per Itottlc. C1SSIÍG"7.I7.707ah?7pTe ■%■ Wwl IV %SMsiloJ fnr ets. (copper oriumpi). J.f.SMITH4.C0.5li,icrof-BILKBEANS,'SI. LOUIS MS. BHE Grain-Saving, Time-SaTing, Iioney-Saving Thresher of this day and age. JAS More Points of Exclusive J Superiority than all others Ld 3 VER Y Thresherman and Farmer is delighted with its marvelous work. aOT only Superior for all kinds of Grain, but the only euccessful handler of all Seeds. 3NTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 to 5 times that amount) rr.ade by extra Grain Saved. HORKMANSHIP, Material, and Finish beyond all comparison. QI B R A T O R owners get the best jobs and make the most n INCOMPARABLE for Simplicity, Efficiency, and DuraaEYOND all rivalry for Rapid Work, Perfect Cleaning, and for Saving Grain. QEQUIRES no attachments or rebuilding to change from Grain to Seeds. 0BROAD and ampie Warranty givcn on all our machincry. DRACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Power and Durability. 0UR Pamphlet giving full information, sent Free. It tells about this great 0EVOLUTION in Threshing Machinery. Send for pamphlet. Address ADVFQTiESiQ oro'hots.whov.ish texjmiM HUI til I !rfLll) thispapoi.orobtainestlmsles on advertising space when ín Chicago, v! find t on filo at 45 10 49 Randolph St„ Ann O TUAU1C theAdvotilingAeoncycf LUIflJ CC I HUMAdl


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