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A Word About Our Public Library

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J. T. Jacobs lias prcsented to the High school library that beautiful book "Alieh igan at Gettysburg." Within a lew months past Mr. G. C Mahon presented to the library 12 volumes of nii'cellaneous books. Dr. S. A. Jones, 24 volumes of "B:ogra hles of Great English Writers." Rev. J. Sonderland, "What is ihe Bible?" and '"The Liberal CbrUtian Ministry." Mr. Torajiro Mogi, his book ou "Capital PunUliinent." Mr. A. A. Crnzicr, his "Modifloittlon of l'lants by Climate." Mr. Willis J. Abboit'd "B:ittle Fields of '01" . lias beeu added to his formcr t ooks "Blue Jackets of '7G, 1812and 'ö!,'" whicli are now all in the libraiy. The Librarían will be in attendance durinjï the vncation each Wednesday from i to tí o'clock p. m. It might be well to state that this is a public library and all resideno have a right to draw books therefrom. A iiew slab stone walk ia belng laid m front of Martin Haller's store on S. M:tin Street. Only two birtlis reported from tlie town of Salem last year. Wlist'í tlie m:itter with Salera? Tlie infantdaughterof Hugli and Martha Smitli, ot the 3J ward, died Sunday, of erysipelas. Adam Schauer, of Ypsilanti, lias been bound over to the Circuit court in the sum of $300 for keeping bU saloon ojien after hour-i. A new concrete walk on tbe east side of llie Cook house block is being put down. It will be a grand improveinent íor pedestrians in llut vicinily. The opening of a niht blooming cereus at tbfi residence of Miss Carrie Norton, oo E. Aun st., last evuning witnessed by a number of her ne igbbors. Margaret A., daughter of David and Allce Taylor of the 5th ward, died Monday, Jaly 7tli, nged 10 years, of consumption. Funeral to-day rrem I he A. M. E churcli. M. M. Grecn is havinjr a new 10 'oot concrete walk put down on both sides of hls livery stuble. This, togetlier with hi elegant new tiacks, will uiake thiugs pretty fine for bis establishment. A canviiss among the wool buyera here ludientes that the erop is pretty well snld in tbis vicinity. The different buyers here have bought the following amountir: Helnzmann & LAubengayer 45 (KH) Keinpf t Lelunct 38.000 Mack feSchinid Í5ÍC00 Stabler & Schmld 30,000 118,000 Turner & O'Brlen is the name of a new firm engagfd In the plamblng büffneH, Quincy A. Turner and John O'Brien, (llie bitter of whoin was with John W. liunt for a nuinber of years), belng the ineinbers Ihen-of. They have renled half of the ftore on VV. Iluron st., next to Henry Mattlicws maiket, and are ready for business. The Sundny cliool picnic of tlie Bcthleheni chuicli at W'hitmore Like last week was a grand success. Mr. Spring, the superintendent, kept the best of order. No accident, nothing but barmony and a full mcamre of t njoyinent. The joung ladles of the society luid prepared so many good thinjrs and so cheaply that xcursionists need not carry any b skets with tb m in future. Adilresseg weie made by Ilev. Mr. Ni'umanii.liev. Mr. Schwelnfurth and Prof. E. B;iur. Rev. Mr. Ncumann isa very popuUr and biiccesslul pastor. Both h is chureb and Snndny school are ttlled to overllowing every Sunday. Warren Hallpck, son ol Mr imd Mrs. James H. Ilallcck of Thompson st., was drowned at Holly Ia3t Sanday, while out sniling on Busll Lake. He was in a bont with two othf r boys wlicn it CftMlsed. The otber two clung to the bont and wrre ret-cueri. Deceased was a young man 20 yeais old, was a gradúate of the Ann Arhor hi;h school, and had taken one yer in the Univtrsity. He was a very brijrht boy. His remanís ere brouglit to tilla clly for iiiterinifiit Monilav, and 1'iiDeral seivices were held trom the family residence on Tiiompjjon st. last BTHoIng; at 7 o'clock. Tlie family have the deep sympathy of the community.


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