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Michigan CTentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time tablc taking effect May 18. IKW) CHICAGO TO DETROIT. ü .1 ■ ■ J . P . , . . -j -11 ■_ ._ 2ü _ Í_ i_ ül 22 A.M. A.M. PM P.X. P. M. F.M. A.M. A.X. Ch'oLv 7 05 9 00 12 21 3 10 9 00 10 10 Kala'oll4G 2 17 855 700118 3.')' 7 11) Jacks' n 3 (ifl 4 23 5 30 8 47 3 35 0 05 5 00 9 49 l'hclHoa -102 7IJ7 6 43 IJ 31 Dexter.. 4 18 7 2:) 5 56 1". M.P. M. P.M. P. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Ann'r 4 45, 5 3 B 2 45 4 5i 7 45 BHlllOO rwll'Ü 5 02 5 47 9 56 5 13 8 fi Bid' 11 18 5Z7 833 49 De'i Ar 6 15 G 45 7 30 10 45 6 2 9 2-J 7 IJO 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. A.M P. M.lP.M. AM. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... Lv 9 05 7 50 120 4 45 9 25 9 15 55.5 WayncJnnc. 10 00 954 688 Ypallaatl.... 1M22 8 43 205 547 1015 700 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. .M. P.M.IF.Sf. Ann-Arbor... 10 37 8 5a 217 55S 10 19 10 30 7 lti Dexter 110' I 7 35 Chelsea 1113 622.... 7 48 Jackson 1155 10 00 317 6 55 11 15 11 45 8 80 Knlamazoo.. 188 1311 508 9:10 1255 217 6 00 Chicago.. .Ar 7 55 4 15 W 0U 4 5'J 8 05 11 20 O. W. RUGGLES, B. W. DAYKS, G. P. T. Agent, Chicaao. Atrt., Aun Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Mlcliiftan Itailway. T1MK SCHEDULB. Tiiking eftect November 25tli, 1889. Trains rnn by Standard Time. Oolng North. M5? ?S STATIONS. 5 5 g. ! I. M. A. M. V. .r. M. :i 25 6 o Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 (47 Duudee 10 18 12 80 4 ft 7 03 Mllan J 58 12 04 I lê T ïti Urania 9 45 11 ÍS 1 m 7 22 Pittilield 9 3411 ! 5 (V7 7 83 Ann Arbor Sïill 531 7 5(1 Iolanri OT] 1 1 ](i 5 47 8 I'S Whitmoro Luto H 55 11 I 6 i S !:'. Howell 8 t 7 15 !) S5 Dnrand 7 10 9 iB S ft5 KI 5r Bant BaglOHW. á 55 7 45 s on,! i rr ..uwiwmi r.... 5 ns 9 0711141 Ilhaia r :;i 760 0 15124.1 Ml Plataan I 3'. G 4fi i 3 Ki nndlllac m 30 .... .ii ('op nii.-h 115 . .1 B 40 Ar 1-r.iikh.rt l.v 7 'M iv y.r. m.I a. M. . loing South. Soul Ii l,yn l'.ruiK li. noí'.tii nollNn. STATKINH. POUTH hui m. Train 18 Train 17 A M. . M. G ll I,v Aun Arlinr Ar 8 ir. B 4!l VViirdciiH 7 :i.' 7 (XI Ar South Ljon I-v 7 IS H. W. AS11LEY, enoral Hmtr A. .1. I'AISI.BY, GKO. 11. 11AZ1.KW0OD. Gen'L PaK. & Ticket Airent. Ical Ant-ot. Estáte orciinrlcs X. li alnos. STATE UK MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw t. A; a susKion of the Probate Court liir the Con; :y ni Washteuaw, buldvu at the Prohatji Office, io the Cltyol' Ann Arhor. on Thnnday, the ntneteentb (iay of June, iu Mie year one thousand elabt ■'! iui] niucty. Presest, S, Wiliard Habbitt, Jndgc ol Probate. liuhi" matter of the the estáte n! Chiir'e N. Iluiiius deceased. Edward Treadwell. Iba wlnilu letrator of satd eetate, comofl into court aij'l repreaenta, thal he la imw prepare] to ruuder lila ün:il accoaataaanch administraior. T&erenpon it is ordered, that T"isd;:y, tho Iwenty-eecond day of July next. at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon, beatsalgBOd lor ezaminlns nd allwiog sneb accooot and fhat lh h.irs at law of wild decoaaed, and all other persons interewtud in awid estáte, ure required to appeiir at a seeion ol haiii COnrt, then to be holden at the Probate (itlire. In the city of Ann Arbor, in fald Conoly, and show caue, ir aiiy tluMe le, wl;y the öaid account Bhould not be allntd: And it i further ordered. th:it said ndrnii.ii-tratorgive notice to the persone uüerestedinsald estate.ol thependency ofsaid account, and the hearing thereoi, ly causing a copy of thls order to be pnbllshcd íd the Aun Arlxir Courier, a newspnner printed and circulated in said coiinty. three snccessive weeks previous to s:ti 1 day ol heariuL (Atriiecopy.) J. WILLARD BABBITT, -hiilu'e ol l'robate. IVM. G. DOTY. Probate Register. Estáte of TVIIHam W. Dean. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ■. At a sotaron of the Probati; Court for the Connty of Washunaw, holden at the l'robate ofllrc in tlie city ol Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the ninth day of June in the year onc thousand eight hundred and nlnety. Present, J. Wtllard Bubbitt, .Judco oí Probate. In the matter or the estáte of William V. Dean, deoeased. Henry S. Dean, ejecutor of tbe last will and tesiament of said deceased, comes into court and represents that he is now prenared lo render his ilnal account ai suchezecntor. Tharenpon it is ordered, that Friday, the 27th day c;f June instant at ten oVlock in the foreuoon be assincd for examtnin and allowinj? such account and that the devieees, legatees and tt-law of faid deceased, and all otbur persoun iiiNTfsttid insaidestatcarerequiredto appear al a gession of said Court, then tobe holden at the I'robata offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, ;u,d shuw canse, ff any there be, why the said account ühoultl not be allowed. And it Is further ordered that said ereentor give notice to the persons interested in iild esiate, of the in'iidency of said account and tbe hearing thereof, l'y cauflliis a copy of tliis order to bc pnblishi'd in tbe Ann Aroor Vourier, a newspaper prlntad and circulating in said county, two succesvlve weeks preMou to aaid day of hearine. (A truc copy.) J. WILLAKD BABBITr. Jndge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Kecistcr. Morf gage Sale. On Ilic 2Gth day of Febrnary, A. D., 181, Gottfried .Itdole and Christlna B. .ledele, his wife, by indenture of mortgage, mortgaged to Henrletta B. Olarkson, as fiecntrix of the cstJite of Jobn J. Clarluaii deceased, of the city ol Jackson, Michigan, all ihat ccrtaln piece or parcel of land BituatR, l)ing and belng in the township of Shtiron, coanty ol Wahtcuaw. and State ol Micliiu'jid, known and rtescribed as follows, to-wit : The lOntheaBt quarlerof the northeast quarler ol secilonnuinbertwenty-Bve (23), and in township inmit)er three, soutb of range number thre e.inr, Mich - Igan. Thil mortgage was, on the '"th dy of Keiv. ru:irv, A. D , 1884. recorded iu the offlce of the Register of Deeds for satd Waehtenaw Couuty, In libero" of mortgigee ou pogeSlU. Default has been made in the conditions of thls Bsld mort gage, the same is now due, and upon Ihe saine ihere is claimed to be now duc and unpaid Un: siiin "t lwo inoaguid and thirty four and 27-100 dnllurs ($!2U.'M.2T) by the tcnns thereof; and no mil M proceadlng muterer, in law nr cquliy, lia nameneed or had to recover the same r niiy p:j ihiToi't', or on 5aid mortaue. Notlcc ia tlu'rwore heteliv ííivrn, that piireutnit to law and tli,' terina oí aald mongige, the premlae abow and in s id morAíre decrlbed. or so much tlureDl s m i.y tic ueceeaarv i'or timt parpóse, wlll t soldat public aoctloD. to the blaesl bidder, on Ihi ÜStb il.iy nf.liry, A. !., lSiK). al ,-h'v,'n o'clcick n toe Corenoon of that day. ai the wl front door 'f tha conrt. lioiifte, in the city of Ann Arhor, Waohtonáw lociity, Micbigin, ('bat beins tbe l)uil!iin_' i ti whicli the Circuit Oi.urtfor snid Washleuaw ConntJ is hulden) tu iatlífy the amonnt itieu (int; on siid m tihl.'"'. leffül coti and Cbkriiefl of tbc tereclosöre and the eale thervol'. Dated April :juih, A. D., it. A. I'. PKEKMAN, Attiiriioy Tor HortMna, llHNiahTTA K. CLAhKSON, Kxeculrix, etc. BEAL ESTÁTE INSÜRANei" AGEN6Y. OF J. Q. A. SESSIONS. A.TTORNEY AND NOTAR Y PUBLIC Kenl Gxtate sold or rented and ren In ool[ected on reasouable terms. Nonf hut old and rtrst-olftsK Insurance Joinpaules represented - with insuraiice captal of $10,U00,u(Xl. Untes as low as any otber nan ranee company and losses promptfy pald. Oftlce Nu. 5 Ni)rlli Main treet, Ana Arbor, Micb.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier