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Ho Told the Truth ! I was troubled wlth Llver Complaint for yeurs and suffered terrlbly. LHke, the druüjrist, advised me to tuke Sulpliur Bitters. I took three bottles mul now I a in a well man. - L. Fenner, Wftterbury, Conn. The wny to do a ftreat tlüng is never to neglec.t imy little thin!. Infernal Conld Rcarcely devise more excruclatlng tortures tliau those of wlilch you see the evldences In the face of a rheuraaticor neuralgic sufTerer. The agoules are thO consequeuce of not checking a rhenmatic or neuralglc altark at the outxet. IlosteUer'u Htomacb Jlltters has been found by gklllful medical practiouers to posseas not only remedial, but defenalveefflcacy, where tneso dlseaseü exlnu, or a tendency to them Is exhlblted. Suruly HiU puissunt but ttafe botanie medicine, bearitik'. too, Huch high speclñc Ranctlon, Ik better thaii the polxiiiH often ernployed, but roost unxafe. nolonly In contlDuance, but In lolated dones. Thu blood la depurated thorouglily from the rheumatlc Ylrus, and the nerves, sllghtly lmpurged upon, mived from iiltlniiitc and dlreful throes by thls beoigp, saving medicine, whlch llkewitie exhlblts iiuirktt.1 emcacy for malaria, kidney t-oinp lal nts, dyspepsla, constlpatlou aud Hvur coraplatnt. ÏTever to be in need is nevel' to be grateful. All cases of week or lame back, bAckaclie, rliciiiniitiMii. wlll tlnd relief by wearin one nf Carter's Smart Weeil and Belladonna Backache Plaster's. Prlce 25 cents. Try tbem.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier