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Cherries are almost a total failure. W. H. Crawford, aa old resident of Ypsilanti, died July 2d. The Wliitmore Lake hotels report good business this year, and are in ilne shape therefor. The whortleljprry erop 3 to b a nice one this year. The berries are plentiful aml very larj;e. Mrs. Mt'lissa Van Duyne, igeil 80 year?, died ou Öunday, May 30, at her liome on Congress st., Ypsilanti. Wm. Bullard, the leader of the South Lyon band is only 19 years old, and siid to be a very successful leader. Luke Reilley, ot Chelsen, h is been appoiuted aid-decamp by Comm:inder-iuJliief H. A. Alger of the G. A. R. Accidenta at the So. Lyon Furnlture factory all happen on Friday. On a recent Friday two men each lost a flnger Justice Josb'n of Ypsilanti sent Katie Krutrufl'to the Detroit House of Correction for CO days last Thursday, for being adisorderly. Mrs. Maria Wood, of Lodi, is 93 years old, but reeently rode seven miles to attend the funeral of an old friend, and is quite bale and hearty. Among the many attractlons a correspondent enumerates for North Lake as a summer resort, aretlie pretty waitergirls. But how about tlie hasli ? The Chelsea band thnt discouvsed muslo for Dexter's 4lh of July celebration, is a good onc, and made a good record ior tself at the time. When Prof. D. A. Springer returned to Ypsilanti with his bride recently, the Normal boys 100 stronjr, uiibltohed tlie horses from tlie hack and drcw thctn u to their home. A spree cost Win. Premiss, r,f Nortlifield $42 recently. He look another mau's rig at South Lyon and drove a-ound t e country in a vain desire to ti ml his way home. A case of hydrophobia in a dojL reported Tuesday on our slrecis. The animal was killed. It would be well to look to those animáis during tlie heatod weather. - Northvllle Record. Elam Worden had some sixty bushels of wheat stolen from his ffeijrlit-boiue at the depot iu Worden, recently. Jle traeed the same to the South Lyon elev.itor, and knows the parties taking it. Spring crops are looking fi ie and n drive through the sdjoinlug countiy wil] surely convince the most skeptical that this purtof fllichigaii is truly some of "God's country." - Observer. Over 5,000 cabbage planta have been set at the poultiy farm, largely upon around from wliich etrawberrles have been harvested, tbna sicnring two cropa from the ground. - O'jSL-rver. The Belleville High School closed lts work for theyuar last Fiid:iy niglit. The graduating class numbered Iburteen, and the exercises were {rood. The historian recorded the extreme ai;es of class as 1-1 and 19. - Ypsilantlan. A sort of minute miggot is said to be working in the blooming heads of clover, dairiüging it consl lerible in sime sectlous. Truly the farmers' and fruit growers' insect foes grow more nuuierous each year.- S.iline Observer. It is s:üd tliat the wool erop of Michigan will be laiger tliis season than lust, therc beinr more sheep in the state today than ever belore and the .ze of the ftVecea is incieaaing; this is due to the better breeding of shcep. Farmers grow larger sheep and fiier wooled ones than they dld fürmerly. - Brighton Citizen. Ahout lifty farmers took advantage of the tree ride to the ]tt8 farm last Saturtl;iy, aud Vlewed Mr. Lett'ó wheat where he liad used the liomestead fertilizar. All who saw it were surprised at the differunce it made on the wheat, and agreed that the Hotnestead fertilizer was just nbout the rijtht thing. - Ctwlsea Herald. R lilroad ComuiUsloner Itleli recently took a walk over the road-bed in question In the abandonment proceedinga begun by the Toledo road, between here and Leiand. II gave special nttention, t is sukl, to the dilat)id:ited condition of lts fences. Should he be noniinated for governor, as he liopea to be, it wlll be quite essential to a full vote in his favor ia this section, that he shall havo sliown some dotermination to staud by the interosts of the people who contributed so lurgely towards the building of this road.- 3o. Lyon Picket. Articles of ssociation of the Fairchild Packinjí and Provisión Co., of Ypsilanti, l.ive been filed vvith the county clerk. The capital stock is $12,000, divided into 1,200 sharea of $10 each, all paid in. The stockholders are Carlos V. Ohilds 10 sliares; Harrison Fairchllds, 450 sharea ; Brooka B. Hazleton 740 shares. The business to be carrled on is that of " buying and selling live stock, dealing in fresh iiid salt meats, packing, curing and bandling meats and otber provislous, and dealing in other things connected with such liusiiiefS." Tlie 4:h of July celebration at Dexter was a success in every way. The crowd w:is not as larjje, perhaps, as former celibratlons have cal led out, but was plenty larje enough. The day was beautitul. Just ooi enough to bo pleasant. All of the exercises went off without a break, ind uiany of the atternoon sports were very entertainiiiK to the crowd. The oratloq by Hou. T. J. McDonald, of Toledo, was pronouríced M line an effort as was sver heurd in Dexter, everyone being oud in their praise thereof. In theevenng the grand display of flre works :lised the day's festiyilitles in a delightul nianner. S mie of the younger people danced iintil way into the 5th, however.


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