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DRESSMAKINQ t lióme or by the d.iy. Inquire al No. 31 E. Liberty St. 16 NOTICE- For Reut,- liarn and Oarringe House, at 43 E. Washington st. EnqaUe on the premtRcs. T) ANTED- Kor Iwo ladies by the eronil i week In September, milte o! fuinishiMl rooms wlth lurnaco-hnal, Inratinn lo be near High School and Unlverslty. Hounl In the game boass dwlrrd. Aildrcss Immediutely, ' ROOMS," [COUBIEB offlOS. WA NTKD- Evrry One l kuow thal I have op6oed hu ofllct1 to meet any ona who dealrea tb lovetti in Life Iniuirance, or to tuke out a policy for protection uralnst iidvtri[y in time of nocil. Olflce No. 1, Hninilion bloek, McCUBDY (.'. Lm BEAU. Agent National Lítelos Co. EÖRSALE. - A modern house. In a very dcsirablu locatlou. Inquire al 37 Washtenaw Ave. GIKL By July 7th, to do general housework lnasmall farally - gooü salury. Inquire at No. 79 Washtunaw ave, FOK SALK OU RENT-Several eood lionst's In central part of city. One Wrll adapted for stadents' society house. Emqulre of J. Q. A. sossinus, Atty., No. 5 N, .Mitin St. RKMOVED- Frora Warster Kern's on Detroit st. to FourMi St, over Allnaen(tinger & Soabolt's, where I am prepared lo do all kinds of carrlaee patntlng. 26 I. C. HANDY. S ALKSMAN. -An energetic man wanted to push our manufactures on thls gronnd. One of our agent# earned $5,200 in v. Address, P. O. Box 1371, New York. 15 17OR SALE- Two flrst-class city lots. on . NorthPontlac8t.,frontlngon iwostreets, i x lti roda. A flne-bred Jersey Heifer, new milch, three years old, about 8oO lbs. welght, an extra milker, genlle and kind, and In every way a good one. A good famlly pony, (,'OihI traveler, without a blemlsh orfaultaud capableof makiug a long day's drive; also covered carriage, open buggy, clipper feed cutter, a good cutter, single uarness, a good oultlvator, whlflle-trees, tugs, etc, and other barn implemenls too numerous to raentlon. Enquire of J. B. SAUNDERS, at his resldence or at the Coubier olflce.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier