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While Rowing In The River Near

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Wa tor loo, Neb., on tlio 125tli i.lnuios Fairfax and Ida Uruce wore drowned. At St Loais on tho 26 th nine deaths from the heat and sixteen prostrations wero roported. At Jackson, Miss., on the 26th exStato TroHsurcr ITcminuway was found (fuilty of ombezzlement and sontonced to fivo years' imprisonmcnt Tuk National World's Fair Commission met in Chicago on tlie ütíth. Temporary odirers wen; chosen, and In the eveninf a Ua nquét was given tlio comraission at Uk! Palnier House. 'J'iik l'ottfcwattomio lndians in Kansas reoeived thelr huid in severalty and 8100,000 in money on the 36th. At Morris. 111., Charles Decker, a woalthy farmer, and his agod mother, were fatally bnaten by burlars on tho night of the 'Jüth. Hauby BofGHTox, of Catlin, 111., on tho 20th receivcd notico that he had fallen heir to $800,000 worth of property in New York City. Gra.i' morchants at Louisville stated on the SAth that the oats erop of Kentucky was a total failura lx a drunken fury at Kansas City on the 26th L. R. Meyors fatally woundod his unele, 15. Van Hom, and the latter's daughter. 'J'in: eighth annual convention of tho Travolers' lrotectlve Association in session on the 2llth at Denver olected T. S. McGreat, of St. Louis, as president. At Standing Rock, N. D., Rain-in-theFaue, the noted Sioux chief, ranking noxt to Sittinjf Buil in renown, wa3 fatally stabbod by bis wifo on the 26th. Jealousy was the cause. At Indianapolis on tho 26th a pistol in the pocket of a streot-car drlver was accidontally discharged, killing Thomas Liddy, a passenger. At Joliet, 111., threo Italian quarrytten named John Stanchor, Joseph Stancher and Michael Milausky were drowned on the 2Üth while bathing. There wero 178 business iailures in tbe United States during the seven days ended on tho 27th, against 184 tbe provious soven days. REroKTS of the 27 th f rom all th wheat-growing regions of Kansas were to the effect that the berry was plump and f uil. Tho yiold would be 15 per cent. above tho average for the last six years. A lakge class graduated on the 27tb from White"s Instituto at Wabash, Ind., tbo well-known Indian training school. The courso comprises three years, and about thirty Indian childron aro brought from the AVest each yoar. Two i,ittt,e girls were killed by a train at South Somerset, Mass., on the 27th, the eider losing her life in the attempt to save her younger sister. Fon the lifth consecutive time Yale defeated Harvard in tho four-mile boat-raco at Now London, Conn., on the 27th. Yale's time at the finish was 21:29, Harvard's 21:40. PüKSIDEXT llAHItlSON On tho 27tll proved the dopendent pension bill. W. II. IIammei. and wife, of Hutchinson, Kan., were burned to deatb on the 27th by the explosión of a gasoline stove. Mucil property was dnstroyed on the 27th by a tornado in the vieinity of Lowes, IC y., and one person was killed. The business portion of Carbon, VVy. T. , was burned on the '27th. Loss $100,OüO. with small Insurance. A cyci.onk passrd ovor the eastern end of Washington County, Wis., on the 27th. dbing graat damagfe to houses, barns and trees, while {jrowing crops we re leveled for miles. Ai.i, bpewéra and distillers in Baltimore, Md., were on the 27th indioted for violations f the higb-license law. 1'kiki: I!í:tii:s. of JolfersouVÜle, Ind., wlio was di-nyinji himself food because he was clfluilivi with the idea (bat his childrcn wcr.; starvinir, had reached the (iftictli d;iy of liis fast on tho '27th. Tiik strike on the Illinois Central railroad w;is aottlod on the nüi, the men havingoomo toi"i'ms witli thecomuany. The loss to üio railroad by the tive days' striki' was SSIH'.OOd. TilitKK bodies of women woro found on the 27th in the rivcr at Johnstown, Pa., near tho stone bridge. Ono was recogniz!d as the wife of II. J. Roberts, cashier of tho l'iist National liank, who, with his family. was drowned in tho flood. C. M. IIm.i.iiw.vv, agent for the Adair.s Express Co m pan y at Salem, O., skipped out on the 27th with 52,500 of the company's money. THESE were oleven deatbs from the heat in Si. Louis on the 27th, and in Chicago twenty-seven persons were prostrated and three diod. In Galesburg, La S;illc. Monticello and other towns in Illinois tho thormometer Tegistered 103 in tho shade and a number of peoplo wem fatal ly sun-struck. In lowa the heat was also intense and numerous fatalities were reporte!. The heat was general ihroughout the country. Tuf. National Association of Daughters of Veterans concluded its first annual convention on the 27th at Quincy, 111., Miss M. Hstella McMillan, of Massillón, O., belng olected president.


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