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Bnbber Shoes nulos worn nncomfortably Usht, generalij slip off tho toet. THE "COLCHESTER" EUBBER CO. makp all thnlr fthocs wltti buido of heel HiknI with rubber. Thls clines to the shoe and prevcuu the rubber Lrom slipping off. Cali for tho Cotchesfor " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SAI.E BY WM. ALLABY, L, GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER &SON. ANS ABEOR. JVIACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratcs. Four Trips por Week Bétween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Ipn&ce, ChoboyRaii, Alpena, Harrisvillö Ocoda, Band Beaeh. Port HurOD, fit. Ciair, Oaki.ind Houtíe, Marine City, Every Week Day Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Tripa dunne July and Augual. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS liAtes and Excursión Tickets wil! bo f uruiahed by jour Ticket Affent, or addreaa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gon'l PM. Agrt, Detroit & Cleveland Steatn Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 'o. 4 South Main St., Ann Artoor. Theoldesi ageucy In the city. Rgtablisbed over a quartor of a ccutury ago. Kepresentlng the followiuK ilrsr -clji8 coupauie. uilli over ■),), ooo Capliaf mu! AáanU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CX)., of New Vork. NIAC1ARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAltD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVEHPOOL, LON1ION aud GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Ratea I.ow as tlie Iovost, J.osscs Liberally Ailjustt (1 and proinptly I'aid. C. IJ. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOP BATH BOOMS. EI WM and HOT BATOS ! ICE. JGE ICE. Keep COÓl (uring ilir, coming snminer by contract ing witli a. I '. II . fur ice ai the following rat es: 25 Ibs. daily, except Suaiiay, $4.00 por mo. " " 4 times a week, $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " ■i i, 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O s. jvr -A.i:cT st. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc,, in ,500 Ib. lols, 40c per hundred. Less quantily, 50c. Fargote Shoes Family V58{ "Box Tip" School Shoes ' Öls IUI UUJ HIIU w"i ?J%o. Heeled or Wed9e H9eL Ê ■SVyC&V Sta.-S-8tolOJ4 S1.25 Vy - TiP ito3 1.75 wBPíSS-iíS-' S!to 6M '-00 fÖ FARCO'S lft V $2.50 Calf Shoe AfjSav&K for Gentlemen, Lvjfli j CnciïUfücd by nny hIkh.' rMTÍfc7in América at the Paine BpY-i l HOF Jpiire. In t'oiiifrc, lïutiXJ '-ifa-; iiii'i ion and f. act'. Meu'sanil CtTl FARCO'S #$2B50LADIES'BOOT f OJE, x Dongola or Coat, Button, l jXv?e v Opera, or Common Sense. f%fSi e Tnckless :iud Flexible. f 2ÖU I AS-&í WaiTanted tho most V. t'llllVY-!t1 !h nd sin ! JSiisDUíií'j.,,1,.QLu1esa,1,i_,i.,.! OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. ' Ask j-our dealer for Fnreo'K Shor. Uhedawuot ';■ l tluui st'nd to na aiitl wo will furnish vou i i iwiptof prit-e. Sendpostalfuraewri;,::-: C. H. FABOKJ & CO., Chicago. 111. DOTY & FEINER, lAGENTS, - ANN ABBOE. Insurance, Eeal Estáte iti lm Agencj OI-' HAMILT0N_ GEEEN. OFFICES : N0. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIKST 11. OOK. ParUes deelrlng to boy or sel! Real Rstate wüi tiiid it. lo thelr advontaflo tooall on aft. Wc represent tbe followlog drut-olana Km 1 risurjinci' ( ■nnp:iiiics. liaving aud agrt'sute capitul of over 8.D0O,(X) : The (irniid llnpiil Vtro Ins. '., The o'iio FaniifTM Iiim, Ni., (liiHiirpH on y dwelllnc)i Tho (-rrituui Fir Iiim. CO , The Peyplg Pire in. 'o , The Cltizen's Flr in. ., The Westctoesie Pire ln. .. The Mllwaiikci' :tl-flianir.s' Kire Iiim. ■., TIn' IfamiiNhiro ï'"ir' In. OAf Tlic orthwcstcrn Hit In. Co. listes Low. Losses liborally ailjusteri and pniil promptly. v :ilso issue Lift and Investmenl Follóle lo the l.'oun. Mutual Life Insurance Oompariy, Asst'i.s Só5,ouo,iO0. Persona deslrlng Acciílcn!. Insurance, ran have vearly Pollclea wrttten for (heiu tr Traveler'a Ooupon InsuianO6 Tickets issnt'd 8t low rates in tlieSr:mdard Aooldent [nsuranoe Company "i Detrol t, M lob. Moncy to loan al onrreni raten Oítiee houis from 8 n. ín. to 12 m. unil 2 to 5 HAMILTON & CREEN. GET TKE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. SiïCtirHy held for the protectlon of the iiy hoïders. CHRISTIAN MACK Rapreunta 'ho followlnc Brst-clw companteí, ol which orn;, the Etna, linp alone iail (66,000,000 Ore lowsee in slxty-üve yeare : iEtna. of Hartford $ !l,r.v.',r, 1 1 Franklm o f PblladelphU 3,1X8,718 Germán la, N. T 2,700,729 iteniian American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assiiriinre, Lonilon. . . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 27,608 N. Y. tJnderwiitera, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Hartford 1,774,506 l'hcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 ] T.nsfit-s Hberally adjustcil nnd promptly patd. ' Policies issued at the loweat rates of premium. llidtf 1


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